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  1. M

    Pics of Old Key West??

    Go to and search for the resort and you'll find hundreds of pictures I'm sure.
  2. M

    Disney's Polynesian Resort feature pool refurbishment

    I completely understand traveling during off-peak times means rides and attractions will be down. But announcing the refurbishment days before they start is unnecessary. I'm at just over 30 days and I can live with it but if I was going next week, I'd be a little upset.
  3. M

    Disney's Polynesian Resort feature pool refurbishment

    Thanks. My daughter is very excited about the volcano pool and slide. Hopefully they will be done with the slide.
  4. M

    Disney's Polynesian Resort feature pool refurbishment

    I figured they didn't have any obligation but was curious if anyone had any experience with Disney compensating in a similar situation. One of the big upsells for a deluxe is the pool and to announce the refurb with such short notice is what annoyed me.
  5. M

    Disney's Polynesian Resort feature pool refurbishment

    I'm snarky? You are the one that used capital letters in an attempt to tell me the world didn't revolve around me like that is what I was implying. Yes, I did post the question in hopes of a civil discourse about possible, if any, actions Disney may take for my inconvenience. So, thank you...
  6. M

    Disney's Polynesian Resort feature pool refurbishment

    Really? They're not? Shocking. Did you honestly think I was asking if they would change their schedule because of my visit? Wow, I hope you aren't that dense. My point was that they didn't announce the refurbishment until now - within the window of when I have already had to pay the balance...
  7. M

    Disney's Polynesian Resort feature pool refurbishment

    Now I'm annoyed. This is our first stay at a deluxe as a family and my 5 year old is really looking forward to the "volcano" pool and the slide. We are there 3/3 - 3/8. Now the slide probably will not be open and this is on top of the news that Dumbo is delayed and will not be open when are...
  8. M

    Character Question?

    At Cinderella's Royal Table the princess are there breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Link to info: Crystal Palace has Pooh characters at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Link to info...
  9. M

    Quick hotel question

    I think French Quarter is better if you don't have kids. It is smaller and quieter and doesn't have some of the amenities of Riverside, such as the bar, full service restaurant and harbor. But if you do have kids, Riverside is better because of the pools and amenities. You are also probably...
  10. M

    Goodbye Poly?

    I hate to hear all this negativity towards Poly. My wife stayed there several times as a kid and next year we are planning on staying there with our daughters. It will be my first time staying there but am very excited.
  11. M

    Stressing our trip on 10/1, need mouse money magic!!

    Glad everything worked out. We are also checking into Port Orleans on 10/1. We've got two little ones that will be very excited to be there.
  12. M

    No Illuminations in October

    I was looking at the Epcot calendar planning our trip for the first week of October and I noticed that Illuminations is not listed. I can't find any listing for any Illuminations in the whole month of October. Does this mean they don't do it during Food and Wine Festival?
  13. M

    Switching off infant with my wife on rides?

    Thanks everyone for the helpful information!
  14. M

    Switching off infant with my wife on rides?

    Man, an off switch would be nice now and then.
  15. M

    Switching off infant with my wife on rides?

    My wife and I will be taking our 8 month old to Disney next week(yes I know 8 months is a little young - but we are going for ourselves too). On the "thrill" rides like Test Track or Soarin should we just each use the single line(if there is one) while the other waits with our daughter or is...
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