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  1. D

    I have to tell someone!!!

    One thing my mom did to last the long drive from Indiana to Florida when we were young was give us a little "present" every so often. It was usually a coloing book or small toy to play with and keep us occupied. (Of course, this was before there were car DVD players :) ) You could give them...
  2. D

    Young kids and disney ride rules

    Hi! We just used "common sense" and just took our DD on rides that were obviously appropriate. You can hold the baby in your lap and should be fine. KS at DAK might be a bit rough for a baby that young, but that is only one without height restrictions we didn't go on with our young baby. Have fun!:)
  3. D

    Pre Ride Staging area

    Those are all great. DH and I always quote the Dinosaur preshow. I like MV 3-D preshow. I love the Muppets and that preshow always cracks me up. :lol:
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    We also go buttons for our anniversary in July. My DS and soon to be "DB" are going on their honeymoon also Sept. 9-16th. It is a small world after all! :lol: Congrats and have fun!
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    Cute Kid Story

    I teach third grade and I had a student write a little book that I thought was so cute and decided I would share it since it related to Disney. She said that I was a nice teacher, and that I was good teacher...the end is the payoff....She wrote, "I don't blame her if she likes Disney." Too...
  6. D

    Tickets for playhouse disney?

    We didn't go to the concerts, but I read that you need to go to guest relations right away to get tickets for them. They are free, but you need them to get in. However, just the regular show you don't.
  7. D

    Tickets for playhouse disney?

    That's right. There are no tickets for they Playhouse Disney Show. Just show up a little early just like any other show. They run throughout the day. You go in and sit on the floor. It's a lot of fun for the little ones! Enjoy! :wave:
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