Animal Kingdom Lodge two thumbs down

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by The Mom
II've learned that you can't always get the "best" room with the best view, the best PS with the best table, or the perfect day at the parks...great weather, no waits, everything open, and fireworks every night! (both in and out of the park, if you know what I mean ;) )

Its all dependant on the individuals term of what is best.
If you set your asperations too high you will be heading for a fall. My room is somewhere to sleep and store my clothes, as long as its clean with enough space and hot water itll do. After all its the surroundings that tend to make a resort. Come to think of it i dont recall opening the blinds on my last trip, good decision on a water view:)
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Erika's analogy about this thread being like a freak accident is very appropriate. There have been over 1800 views - with only 80 posts - in less than two days. That could be a record. I doubt CoraJack is going to post a response - and she may be done with these boards entirely. I still wonder how that happened.
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She says she's not coming back

She wrote me a "not so nice" note and told me she was off these boards for good. So I'm not sure if she meant just this thread, this forum or the whole WDWMAGIC board.

Anyway, I think that the posts following her departure (and deleted notes) were very helpful, informative, supportive and positive in general (even though varying viewpoints were made, everyone respected the opinions of others and were very cordial). It's just too bad that she's probably not going to benefit from any of these posts.

Well, here's to building each other up for our next Disney trips!! :sohappy:
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Re: She says she's not coming back

Originally posted by WendyOkada
She wrote me a "not so nice" note and told me she was off these boards for good. So I'm not sure if she meant just this thread, this forum or the whole WDWMAGIC board.

Anyway, I think that the posts following her departure (and deleted notes) were very helpful, informative, supportive and positive in general (even though varying viewpoints were made, everyone respected the opinions of others and were very cordial). It's just too bad that she's probably not going to benefit from any of these posts.

Well, here's to building each other up for our next Disney trips!! :sohappy:
Don't kid yourself thinking she won't come back on here and read this thread, at the very least.

The whole thing is a shame from her trip to this thread.
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Re: Re: She says she's not coming back

Originally posted by SpongeScott
Don't kid yourself thinking she won't come back on here and read this thread, at the very least.

I actually hope she does... although she told me that she didn't bother to read my post (lengthy, I know... sorry)... but perhaps she did after a while and hopefully it was helpful. That was my intention.

I hope that this whole thread can be a learning experience on how these boards can be so helpful and supportive, but we have to remember to try to be sensitive to other's feelings/opinions as well in order to get the most benefit for everyone...

Christina, are you there?? :lookaroun

:) :) :)
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I didn't even get to read the original and I think all of you were WAY TOO NICE to this crazy lady. She is obviously way too sensitive and expected way too much from her vacation, even posting she wasn't going to like it BEFORE she went. I am only bummed I missed the mean message from epcotisbest. She sounds like she is in need of some medical attention if she was offended by any of your very supportive posts. Even your "book" Wendy! lol :) Good riddance if she doesn't want to come back!
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Well... it seems like things didn´t work out any good on her last Disney trip... I hope that her days in the parks were good though, because she also posted a bad report about Dollar Car Rental, but I didn´t see a trip report with good experiences about the parks.

Christina, I hope you relax, hun... by reading some of your posts, I can tell you are very frustrated with Disney and expecting probably a little too much... I remember this thread you started not so long ago, and I "perceive" that if you don´t get things your way, everybody is wrong. Please try being more objective... I think that your main problem in this past vacation was that you didn´t get the 3rd floor room you wanted, but if there were no rooms available in the 3rd floor, they had to accomodate you in whatever was available!

I hope you have a better experience next time.
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New Member
AKL can be trying

This has been an interesting thread to follow, we also had a less than Disney experience at AKL.

We are DVC members (since 1993) and have stayed in every Disney hotel at least once, except for Coronado Springs and AKL was a big disapointment.

We were on a Savanah view, way out along the wing by the pool, and while, technically, it faced areas that animals could get to, we had a much better view of the hot tub than anything else. You could see the main area of the Savanah if you leaned wayyy out on the balcony, and looked hard left.

I felt that it was not worth the $$'s we spent on our accomodations. I see where a great many people have had great vacations, and I am happy for you! I hope you have many more!
But for us, we had a lifetime experience in 4 nights at AKL, and will not stay there again, We will visit Boma, nice to have a big breakfast buffet without characters and the crush of exhuberant and unrestrained children.
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And this is why there are so many different themed each his own. We love the WL, but that is just us. (well, maybe not just us :D )
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Originally posted by kellydisney
I didn't even get to read the original and I think all of you were WAY TOO NICE to this crazy lady. She is obviously way too sensitive and expected way too much from her vacation, even posting she wasn't going to like it BEFORE she went. I am only bummed I missed the mean message from epcotisbest. She sounds like she is in need of some medical attention if she was offended by any of your very supportive posts. Even your "book" Wendy! lol :) Good riddance if she doesn't want to come back!

