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  1. Yensid_Robert9

    Walter Cronkite has passed away

    Very sad to hear. I'll always remember the short film with him and Robin Williams at The Magic of Disney Animation. I've always wanted to see it again after they got rid of it. Tried unsuccessfully youtubing it. But he was a great journalist, if not the best. He will be remembered forever. RIP...
  2. Yensid_Robert9

    How much hopping can you handle?

    So after seeing the thread about how long can you take in WDW before you got bored, this question came to mind......How much can/have you done in one day in "The World" I've wanted to try all four parks in one day but never got past three. Me and some family went to MK, MGM(then), and DAK...
  3. Yensid_Robert9

    How many weeks could you spend at Disney without getting bored?

    Well if money was no issue I think I could last seriously like a year and 1/2. Like no joke. I woulld have to switch up my quarters however even if I'm in the cheapest rooms of any resort I stay at. I was lucky enough to be a Careerstart CM for nine months, about 85% of those nine months I...
  4. Yensid_Robert9

    Not the thread for everybody...

    Oh totally. I thought I was on there for like 10 minutes. I would just like to see Tomorrowland return to it's glory And actually feel like I'm stepping into the world of Tomorrow. Oh and also if there are any huge fans of Laugh Floor, or you know more than myself, I'm not being sarcastic...
  5. Yensid_Robert9

    Not the thread for everybody...

    Disneyland's is actually still called Autopia and like 20X better than the TS Personally after experiencing it in January and being so use to WDW's TS, I was amazed how much better Autopia is! It has a lot of cover from trees, themed areas you drive through, I actually had a lot of fun on it...
  6. Yensid_Robert9

    Not the thread for everybody...

    I absolutely love Tomorrowland and hated to see the "New Tomorrowland" from '98(?) leave us. I thought it was extremely well done with the whole Interplanetary Convention Center but no they had to put in attractions that were (too) family friendly and risk theming ie:Monster's Inc. I just...
  7. Yensid_Robert9

    Look around at the Flower and Garden topiaries from today

    Looks like a lot of recycled topiaries with color added. Awesome nonetheless. How I wish I could be there during the festival.
  8. Yensid_Robert9

    Space Mountain New queue?

    I suppose you're right I guess I'd prefer to be entertained
  9. Yensid_Robert9

    Space Mountain New queue?

    This thread has kept me quite entertained Everyone needs to relax let's all just pass the dole whip around, have fun, and talk about disney lol
  10. Yensid_Robert9

    DHS -National Treasure?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a car chase through the streets of Paris in the second film? Does anyone else see a possibility of them trying to boost expectations (assuming there will be a third entry) by changing LMA into "National Treasure stuntshow" or something to that effect...
  11. Yensid_Robert9

    SOARIN' could have been done better

    Yeah I agree with Pongo.... You also have to think about consistency when it comes to new buildings, I would recommend reading the Imagineering Field Guides. They explain greatly all the detail that goes into each and every attraction and why they are placed there. For example (this isn't in...
  12. Yensid_Robert9

    Is this true?

    From the looks of it on MSN maps it seems as though the actual show building is on the outside of the DL tracks.
  13. Yensid_Robert9

    storage of the monorails and MK's trains

    Not to be so nitpicky or to "correct" you but many a DAK CM refers to it as the "Nextel Tree" It's the tower that gets the signals for all radios used inside the park by CM's because the radios used are in fact Nextels. And I'm sure you're right also that it's used for cell phones. Though I...
  14. Yensid_Robert9

    storage of the monorails and MK's trains

    The one behind/between Mexico and Norway is the EPCOT Cast services building. And yes you are correct it's a huge building lol. It seriously has like the most lockers I've ever seen in my life. Not sure about the one behind China though. My place of roaming was DAK. Any questions on those...
  15. Yensid_Robert9

    WDW Management better than DL management???

    I'm not saying people need to to say happy birthday to me, i don't think anyone said that. What I'm saying is that it's very surprising to walk by two managers who walk by us without anyone else in a 10 feet radius (we were about two feet from them) just LAUGHING and CHATTING away(obviously not...
  16. Yensid_Robert9

    WDW Management better than DL management???

    Of course I don't mean the big-wigs. Just the managers that work inside the park. Area managers, Merchentainment, attractions, all them. So it was a while ago January 1 of this year. My mom and I went to DL to celebrate my birthday. One thing I and I'm sure many of you notice when going to a...
  17. Yensid_Robert9

    Closing Time vs. "Closing Time"

    My guess would be from my experience working at EE when we went 101 a few times a day and people still had fastpasses, we'd let anyone on who still had them as long as it took to kill the line. Of course standby would have to close due to the popularity of the attraction. But is it possible...
  18. Yensid_Robert9

    WDW To MCO Rail

    I'm sure there are many pros to this, and I agree it would be totally awesome to go straight from MCO to WDW but you gotta think of all the cons (some have already been listed). 1. Will it be non stop to the property? 2. Who's gonna do the construction? Imagineers? Public construction firms...
  19. Yensid_Robert9

    American Pavilion in Epcot is a Joke

    Well I must say that I agree with a lot of what I'm reading on this thread except for a few major ideas that have been posted. All having to do with the topic of football......oh, excuse me, "soccer" First of all I totally 100% agree that David Beckham shirts, kits, jerseys, whatever you wanna...
  20. Yensid_Robert9

    I had a couple thoughts.....

    Ahh but some may argue that the monorail isn't really quite an attraction, some, not necessarily me:lookaroun
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