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  1. diz4life

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    23 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sohappy:
  2. diz4life

    Too much alcohol and drinking at WDW parks

    My huband and I love having a cocktail or two at Disney....Especially when we are on vacation!!!!!!! That does not mean that we walk around drunk all the time, ruining other people's vacations. I really have no idea what to say to the each his own. The majority of us are not out to...
  3. diz4life

    Fire near Disney Quest

    Sorry....I just posted what I read on a VERY reliable site. Give me a break. I'm glad that it wasn't as bad as was originally posted.
  4. diz4life

    Fire near Disney Quest

    Maybe it is just some cars....I just posted what I saw on Deb's site. I do hope no matter what, that everyone is ok!
  5. diz4life

    Fire near Disney Quest

    I dunno. If it really is Disney Quest, I wonder if they will take this opportunity to do something different with the location. I know there are many DQ lovers but, I for one, wouldn't mind seeing something else there that I'd enjoy more. :shrug:
  6. diz4life

    Fire near Disney Quest

    I just saw it posted on Deb's website. The pic that is posted looks pretty serious. I'm trying to find more information!
  7. diz4life


    Phew!!! I was just worried they might turn black....:ROFLOL: ....I do hate the smell of smoke BUT cause I'll be at Disney, I can deal.....
  8. diz4life


    So I know that there are fires all over the south. I have read other threads pertaining to this subject. However, I have an unanswered question....does the smoke in the air, especially the kind that people have described as "snow like" ruin your clothes? Some of you may think this is a stupid...
  9. diz4life

    The "NEW" Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin

    Can anyone confirm that Palio in the Swan is/will be undergoing renovations this month? My husband and I had reservations but were called by guest services to inform us that Palio might be closed during our stay. I'm hoping there might be a chance it will be open on Sept. 1st. Can anyone...
  10. diz4life

    El Pirata y El Perico

    I believe that someone has posted a review of the restaraunt recently on Deb's site. This leads me to believe that it is currently reopened. My husband and I will be down there next month. We shall see if it is alive and well then....:slurp: (we always visit Disney in the off season to avoid...
  11. diz4life

    Palio changing?

    Not sure what the plans are for the restaurant, but my wife and I had reservations for late August and they called us back to tell us that the restaurant would be closed for some time. Hopefully its just for a fresh coat of paint. We love that place and that's coming from two NY Italians...
  12. diz4life

    Safe to panic now (Seas Holes!)

    Look what you started!! LOL!!!! So, when is the 2007 book coming out? We buy it every year despite the fact that we already have our own opinions and do what we want. Plus, like we said we have no children; therefore, we can actually do what we want!!! JK....anyway...always love our trips...
  13. diz4life

    Safe to panic now (Seas Holes!)

    Thanks for the welcome mousemerf :wave: ...also realize its very well documented that you never anticipated this sort of reaction to your Living Seas post!!!!( the poor Living Seas!). My goodness, it seems to me that people only interpret things the way they want!!!
  14. diz4life

    Safe to panic now (Seas Holes!)

    OK, listen up! I am new to this forum. My wife and I are very confused about why everyone here seems to think that they are the definative authority on WDW. There are countless ways to enjoy WDW and no two people are going to enjoy it the same way. The beauty of Disney is that different...
  15. diz4life

    Chakranadi Chicken Shop Last Day is June 4

    I'm totally looking forward to the new themed dining at AK! They need more cool places to dine there. :) You know, I have always wanted to try the Flame Tree BBQ (plus I have only heard good things about it);however, I am always turned off by the horrible smells that seem to be coming from...
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