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  1. T

    Proper line etiquette when with a wheelchair?

    technically, the max number of people who are allowed to acompany a wheelchair through a non-standard entrance is 5 (for a total of 6). However, often larger groups have no problems! I just thought you should know in case there was a problem ever! second, almost all lines are mainstreamed, so...
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    what land would you like added to WS

    you have to think about the food too - india - great food... russia, not as much... egypt, too like morocco (i know there is a huge difference, but most people won't be able to tell), but really like egypt! so my vote is for india!
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    Child with developmental delays

    if nothing else, you can get a GAC to allow you to take a stroller in line, which normally is not allowed. This will give your son a "safe space" and means you won't have to carry him. If you don't have this, you will have to park the stroller outside shows and attractions, even if you are...
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    there ARE rude people on scooters, but there are rude people walking too... rude people come in all shapes and sizes. People just note the rude people on scooters more for two reasons - they're "different" and there is this idea that the disabled, especially the young and disabled, are...
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    hi from another EDSer!
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    Ok, that is a little extreme... here is something to consider - a person who is paralyzed cannot use a scooter. they must use a powerchair, there is a big difference. When i use my wheelchair i can stand up out of it and get on a ride like i am "instantly healed." Due to the nature of my...
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    You can think whatever you want. You are entitled to your opnion. I just ask that you keep opinions of reasons people use scooters to yourself when in disney. (i.e. dont make snotty comments outloud). My sister is having enough problems what with possible impending brain surgery without...
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    wow, what a hateful remark... yes, some people may use scooters due to their own actions (i.e. not taking care of themselves), but remember, you can't know just by looking. So if you make a judgement about my sister who is 100 lbs overweight and may need a scooter, you are going to be sadly...
  9. T


    Actually, the woman is NOT ALLOWED to stay on her scooter on the bus. even belted down they can tip or shift, and they are unsafe. if you look the next time you are on a bus, you will see a sign instructing people on scooters to move to a regular seat. People with also often have the bus...
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    The shame of never having a dole whip

    i'm allergic to pineapple = no dole whips for me...
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    Disability question

    be aware that disney may not look at your letter. Legally they cannot require a letter, and some CMs are uncomfortable looking at one. also, if you ask for the "skip the line" pass, you are likely to get a response of "there is no way to skip the lines." if you explain that due to a bladder...
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    wheelchair rental companies?

    walker and randys are both decent companies... also, no worry about "queue jumping" - in fact, you will wait in almost every line just like most guests. only a few of them have alternate entrances. you should have no problems with that... i would bring a cushion with you - the rental...
  13. T


    one of the reasons why wheelchairs load first is that there are TWO spots for us, and MANY for the able bodied. I would be fine if TWO people were allowed on, then TWO wheelchairs, then the other able bodies and any wheelchairs that can fold up... Also, the bus driver would have to get up...
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    YOU DO NOT GO to the front of the lines with scooters or wheelchairs - trust me, I waited in every line with everyone else... And lots of people need to get up and walk around when they use scooters. if you sit all day you get stiff and that can cause even more problems. i have a $2000 custom...
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    ooh, be very careful about saying that fat people on scooters are exaggerating or faking or anything like that. that may not be what you meant, but its how it came across. Have you ever driven a scooter off a bus ramp? Its very very difficult. Also, yes, there are many first time scooter...
  16. T


    TO be fair, and I am just playing devil's advocate here, so please do not consider this an attack - I am concerned about the pushy and agressive nature of walkers/normals. When I was last in disney, I was MOVED in my wheelchair by two different people who thought I was in the way. Technically...
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    Actually, that would be illegal, since they already have accessible mainstreamed buses. Separate but equal NEVER works, and if it took me 2 minutes longer to get to the park than you in your "normal" bus, then it is discrimination. Obviously I would not actually sue over 2 minutes, but soon 2...
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    Wheelchairs and Strollers Oh My!!!

    The voice of reason! 20 years ago my disability would have left me homebound, especially because average people did not want to be "bothered" by seeing wheelchairs. scooters did not exist as such yet... Yes, there are more wheelchairs and scooters. not because people are lazier, but those of...
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    ECV abuse caught on camera...

    First of all, I am one of those who gets up out of her wheelchair (i cannot use an ECV) and runs to the characters and rides. My disability allows me to do this, but not for very long. Secondly disney cannot ask for proof of disability, there can be no "guidelines" for who gets an ECV, and...
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    ECV abuse caught on camera...

    actually for me skating is easier than walking! i can skate a little very carefully, and i love it (more ice skating than roller skating, though) even though i often use a cane to walk. before I got sick i was a good runner, and i miss going FAST under my own power. some people also have...
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