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  1. C

    Canada sold out

    Le Celliar not that good? What have you been smoking? When I was there it was our second best meal (after Ohana), amazing steak, great mussels, fantastic soup...I am guessing people who eat there tell their friends to so it is booked.
  2. C

    Extra Magic Hours...morning or evening better?

    I was just there and I would say it depends. We did AK for AM EMH and it was great, not too crowded at all. Then we did MK and MGM PM EMH and one was great, one waas awful. The difference was how late it went. If it ends midnight or earlier it is really crowded. But when it was open past...
  3. C

    Have any of the characters "hit" on you or your significant other?

    It was pretty creeptastic. Then he just walked away leaving us thinking ummmm... And yes, my name is Caitie, and it is spelled the best way :-)
  4. C

    opinions wanted

    I have eaten at Tony's and Le Celliar and they are both amazing. From what I have heard, the others are too!
  5. C

    Have any of the characters "hit" on you or your significant other?

    I wish that had happened on the last trip! Knowing me and my boyfriend we would have played along. The one weird thing was he was giving me a hug before illuminations started and an actual cast member came up to us and hugged us...
  6. C

    Using Magical Express. . .

    We just got home and got there at a busy time - but our bags got to our room quickly and we only waited 10 minutes for the bus! One tip is make sure you keep the reservations they give you. They can look it up but a cast member actually thanked us for having them because it makes things easier...
  7. C

    Best WDW Podcast

    My vote went to the ______ podcast! I have listened to most of the other ones but they all bored me and I eventually stopped listening. There are one or two I never tried, so I will, but no one can top van! And I love that it is blocked, yet it is in second. I love moderators
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