Well, I had talked to her on IM 2 weeks before she left, and she wanted to know how AKL was, and all of that stuff. She was very excited. It may seem like some of the stuff she said was crazy, but she was waiting for a year, and she was counting down by the minute to her trip. Now imagine if this was you, and you had an experience like hers. Wouldnt you be a little steamed when you come back. Btw, she probably picked the wost week to come down, as the sun came out for like only 10 minutes each day of that whole week. Im sorry that your(her) experience was bad, and that doesnt mean that one needs medical attention if she posts a bad experience. Alot of people like AKL, some dont, I was one of the ones who actually told her it was an awesome place, but, from my experience hanging around the resort, some of the cm's there are big, un-Disneylike jerks.

Anyway, I dont know what I was trying to prove, but, most of the normal conversation that went on is gone, and so is she, which im sorry to here, so what is the point to keep posting?
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Originally posted by kellydisney
I am only bummed I missed the mean message from epcotisbest. She sounds like she is in need of some medical attention if she was offended by any of your very supportive posts. Even your "book" Wendy! lol :) Good riddance if she doesn't want to come back!

What mean message? I have only one on here and it "Deleted. Because I no longer care." That is not mean. That is sarcasm. All her posts were deleted. So, I stated that mine was deleted too. Well, there was nothing deleted, I just lost interest in the whole discussion. It is sad that she was offended by people who were being very sensitive to her plight. I have never posted a mean message and don't forsee doing so in the future. Can you explain where you got the idea that I posted a mean message? No longer caring to continue the conversation I don't feel is mean.
Anyway, saying this with no mean intention.
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I think I may have had it wrong... someone wrote something really mean and it was taken off by a moderator... I thought people mentioned that it was you... but then again, this thread is so long so I could be totally mistaken, I'm sorry!


I totally think that everyone deserves a nice vacation. And everyone is entitled to a bad day. But reading all the posts that were so supportive of this lady and then seeing her reaction, that's just not normal. She freaked out when the majority of the people said "call guest services" and "I'm sorry that happened". People were so supportive and then she freaked out at them and they continued to be supportive and then she sent Wendy a less than nice email saying she's never coming back... I just think that's a little crazy. If someone sent me a "nastygram", I wouldn't continue to be nice to them. That's all. Again, I came into this post late, I was just saying, she didn't seem to be deserving of everyone's sympathy with the reaction she gave in return. That's all.
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Originally posted by kellydisney

I think I may have had it wrong... someone wrote something really mean and it was taken off by a moderator... I thought people mentioned that it was you... but then again, this thread is so long so I could be totally mistaken, I'm sorry!

It is on the front page, by a different Epcot. Lots of Epcot lovers on these boards! :sohappy:
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No problem Kelly. I was just stunned when I read that I had posted a mean message. That is just not me. Your assumption really floored me. I guess it was my fault for posting a message saying "Deleted". I did not really delete anything, I just put "Deleted" then went back and edited in the "Because I no longer care" part. Of course, you could have just as easily assumed that I had posted "Hey let's all say a prayer then have a big group hug." instead of something mean, either way, all is well. Hope the same is so for CJ.
Thanks Erika for pointing out that post, I don't think that one is particularly mean either, just someone stating an opinion, which is the foundation of this whole board.
Ok, this is epcotisbest very nicely saying my following of this thread is done. I hope CJ comes back and realizes we are here for support and the joy of sharing all things Disney.
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I join with the vast majority and their sentiments. Only 2 points if I may.

WendyOkada wrote one of the best posts ever explaining, empathizing, you name it. It was great. It's worthy of you, whether you joke about having a life or not. :lol:

I read the original post and didn't come back until today. My view, for what what it's worth, is the original poster's bluff was called. Then she had no leg to stand on so the problem had to be because of anyone but herself. Thus, the "hateful" people comment.

There're quite a few nice folks here as I have learned today. :wave:
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:) :) :)

well....i will toss in my $0.02 since i feel like i should...

i work in the Hospitality business...and as a rule...theres no way to please everyone all of the time....The trick is to please as many as you can in the time your given. Although there is really never an excuse to be rude to anyone...we all had bad days...bad weeks.....and i hate that CJ was or might have taken the brunt of someone else's frustrations. others have already stated... no one on this forum was trying to add too your already bad "time"... and just as You did not enjoy the sure there are those out there that have no desire to see the Poly again either...its all about choice and what you do and dont enjoy....never once did i see things get personal...

just chalk it up to a learning experience...and plan your next trip at the Poly :) im sure things will be just fine for You and Yours...

**thinking i put in closer to $ 0.05....**

~stefffe~ our confirmation it november yet?????

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You are the sweetest!

Originally posted by billybaruch1
WendyOkada wrote one of the best posts ever explaining, empathizing, you name it. It was great. It's worthy of you, whether you joke about having a life or not. :lol:

This was the sweetest note! I was worried that because it was so long that it would seem that I was going on and on (and if you can believe it, it was longer initially but I removed some of the stuff that people had already commented on...) but it just needed to be said (IMHO). I just wanted Christina to see how it might have come across - and wanted to do it without being insulting (that was my intent - although I just had to leave in that "audioanimatronic animals" comment because I thought it was just so darn funny... :lol: )

Anyway thanks SO much for the support! :wave:
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Originally posted by Pumbas Nakasak
Come to think of it i dont recall opening the blinds on my last trip, good decision on a water view:)

I opened the blinds on my last trip. Little good it did, the windows where so fogged by the combination of the air conditioning inside and the fine humid Florida air outside, I couldn't see a thing!:hammer:
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