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    Star Tours II - Ride reviews

    Does anyone know how long it's going to be open today?
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    Cars Land....?

    I haven't been on here in a while so I'm not sure if this has came up or not. This was a press release my dad found and sent to me because he knew I'd be interested in something with the word Disney in it: Michael Wallis named as consultant to Cars Land January 22, 2008 Disney Imagineering...
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    Does anyone know what they are doing to Spaceship Earth?

    I like how no matter what our topic is we somehow always get back to a fifth gate and harry potter. We could be discussing pin collecting and someone will make a ridiculous claim that the reason we haven't seen many Captain Hook pins lately is because they're saving them for the Villiansland...
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    Finding Nemo the Musical: Press Event Videos

    His work must not be THAT fantastic.....seeing as Avenue Q beat out Wicked for best musical a couple years back. :veryconfu I personally can't wait for this show to be done. I hope they keep adding little extra jokes, like the Jaws reference, so it isn't just a replica of the Nemo script with...
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    Toontown expansion into the Speedway Area

    Real quick, back to the TOPIC that this is about... I was under the impression that the only reason we didn't get the Maddihorn(spelling?) was because it would detract from the view of the castle. Therefore there is NO WAY we would get a villian mountain that would obstruct the view. Why don't...
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    Discovery Island

    I've never heard of Discovery Island. When was it opened and what was there?
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    Pins End???!?!?!

    This is very upsetting. Last time I went to WDW (last Easter) it seemed that pin trading was stronger than ever (people were still going crazy over the Yeti Grand Opening set). Here's the link -...
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    Disney returns to 2D Animation.

    This is a great day for Disney fans. Jon Lasseter promised us good things but I never imagined we'd get a brand new animated feature from Jon Musker. For those of you paying attention, he directed The Little Mermaid. I know this isnt exactly WDW news.....but you know its going to affect us...
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    Hidden/Secret/Unknown/Unseen Disney List

    Actually the last time I was at Tower, last Easter, the "evil tower ur doomed" letters were gone. Don't know if they put them back or not.
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    What's your favorite ride quene?

    Now if they could only fix the AA's in JC and add the explosions from DL......we could only wish.
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