Search results

  1. D

    FastPass and the CP

    Thanks for the answers everyone!
  2. D

    FastPass and the CP

    I'm interested to know.... When you are on the CP and spending time off in one of the parks, are you still eligible for FastPasses? I would assume that your ID might also work to secure a FastPass, but I wasn't sure. Thanks!
  3. D

    I got accepted!!!

    Congrats! Glad you got character attendant, you will have so much fun!
  4. D

    CareerStart/WDWCP: I have lots of questions! [kinda long]

    I just want to say that I know you weren't asking for any sympathy, but you've got mine. Your story was very touching. I am truly sorry that you've had such a tough time of it these past few years. I think your chances of getting into either program are great! It sounds like your bad...
  5. D

    Professional Internships

    My friend's internship was listed as needed to be a college junior or senior...she wasn't, and she still got it. She said they prefer to have what's listed on the requirements, but if there's not much interest in a certain position, and someone they know (like a CP alumni) applies that has a...
  6. D

    Professional Internships

    I actually have a friend doing a professional/advanced internship right now in Guest Relations at DAK. She is a CP Alumni, but she did it over 5 years ago, and she has been out of college for about that long, too. She told me that for some of the professional internships they aren't requiring...
  7. D

    What ever happened to Digital Disney?

    Thanks for the fast replies! It's too bad real life caught up with you DigitalDisney. Isn't life via the internet so much more gratifying? ;) Good luck with your new job/house, and I hope to see you online again in the future! Thanks for the info Marni. I'm in the process of figuring out all...
  8. D

    What ever happened to Digital Disney?

    I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I've been searching for hours and can't seem to find any info about the following: I would like a ride-through of the old Dreamflight attraction that was in Tommorrowland. After a lot of searching on this site and the web it seems the only site...
  9. D

    WDWcollege program

    Thanks for the info! I just thought of 2 more questions in regards to the interview though... 1. Should you dress professionally? (i.e. coat and tie?) 2. Should I bring a resume/cover letter? I want to know if it will be helpful to me if I do these things, or if it really doesn't matter. Did...
  10. D

    WDWcollege program

    Hey All! I am also thinking of doing the CP in Fall 2006, and had some questions. Hardly anyone at my school has done it, so I really have nobody to ask. 1. Do people in the CP get free admittance to the parks, or just discounted admittance? 2. What is the average age of most of the CPers? Are...
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