CareerStart/WDWCP: I have lots of questions! [kinda long]


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Hi there, folks. I need some experience and advice that's going to require baring a bit of my less proud moments in life. I don't expect anyone to be sympathetic to my situation, nor do I ask anyone to be, but I do ask that you please bear with me when I ask if the CareerStart program (or CP if I go to the local community college) could work for me.

It seems like I've made a number of developmental mistakes in life, and I might as well start with the most glaring one:

I'm in my early 20s and dropped out of High School when I was 18 for personal reasons. Although I would be comfortable discussing the background of that with employers if necessary, I'd rather not share the nitty gritty on-line. Perhaps this was not the best move, but my future was not immediately at the forefront of my mind when I made the decision. I'm now in process of getting into Night School here and completing the credits I lack to get a diploma (I literally had only a number of weeks left in school to graduation when I quit.)

I also lack job experience. Nothing too personal about this one, I'm afraid. My parents have been very generous to support me through life and never made any kind of demands or ultimatums for me to grow up and get a job. While I appreciate it, I'm becoming concerned about falling behind so far in life. Not to mention that my parents obviously will run out of patience at some point soon.

I hope this doesn't make you think I'm completely worthless. As I think is reflected in this post, I am a very good communicator and can display the right attitude. Much like almost everyone here, I'm passionate about Disney. I love to study the workings and details of the parks and my family has been park-goers since well before my birth when Walt walked through Disneyland. I'm a DL vet so being a CM would definitely not be "just another job."

So then: When I'm done completing my course to make up HS credits and get a diploma, is there any hope in trying out? If I look this bad on paper because of being older than the usual HS grad and having a lack of history, will I have a chance to plead my case with a person before it's all said and done? Or is it all done via application? I think these life issues will quickly iron themselves out if I had to oppertunity to do something I'd really enjoy. It's kind of crushing to think I may have blown my opportunity in life, but I just didn't seriously have a Disney career in my mind when they were made and things just turned out the way they did.

The second question is if it would be wasting my time to apply after receiving the diploma, if perhaps I should look into enrolling in the Community College and eventually applying into WDWCP instead of CareerStart? The recruiters do their presentation spiel at the local CC here so I assume it "counts." It seems there's a number of positions, including a few I wouldn't protest, listed on the CP role list that isn't on the CareerStart list. Are CS applicants simply barred from this stuff? I could understand the company being worried about kids out of High School having jobs that involve being near alcoholic drinks, but characters? That seems like more like something depending on height than age, and I can't see how a college education will assist someone who dresses like an orange dog and dances in full-body pajamas. :lol:

Thanks in advance for any replies, and if you actually read all the way this far, you get a cookie.


Well-Known Member
I say go for it. There were a lot of adults on my CP, so age is not an issue. I also want to say good luck with everything.


New Member
I just want to say that I know you weren't asking for any sympathy, but you've got mine. Your story was very touching. I am truly sorry that you've had such a tough time of it these past few years.

I think your chances of getting into either program are great! It sounds like your bad experiences have shaped your character very well, and given you something just as good as work experience. When something goes wrong, you know how to calmly pick up the pieces and keep going after the things you want. This will be a good way to highlight the positives of your past in your interview.

I don't know why the same roles aren't offered on both programs? Maybe because the CP is designed to be more like an internship, and the CS more like a job? Or maybe it is because of the high school thing? Whatever the reason, I encourage you to enroll in your local community college and begin working towards your degree. If you just go down to Disney on CS, the opportunities available after you complete it aren't as broad as they would be if you have a college degree. If you really want a Disney Career, it would be best for you to have a will open more doors for you than a high school diploma. However, you could always do the CS for a few months, come back and enroll in community college at home and then get your degree and go back to Disney. Or you could do the CS, and once your done continue to work seasonally for Disney while you get your degree at a local school.

Whatever you choose, I don't think you will have a problem getting accepted. Good luck!

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
I'd also say go for it. If you're planning on going to college anyway (which I'd recommend), then why not enroll for a few quarters/semesters and then go for the CP. If you don't think college is necessarily in your future, at least at this time, go for CareerStart, then come back and pursue college or another line of work, or try to get a more permanent position with Disney. Just from reading your post, you do seem like a good communicator, which is a VERY desirable quality for a Cast Member. Don't necessarily worry about previous work experience--I've heard of several CP's getting in without any prior experience. Also, your choice to persue your high school degree shows that you definately have ambition and have gotten yourself on track after whatever happened before. That's also definately a plus. Best of luck, and let us know how it goes! :wave:


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Thank you for your responses. The information is appreciated.

It's kind of scary but I do think I have a good shot provided I don't get rejected just by application alone. My selling point is that my kinda sheltered lifestyle means I have a lot to learn in moving on in the world, and I think the program would definitely help in catching me up to my peer group. The whole shared apartment life is more intimidating to me than the actual job! And of course, while I don't know enough to teach a Traditions class or anything, being enchanted with the Disney park pixie dust can hopefully bridge the work experience gap.

And it sounds like nobody knows the reasons behind the hospitality and entertainment roles listed in one program's application but not the other. Maybe if a course is completed more roles will open up, or maybe not.

Thanks again.

Well-Known Member
This may not apply to you, but for me personally, I wish I had taken a year off after high school because I don't have any work experience either, and I don't have much of a direction. So I wish they'd had CS and I had done it. So if you have some direction already, then I guess I would apply for the CP. If you're still exploring and figuring things out, I would do the CS. Or you could apply for both the CS and college and decide which one you want to do later. It doesn't hurt to apply! And it might help your chances if you apply for the CP later on. Good luck with everything! Don't lose that motivation! Now I have to go finish a paper for a class I don't enjoy in 20 minutes...

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