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  1. J

    Disney Career Start Program

    blah I didn't realize that, for some reason I was thinking it was only for the Summer :(
  2. J

    Disney Career Start Program

    yeah it says it is for high school graduates who graduated less than 18 months ago, so I still qualify. not sure if it is worth it to do it at this point, but I really want to spend the summer in disney. if the CP program did a summer program still I would be all over that!
  3. J

    Disney Career Start Program

    I was curious if anyone has been involved with the Disney Career Start program before. It seems to be similar to the College Program, but instead of lasting a semester it only lasts the duration of the summer. I am a current college freshman who doesn't have a semester to devote to Disney, but...
  4. J

    WDW Picture of the Day

    ^^ excellent picture! I tried to take pics on the ToT once...they didn't turn out very well haha.
  5. J

    Barbershop Quartets Ended ?

    lmao didn't mean to sound like a newb, i was just saying if they are good like the sax quartet is then they must be excellent. lol yes i know the difference between instruments and vocals:slurp:
  6. J

    Barbershop Quartets Ended ?

    ive never heard the barbershop quartet, but if they are anything like the saxaphone quartet they have to be amazing! i was with my band for the parade when we ran into them; they took our completely random requests for jazz songs that we play in school.
  7. J

    Worst Disney ride experience.

    I have had very few bad ride experiences at Disney, but my last time on POTC was not a very good one, although this was by no means the fault of Disney. Every time i have gone to WDW there has been very little wait for this ride, so 20 minutes before we were due backstage for our band...
  8. J

    I would love to see....

    how weird, i was just thinking about this topic earlier today before i saw this. i think a ToT themed hotel would be awesome, but the theming would have to have limits. people do go to hotels to achieve sleep not to get the crap scared out of them in the middle of the night lol. and yes a...
  9. J

    Expedition intense of a ride is this?

    hmmm, how this got off on "is ak better than mgm" is beyond me, but you can't really compare a animal based park to a movie based park can you? back to the op, EE is more intense than sm and btmr, but no wheres near RnRc imo. the backwards portion is by no means intense, as it doesn't have big...
  10. J

    Living Seas Pics - Questions!

    ive never been on the sea cabs i don't believe either, what are they? the only thing i can remember from the Living Seas are those stupid hydrolator things lol.
  11. J


    I think its a great ride, aside from the fact that when i rode in February all of the scents were pine, instead of the oranges and other scents lol. Im like allergic to pine trees so i could definately tell that something was wrong.
  12. J

    Rock N' Roller Coaster

    once you do RnR you can do about anything but it really is a gradual process. Definately best to try the smaller ones first. And in regards to the last post, you realize that rides like the hulk are really not even as bad as RnR, so it really opens a whole new world of coasters to you.
  13. J

    Rock N' Roller Coaster

    can't really compare it to either of those, but the launch is pretty fast, but fun. this was my first roller coaster that went upside down and it truely is a great beginner coaster ( of course do SM and BTMR first, if you consider those true roller coasters.) I disagree with previous posts...
  14. J

    Question about ToT seat belts...

    im pretty sure Soarin goes right to left as well. i was at disney from feb 11-19 and i rode ToT 7 times in a row on the 17th, for some reason it had no line all day.
  15. J

    Yeti Malfunction

    what does b mode of ROTM consist of? when i was in orlando feb 11-19 i rode EE and ROTM.
  16. J

    Yeti Malfunction

    i rode EE on february 17th, and I thought something was up with the yeti. The final time inside the mountain we only had a short glimpse of the yeti and it didn't seem like it was moving much, if at all. I assume it was in B mode then and i didn't really get to see the true yeti swiping action.
  17. J

    Evil Tower U R Doomed

    haha yeah a bellhop laughed at me when i looked in the case only to find nothing at the bottom of the tray...
  18. J

    Soft Opening of Everest

    im gonna be at disney from feb 15 to the 18th, what are my chances of there being a soft opening?
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