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  1. Amy5180

    Who's going in December & January??

    I'm going Dec. 24-30 and probably staying at the Caribe Royale. I cannot wait. It's going to be sooo much fun.
  2. Amy5180

    Christmas Mickey On The Wall

    WOW. That is awesome Ronald. I love it. I woud never have the patient to do anything like that.:sohappy: :king: :sohappy:
  3. Amy5180

    Avatar for Figment1986

    I love the first one it's sooo cute :) Figment is one of my favorite characters. I have to go on that ride every time I go to WDW.
  4. Amy5180

    Newbie here

    Thank you everyone for your warm welcome. I'm sure i'm going to love it here. :sohappy: :sohappy:
  5. Amy5180

    Happy Birtday, Alicia!!

    Happy Birthday!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
  6. Amy5180

    Happy Birthday jeffs10 !

    Happy Birthday :sohappy: :king: :) :D :D :) :king: :sohappy:
  7. Amy5180

    Word Association

    Piano Boy this game is fun :king:
  8. Amy5180

    Happy Birthday, DMC!

    Happy Birthday DMC :sohappy: :) :D :D :) :sohappy: I hope it's a good one
  9. Amy5180

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too and everyon else from this wonderful place :)
  10. Amy5180

    Calling all Massholes!

    That would be me:lol: :lol: Born and raised in good old Sudbury, MA
  11. Amy5180

    Word Association

  12. Amy5180

    Post pictures of you!

    Why thank you Darthdarrel:)
  13. Amy5180

    What do you always have to have when u go to WDW?

    I need to get a sweetshirt, hat, stuff animal, and some kind of collectible.
  14. Amy5180

    Post pictures of you!

    Here's me:
  15. Amy5180

    Newbie here

    Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to this wonderful forum. I love everything Disney. I'm a student at the University of Hartford where I'm a Performing Arts Management major. I'm going to be graduating in Dec. 2003. I cannot wait :) I have been to WDW many times and want to go back sooo...
  16. Amy5180


    About 4 inches here in MA. The first snow fall of the season. Yippie. Tomorrow I'm headed down to the Cape with the Fam, to have Thanksgiving dinner at my aunt's place.
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