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  1. W

    Anger towards Six Flags

    Got back last week from WDW with a stop to Universal and IOA. Universal's fastpass clone works similar to Disney's, but they also have a version for their resort guests (not sure how it works) AND one for $25 that in effect gives you an immediate fastpass for every ride (once only). We used it...
  2. W

    favorite Disney site (except this one)

    Not a site per se. but I enjoy listening to the Disney Music on Live365, especially theme park loops on Florida Project Radio.
  3. W

    Another WDW Message Board

    Interesting that the OP did not mention the DIS discusion boards. I go on both almost everyday - since my trip is in about two weeks. Just curious - do people on WDWMAGIC tend to avoid DIS, or do people check out both. My impression is that WDWMAGIC is easier to navigate - the threads stay...
  4. W

    take some time off the parks...RIDE A BOAT

    Great post! We rented a pontoon boat on two of our vistis and both times it was a real special part of the vacation. Bay Lake and Seven Seas Lagoon are huge, the scenery is great, going over the water bridge is interesting (it took me forever to explain to my kids just what a water bridge...
  5. W

    Animal Kingdom Lodge two thumbs down

    Erika's analogy about this thread being like a freak accident is very appropriate. There have been over 1800 views - with only 80 posts - in less than two days. That could be a record. I doubt CoraJack is going to post a response - and she may be done with these boards entirely. I still...
  6. W

    Animal Kingdom Lodge two thumbs down

    Since her posts were deleted before I got to read them all, I didn't realize CoraJack had been abusive in her responses to your comments (and maybe others). No question she misinterpreted and/or overreacted (except for the repsonse by one person regarding crying). Just trying to see her...
  7. W

    Animal Kingdom Lodge two thumbs down

    CoraJack says she goes to WDW twice a year, and I think this dates back many years. I guess another way to look at it is eventually you're bound to have a bad experience, no matter how great a place is. That doesn't help at the time - especially at a deluxe resort that she probably sacrificed...
  8. W

    Failed AK ride?

    We rode these boats in the summer of 1998, the year AK opened. I'm sure it was a round trip, and that there was at least one other dock. The guide was very good, but the most common phrase was "there's where we saw (name of animal) but it isn't there right now." (I've got some videotape of...
  9. W

    Top 30 Parks

    It's based on attendance figures in 2002 (though I didn't think Disney released attendance figures.)
  10. W

    Advantages of a SUMMER Trip to WDW

    1. Almost forces you to walk slowly, and therefore you see details that you miss running from attraction to attraction. 2. More incentive to go early in the day - it's cooler and the lines are shorter. 3. Afternoon breaks at the hotel somehow are even more refreshing.
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    August Role Call

  12. W

    July role call

    7/31-8/6. By the way, WendyDarling posted her trip as 7/1-8/10. Was that a typo - or are you really going for six weeks?
  13. W

    Military Discounts

    I emailed Disney a few weeks ago expressing disapointment that the latest military discount offer did not extend to our allies in England and other countries. I received a response via email and a request for phone number where a representative could talk to me. I gave them my work number and...
  14. W

    Refrigerators in Resort Hotels

    I never realized that small refrigerators had become so cheap. Disney is clearly overcharging for them - at that price they ought to be standard in the deluxe resorts and no more than $5 per day at the moderates. I realize they probably break down failrly quickly, but again at $50-$75 each...
  15. W

    Where'd the Magic Go ???

    I envy you - seeing your child's reaction for the first time. Our first time at WDW was so long ago, the memory starts to fade, but my daughter's expression (3 years old at the time) seeing Minnie Mouse is burned on my mind. Have a great trip!
  16. W

    American Adventure

    Is the American Adventure movie available on the WDWMAGIC site (I couldn't find it)? Or on the IRC site? Or on Digital-Disney? Thanks.
  17. W

    Shocking Experiences In WDW!

    Maybe it was the same Minnie Mouse CM; once at GF (1900 Park Fair) Minnie patted my rear as I was leaving. Of course no one in my family saw it and they all thought I was making it up.
  18. W

    Is the Grand Floridian worth

    We've stayed at GF three times and loved it. We also liked the BC the two times we were there. I think they are worth the money for the rooms relative to the overall atmosphere (I suspect BW is the same, though we've not stayed their). This year we're staying at the Swan becuase our kids are...
  19. W

    Decided on the Swan

    In a few earlier posts, I had asked for suggestions as I debated between one room at the BC (for 5, including three teenaged and older children), or two rooms at the Swan (with a teacher discount), and even two studio suites at the BC Villas (2 bedroom suites were sold out). Thanks to the help...
  20. W

    Disney Frustration

    We've settled on the Swan, and we reserved two rooms at the club level. I'm going to put another post with a bit more detail. Thanks to everyone for all the comments and suggestions, especially the people who checked on the BW Villas availablility and the DVC point cost and possibilities...
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