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  1. K

    Coranado Springs Resort help

    Does anyone know if there is a bus straight to Dolphin Hotel from CSR I booked a car for a few days and need to collect it from the Dolphin
  2. K

    getting a cuppa tea

    Okay going to Coronado Springs, I see they have Coffee makers in the room. But I'd like to know how I can get my morning cup of tea, do they have tea or a kettle anywhere.
  3. K

    Reservations for Cinderella's Royal Table

    I also Booked CRT this weekend I had a little trouble gettting the time I wanted and had to go for an early lunch rather than the late dinner I would have prefered, But still managed to book for my birthday in Sep.
  4. K

    Pointing is not allowed

    True the two fingers comes from Long bowmen, the french would cut off the fingers. But Pointing your index finger was an insult to long before then, its just been forgotten over the years and replaced by the american middle finger,
  5. K

    Watch out for dining plan rip off at Maya Grill!

    Any way to ensure you get good service? could people not just offer the DDP card to served best, every waiter/ess would start falling over to be nice agian to ensure they got the tip
  6. K

    ADR's - overplanning or required?

    Ah see you all get Free dining, I don't being in UK, I could book through disney US but the saving is not much. we get other benefits. But if its gonna need ADR's for every table service I may give it a miss and forget the DDP - but I may change my mind......See no good planning 3 months in...
  7. K

    ADR's - overplanning or required?

    I know this has been discussed before in some detail but; I'm planning a trip in Sept using the DDP, is it really necessary to book every table service in advance, I don't know what I'd like to eat tonight let alone in 3 months. I don't mind booking 2-3 of the really hard to get in to...
  8. K

    Cindy's Royal Table, going down hill?

    I'm Planning a trip for my 30th b'day and plan to eat there on my b'day I have seen some example menus on the net and thought that the food looked nicer at dinner, although no princesses I will be on DDP when I go would it be a good idea to have character breakfast at norway and book...
  9. K

    Dining plan and UK travel Agents

    Hi just got back from the Travel agents to see want is going on with the DDP I phone Virgin holidays yesterday and they told me that the had withdrawn the DDP and that all uk travel agents where unable to offer it anymore. Went to Thomson holidays and they said they could do it :hammer...
  10. K

    Dining plan and UK travel Agents

    Hi, I'm currently trying to book a trip to WDW in Sept 06 I'd like to try the DDP but its seems that The Dining plan can't be booked from uk travel agents that I have tried, apart from one (more on that later) Most have told me there are problems and that they cannot offer it to customers...
  11. K

    Riding Segways For FREE @ Epcot

    I love my Segway, just wish it had more storage space Red key is the fastest one yet I still get it pulling back in an effort to slow me down. I don't have pedestrians walking around tho' I could see serious problems if disney let people loose with segways on their own. Would be good to...
  12. K

    Riding Segways For FREE @ Epcot

    I can highly recommend a ride on a segway, I use them at work, but in the UK I can't take it out on the road. would be nice to know what 'key' disney let people use there are 3 speed keys slow medium and fast I train people on slow and its still to much for them Fast key is excellent...
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