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  1. B

    Your Ideal WDW Job

    That's a good job also. Get paid to help improve the quality of the parks. I'm good at being nit picky!
  2. B

    Disturbing picture

    My only question is: Who's woody is that? :D
  3. B

    Bionicle: The Ride

    But wouldn't the ride go into Lego Land in California with the other Bionicle attractions/shows?
  4. B

    MK Cinema getting talking Mickey!!

    I wonder if it will beg for toys and such just like the little tikes! :lol: It would be fun to figure out a way to trigger the Mickey at the wrong times to say various things. You could "mess" with people's mickeys and get them all confused :goodnevil
  5. B

    New resort around 7 seas lagoon??

    I too recall seeing plans for a european / italian type resort on that spot. It might have been somewhere on this site that had diagrams and concept art work for the place.
  6. B

    Your Ideal WDW Job

    Acutally I would change my ideal job from what I stated above. I would really like to be incharge of the entire park so I could decide how to expand it and to make sure it stays top notch! Also, then I could do whatever I wanted.:D
  7. B

    Your Ideal WDW Job

    I want to be a lumberjack! Oh wait, that's a different answer. :) I would want to be the guy controlling the talking/walking trash can! I would NOT want to work on It's a Small World! Imagine hearing that all day :hammer:
  8. B

    WDW circa 1990 (Caution: Heavy Graphics!!)

    I'll try to dig up my old pics also and scan them in. I have a few hundred (scares me to think what mom & dad spent to develope all those Discs. rembember the ol' Kodak Disc cameras???) I seem to recall on our behind the scenes tour for us kids (I was 12 at the time) having pictures of some...
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    Roaming Garbage Can In Tomorrowland

    That's the place! Oh the memory's !! :)
  10. B

    Roaming Garbage Can In Tomorrowland

    The first time we saw the "can" was in AK back in Nov 2001. It was in the kids area with petting zoo that you get to by taking the train(sorry I don't remember the area name). The kids were all amazed at it and thought it was the coolest thing. The CM controlling it was standing in tourist...
  11. B

    Eisner at MK

    Are you talking about the 20,000 leagues under the sea site?
  12. B

    Perhaps Another Disney Park

    Yes, but after visiting DCA, I wouldn't pay even near $1.2 Billion. I think DCA was a big bust with the exception of a few rides. I hope Disney does better planning for any future parks and takes DCA as a lesson learned.
  13. B

    Could anyone imagine a world without Disney?

    I'm with Corrus. We will just build and fix up the old park ourselves! It was a rather dark thought I had :fork:
  14. B

    Mystery Building

    I just hope its targeted to the the under 18 crowd. I've heard survey's indicate that guest would prefer it to be less "traditional Disney" because of all the failure previous Disney parks and attractions have had :lookaroun and to have instead a roller coaster. :D
  15. B

    Perhaps Another Disney Park

    My thoughts about the negative impact of the economy on building a park. 1.) Parks take years to plan and build. Downturns in the economy happen from time to time, and if you start building only during good times, potentially when a park opens, it maybe during a bad down turn in the economy...
  16. B

    Could anyone imagine a world without Disney?

    Just for a moment, think of a worst case scenario where someday(not now or the near term, but someday) imagine that Disney goes belly up, parks close, no more mickey. :cry: Could you imagine driving by where WDW (was) and seeing a run down abandonded park with weeds and 1/2 broken down...
  17. B

    Okay, how about wedding anniversaries?

    Wife and I were VERY lucky on our honeymoon at Wilderness Lodge back in 1994, when WL was fairly new. We booked a regular room, but when we arrived to check in, they were "full" already so they "had" to put us in the presidential suite. No complaints from us. The suite was not a bad room(s)...
  18. B

    Living Seas

    I would hope they didn't kill off or go to the expense of moving all the fishes.
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