Pre Ride Staging area


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Who is your favorite actor or what is your favorite pre ride area in the world?

I really like the preflight instructions from Putty on Soarin'. It makes me laugh hystericlaly every time. I have been on the ride so many times and love Putty so much I find myself goin more for the preflight moment than for the ride. :ROFLOL:

Second is probably Gary Sinese on MS. This makes me laugh for no apparent reason and I just want to start chanting GARY...GARY.....GARY:lol:

Lastly I like the guy in Dinosaur. Its funny but what really gets me is when he like twinkles his fingers and says "Ok, We're IN!!!." Like he could really disable a code to allow us to time travel that quickly. :)

I hope you guys have some good ones I can start lookin out for. :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Those are all great. DH and I always quote the Dinosaur preshow. I like MV 3-D preshow. I love the Muppets and that preshow always cracks me up. :lol:


I think that ToT has one of the best pre-show areas. The outer gardens of the hotel, the lobby, the library, the boiler room....all awesome.


Active Member
I love the queue area for ToT. It really sets the mood for the ride. And, as always, Disney's attention to detail is phenomenal.

Goofy or Tigger are my favorite characters.


Active Member
My favorite has always been the Haunted Mansion before waiting to enter the stretching room, standing in the foyer and you hear the words over the funeral dirge playing on the organ..."When hinges creak in doorless chambers, and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls, whenever candlelight flicker, where the air is deathly still, that is the time when ghost are present, practicing their terror with goulish delight! "
The graveyard, howling wolf just adds to the experience.
Entering the attraction at night adds a different feel as well.


Well-Known Member
My favorite has always been the Haunted Mansion before waiting to enter the stretching room, standing in the foyer and you hear the words over the funeral dirge playing on the organ..."When hinges creak in doorless chambers, and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls, whenever candlelight flicker, where the air is deathly still, that is the time when ghost are present, practicing their terror with goulish delight! "
The graveyard, howling wolf just adds to the experience.
Entering the attraction at night adds a different feel as well.

I love the HM too.. last trip the Butler grabbed me right at the part where it says there are notice there are no doors ... and he says there's always my way. He was so creepy it scared me to death though, I had rode it like 3 times and was busy looking for the Hidden Mickeys. I screamed and then started laughing and he never once broke character.
My second fave I guess is Muppet Vision 3-D
I really enjoy all the preshow/staging areas.


Well-Known Member
My fav is def. ToT, I just love that preshow and feel like its really the only one that has the most meaning to the story of the ride, I also like to quote it, its fun. Soarin is alright, but the guy sounds annoying. M:S is pretty good.
Rockin Roller coaster is like the only one I do not like, I dont even pay attention to that one anymore, its def. my least fav of the bunch.


New Member
I like Test Track, I think they could redo my favorite attractions queue though. Splash Mountain's is kind of bland. Oh well they could also redo BTMR and line you up all through the mine.


Well-Known Member
my favorite is no longer there.....It was Robin Williams and Walter Cronkite in the old Art of Animation tour at MGM
this was my favorite thing in all of MGM :(:( the whole tour used to have so much of them throughout.

I do like the Dinosaur pre-show a lot for some reason, haha. And Universe of Energy!


Well-Known Member
Not to be antagonistic, but I think Islands of Adventure has Disney beat on this one.
But at Disney I really like the classic Pirates of the Carribean, I really feel like I am walking into an old Spanish fort.


New Member
1. Muppetvision - "Yeah, everybody move in real close. We're testing deoderant strength." and "What do they know, they're tourists!" are the two best lines of any preshow I've ever seen.
2. Star Tours
3. Tower of Terror - The only thing I like about this attraction is the theming in the queue and the preshow video. The ride itself is blah for me.
4. Alien Encounter - While I abhor the actual attraction and definitely prefer Stitch, the SIR and Skippy show was one of the best.
5. Legend of the Lion King - I loved the Rafiki with the mouth that actually moved. I was always really impressed by that.
6. Haunted Mansion
7. Soarin' - "Nice work, pal." He may only do one character in everything I've seen him in, but Patrick Warburton still gets me every time I see that preshow.
8. Pirates of the Caribbean - Love that fort. Too bad the ride is a Reader's Digest Condensed Version of Disneyland's.
9. The Timekeeper - Man I miss him and 9-Eye.

1. Rock n' Rollercoaster - That. was. some. of. the. most. wooden. acting. I've. ever. seen. Even Illeana couldn't save that trainwreck. And having to listen to Aerosmith is just painful for me no matter what. At least the roller coaster itself is good, with an Ipod blasting something enjoyable.
2. Test Track - REALLY boring and ugly queue. Dumb video. Dumber ride. So the whole attraction is just a big snoozefest for me.
3. Mickey's Philharmagic - Was this really all they could come up with? A bunch of fake posters?
4. Dumbo - Because there isn't one!
5. Under New Management - Maybe this should be higher on the list, because when I go to Disney World, I don't want to listen to childish arguments from the AAs ("Do not!" "Do too!" "Do not!" "Do too" and so on). Phil Hartman is typically obnoxious, as is Don Rickles. And the show is awful, too. What a horrible fate for the original Tiki Room.

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