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  1. itsalways420

    Yahoo Fantasy Baseball 2

    ok I want in this time :) Bear with me I am a little slow.... I work alot what can I say.
  2. itsalways420

    I Love Macs!

    I still to this day refuse to use a computer that has only one mouse button, has the nerve to tell me to adjust my virtual memory and has less than 6% of the software that the rest of the world uses available. I will give you this though. The hardware is amazing so long as you don't want to...
  3. itsalways420

    I'm hip with the trends!!

    And you wasted no expense. Only the best for you I guess. Welcome to the 21st Century... CONGRATS
  4. itsalways420

    killer rock concert!

    Well as much as I hate to say it -- This stuff always comes in threes for some reason. I really hope that the 96 that died at least didn't suffer for to long and from what I hear about the speed the fire grew I doubt they did. These clubs take absolutely no measures to ensure that this...
  5. itsalways420


    I think that she picked the right guy but in all reality I can't help but think these shows are a bit scripted. I just can't see any sane person sitting back and saying "sure I will base my entire future on a few weeks TV show." Although in this day and age who knows. It's gotta be better...
  6. itsalways420

    Yahoo Fantasy Baseball?

    Count me in.... I'm always up for some time killing fun... :) Free sounds a whole lot better than $20.00 though
  7. itsalways420

    How to do WDW w/o being touched

    I am new, Hi! With that over... I joined this board for the specific reason of posting this. I can not believe that anyone in there right mind would suggest either banning strollers/wheelchairs or not taking small children when dealing with an attraction designed for children. I...
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