I Love Macs!


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The subject line will undoubtedly provoke all kinds of vitriol at me (PC users hate us Mac folk) but... What prompted this is that I have been using Apples's new "beta" web browser 'Safari' - and you PC users don't know what you are missing. It is very, very, very fast, and puts IE for Mac to shame. I use a T1 line at work (with Windoze, of course) - it doesn't begin to get anywhere near the speeds I get at home with DSL and Safari. I post this not to provoke the anti-Mac posts I know will follow; but rather to tell any other Mac (and Disney) lovers out there running OS X - you gotta try Safari (a free download) - it is great! This site rocks with it!


Well-Known Member
I have used safari on a mac thats supposidly faster than my PCs at home...and it didnt run any better.

A browser cant really make your internet run faster..a connection can. A T1 at work could be way more conjested than a DSL at home ;)


I have run safari and IE on my ibook on my DSL line at home and see no significant difference. I am one of those MAC/PC people. I own both and use each one for there strengths. But as of now i have seen no significant improvement in Safari.


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I find it difficult to believe you don't see a difference - What iBook are you using? Older models may not have an advantage. And yes, the browser can (and does) make a difference. Safari loads pages much faster than IE or Netscape. Have those of you using Macs gotten the latest updates, or newer Macs? My comments are based on experience with a G4 Cube running OS 10.2.4, and a brand-new PowerBook G4 12" running the same.


New Member
I use my older iMac for Safari and iPhoto2, and I use a P4 machine I built for everything else. I'm quite happy with both, but IMHO Safari and iPhoto are superior software products.


New Member
The server I use is a Dell PowerEdge and I love it, but I have always wondered, does Mac make servers (web servers)?


New Member
Originally posted by Blizz
The server I use is a Dell PowerEdge and I love it, but I have always wondered, does Mac make servers (web servers)?

Yup! They're called 'X-Server' (I think) and they run a server version of OS-X, which is really slick, it's based on UNIX so it doesn't crash, and it includes stuff like Apache.


New Member
Ewww *shivers* Apache....

I cant stand apache server software. It is screwing up my new message board I am creating. I have to alter the PHP to make it run right on my server. But oh well.... my host only gives me apache.

I have never used UNIX only Red Hat Linux, Windows 2000.
How hard is it to learn UNIX?


Well-Known Member
I'm a proud iBook owner and a (hopefully) pround PowerBook G4 12 or 15" owner when I go to collage....

I love Macs. But I did notice rendering on Safari was faster than IE, and it had less space taken up by the interface and more by the window.

But they call it Safari because the latest upgrade to OSX (10.2) is called Jaguar. Get it? Safari. Jaguar.


Premium Member
I can imagine almost any browser on the MAC being better than IE for the MAC. The IE browser for a MAC is shockingly bad. It gives us constant problems trying to create compatible web applications for it.


New Member
Thats why I perfer PC's. In my opinion Macs are to slow. Mac has never given their computers enough memory. I own a Power Mac G3 and I have pulled it apart and fixed what I think are the mistakes Mac made, I added momory, gave it a disk drive (along with the Zip drive it came with) and a few other mods.

*starts to make fun of the Mac commericals*

"My name is Brent, and I perfer PC's over Mac's."


New Member
Originally posted by Blizz
Thats why I perfer PC's. In my opinion Macs are to slow. Mac has never given their computers enough memory. I own a Power Mac G3 and I have pulled it apart and fixed what I think are the mistakes Mac made, I added momory, gave it a disk drive (along with the Zip drive it came with) and a few other mods.[/i]

Mac's use the same memory as PC's. You can put as much in as you like.

The really sad thing is that if Apple had played their cards right, we'd all be running the Mac OS right now. Back in the early days of Windows, Microsoft was having all kinds of problems getting Windows to work (any of you who have used Windows 1.0 probably remember).

Microsoft went to Apple and offered to distribute a hardware independent version of the Mac OS, similar to what they did with DOS. Apple, in their arrogant wisdom, deliclined the offer, and it took Microsoft this long to finally come out with a version of Windows (XP) that doesn't crash constantly.


New Member
Thats one big reason why I have a Mac still, is bacause their OS is more stable then Windows OS. I hate Windows, as well as most Microsoft products. I just dont use my Mac for internet work. I use my Mac for some graphic designs and I run my video editing software on it, now for that kind of stuff, I only trust my Mac. Then I put it all on a firewire hard drive and upload it to my PC.

But I am not one to trash Mac or PC. I use both daily. I just like them both for diff. reasons.


New Member
I still to this day refuse to use a computer that has only one mouse button, has the nerve to tell me to adjust my virtual memory and has less than 6% of the software that the rest of the world uses available. I will give you this though. The hardware is amazing so long as you don't want to change any of it.


New Member
Originally posted by itsalways420
I still to this day refuse to use a computer that has only one mouse button, has the nerve to tell me to adjust my virtual memory and has less than 6% of the software that the rest of the world uses available. I will give you this though. The hardware is amazing so long as you don't want to change any of it.

My iMac is using a Microsoft Mouse with five buttons, virtual memory settings were automated with OS-X, and if there is a program that only runs on Windows that you absolutely must have, you can run it with Virtual PC (Microsoft just purchased the company that makes that program, btw).

As far as changing the hardware goes, it depends on your Mac. Some have slots and some don't.

In fact, the only reason I built myself a P4 PC was to run some of the newer games that were going to be a while before coming out on the Mac.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
and it took Microsoft this long to finally come out with a version of Windows (XP) that doesn't crash constantly.

Times windows 3.1 crashed on me = 35 or so (in a 3 year period)
Times window NT 4.0 crashed on me = 3 (in a 2 year period)
Times windows 2k crashed on me = 2 (in a 3 year period)
Times XP crashed on me = never....i dont use it :p

however..9x is a whole other story..heh

And for anyone who says mac OS is "flawless" needs to try running the graphic programs I run (at the same time, as is required for 90% of the projects i do)...the macs i have used have all bowed down and locked....there is no "perfect" computer (this includes Cray and SGI..both of which I have used)


New Member
I have windows 98 SE and My computer has never"CRASHED" and it has only locked up on me twice. Now My friggin DSl that`s another story!:lol: But I still love dsl!:D

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