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  1. I

    Star Tours Update?

    lucas a genius...that's a hoot! (or a quack) three words. howard the duck these sim rides are becoming classics. they've been in boardwalk arcades for the past 15 years or so. they lack originality and certainly seem easy candidates for upgrades...whether they use the star wars...
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    SE Coaster

    imagineers get back on track disney has shown some consistency by rehabbing attractions at epcot into "thrill rides" w/o making them entirely cliche. every generic theme park has rockin' roller coasters and free-fall towers. none (any?) have anything that matches the test track or soon to be...
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    space mountain lawsuit

    c'mon now...really? typical disney-drones. can't fathom the thought of the mother company being neglectful in even the slightest matter. what's more likely, that this gentleman stood up and was struck in the head by ride-structure? <=even at 28mph, i doubt paralysis would be the worst of his...
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    cheapest airfare?

    crap shoot the online "agencies" (orbitz, expedia, etc.) are different and separate from the individual airlines websites. these, in turn, are different from the reservation system the airlines use for their ticketing staff (the people you call and talk to on the 800 numbers). thus, for a...
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    How much $ a day for meals?

    $50/day is possible for both (not each). i would certainly make a quick stop for some snack/b-fast items. saves time, money, etc. granola bars (and the like) pack well, are light, easy, etc. i like to travel cheap...get to go more places more often. as for the fast-food
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    A Disney Adventure Park?

    a little of this, a little of that it seems that several posts on this thread have ingredients of truth/validity. i'm sure disney does indeed want/need teen customers...those 6 year olds who loved "mermaid" eventually became 14 year olds with allowance money to blow. disney would be remiss to...
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