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  1. D

    a lil' resort help....

    my family will be going on our next trip to the world in 432 days (never to early to start planning) the first 2 trips we stayed at the contemporary and the youngest kid was 18 months, she will be 3 the next time we do so i will have to pay for her too, well there are a total of 6 of us - me, DW...
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    sell your favorite resort to me...

    we are planning a trip the second week of October for 5 nights the players are (myself, DW, DD13,DD8,DD6,DD2) we have been the last 2 years '07 in October and '08 in December. We have stayed at the Contemporary both times , the monorail is so convenient with a little one and a stroller, I dont...
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    Disney Cruise

    thank you, thank you, thank you
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    Disney Cruise

    ok guys and gals I need help, my family (wife, dd-13, dd-7, dd-6, dd-2) we have been to WDW last 2 years and are now wanting to do a cruise this year, we dont want the land and sea, we just want a cruise. Give me ammo to give to the wife to convince her we want disney cruise line and not one of...
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    WDW Traditions

    we always throw a quarter right in front of the Hippo on its a small world, my dad made me do it 15 years ago on my first trip and I made my kids do it on our 2 trips
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    downtown disney question

    please rell me about DDT, do you need a ticket to enter? ect..... we check into the contemporary resort monday the 8th and need a place to stay on Sunday the 7th we will be in Orlando around lunchtime and are thinking about staying at a safari type place, that is around DDT, i cant remember the...
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    Cinderella's Royal Table vs. Akershus Princess Breakfast

    i, and my girls ages 4,6 like the breakfast at Norway over CRT, i like the atmosphere in the castle but was rushed. I think there is a dinner at 1900 park fare that Cinderella does?
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    Help with photopass

    hi guys, is there a place to preorder the photopass cd, we leave for our trip in 25 days and i was thinking i have seen a place to order it before you go and its a little cheaper... thanks:shrug:
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    if someone in your party cant go????

    we are 46 days away from our vacation and we are taking the kids out of school and each kid has invited a friend that we are paying for. One of the kids grades are not as good as her mom thought they were going to be so she has said if she dint pull her grade up she cant justify letting her...
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    one last question before my trip

    Hi all, we leave in 57 days and driving for the first time from North Alabama. Can anyone tell a few nice places to stop i will be traveling with my four daughters 13,7,5,21 months. Also what do i budget for the toll roads, can anyone tell me how many and the price to get through. Thanks in advance
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    Losing weight to go to Disney

    I always the day after we book our trip, i start walking, and my goal is to walk the distance from my house to disney world (657) miles before we leave, it usually works out to about 4 miles a day and by the time we get there i feel like i can walk forever
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    WDW must be slow: Discounts coming!

    well guys i have slept on it, and i am not going to change the trips of my trip, i figure this discounted time will end up busy. Thanks for the input from my previous posts
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    WDW must be slow: Discounts coming!

    so we are going Dec 8-12, trip is paid for, ADR's are made, MVMCP tickets are here with me. Do i try and change the date to get the discount or should i just leave it as is? Is it a pain to change all this. I have 6 going, me DW, DD,DD,DD,DD i would save some money if i changes and i am on the...
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    WDW must be slow: Discounts coming!

    so if i have already booked out trip for Dec 8-12 back in April, is there a way for me to get the discount on the dining or am i just out of luck since i already paid for it? Thanks in Advance
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    Help.....I've lost my

    I have lost my saved ITines and on it was my favorite podcast, It had Rickey from here i think thats her name I just started listening about 1 month ago and I just cant get up and walk in the mornings without my Disney Magic. Does anyone know the name of it or any good podcast ...
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    Do I change dates?

    Hello all, we are going to the world Dec 8-Dec 12, DO i try and change the trip to the next week or do i keep it as is. I hate huge crowds and Im getting nervous. I know people say the parks wont be busy with the football playes, the cheerleaders and all but i cant get an ADR to LTT, i just...
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    would you.....

    I have tickets for MVMCP in early December, the only time i can get a table at LTT is for 8:30. Would you eat there during the party or just get something in the park before the party. I have never been to the party and want to know if eating during takes too much time away from the...
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    A Lil' ADR help...

    I have tries LTT 2 times a week for the last 3 weeks without and luck, i am going to keep trying do you guys have any other places you just love to eat, that we can eat then get to the MVMCP that night it could even be a very late lunch ...
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    A Lil' ADR help...

    Hi all, thanks for all the help with input planning all my disney vacations, its time I call on you all for another trip.... We are going the week of Dec 8 - Dec 12. I have most of the adr's set so I would like an evaluation of them and maybe a little help also.. The players are me, DW -...
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    Advice for a 5 yr old Birthday at WDW

    at the resort call the desk and they will send a wake-up call to the room from one of the characters, hint if you want mickey use a time a little off, like 7:02. We were at the rope drop one morning for my daughters 6th birthday and in the front of the line the cast member noticed the birthday...
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