WDWcollege program


New Member
Hey All! I am also thinking of doing the CP in Fall 2006, and had some questions. Hardly anyone at my school has done it, so I really have nobody to ask.

1. Do people in the CP get free admittance to the parks, or just discounted admittance?

2. What is the average age of most of the CPers? Are most people under 21, over 21, or out of college?

3. I am not going down there to party, however, I understand that a lot of people will be. Is the amount of people who take it seriously and work hard very small?

4. What's the hardest job to get besides character performers? Would working in one of the hotels be harder to get then one of the parks?

I appreciate the help so much! I already looked at the website, and couldn't find answers to any of these questions, so that's why I'm posting here. Thanks again!


New Member
1) Free
2) I'd say under 21
3) I didn't party at all. I'd say after the first month or so you're down to the people who want to be there. THe program weeds them out fairly quickly. By termination or people getting angry and quitting because Price Management (security) is just insane. It's a little like prison. Although if theres a fire alarm going off, the fire dept. gets there before they do and all they have to do is drive their little golf cart 100 ft.
4) It depends. I worked in a resort and didn't apply until like 5 weeks before the progrm started. It depends on how many people want each role and where they think you will do best!

Hope that helps, feel free to ask any other questions!:p


Well-Known Member
1. We get free admission for ourselves, and discounted tickets for people.

2. Well, you have to either be in college, or in the program right after graduation. But the ages vary. I would say that the ages are usually in the 20s though.

3. Well, CPs get free admission to PI 2 times a week. I didn't party at all. There will be people down there who do party or don't party. But like someone said, soon a lot of people who aren't taking the CP seriously will be gone (terminated for underage drinking, too many call-ins, housing violations, ect.).

4. It depends on where they need people and where they put you. I worked in Fantasyland merchandise at the MK. It was ok. I am hoping to go back down in entertainment, so we'll see.

There are other sites to try, besides the main one. There is also www.wdwcpinfo.com and www.disneyalumni.com (there is a CP board as well as an alumni board). Those have forums as well as info, so you can ask questions there too. Good luck!


New Member
Thanks for the info! I just thought of 2 more questions in regards to the interview though...

1. Should you dress professionally? (i.e. coat and tie?)

2. Should I bring a resume/cover letter?

I want to know if it will be helpful to me if I do these things, or if it really doesn't matter. Did you guys see people doing this, or hear about it once you got down to Orlando?

Thanks again!


New Member
I would say resumes are always welcome. And I wore a tie but no coat. Although I saw other people in polos and khakis!


New Member
Dressing professionally, I think, is necessary. It's an interview for a job. You want this internship therefore you need to show them that you are right for it. And you are willing to give your all, just as you would any other job. I would suggest that you also bring your resume/cover letter. I know I did. Once again, it just shows your level of professionalism. It lets Disney know that you are what they are looking for. Someone who is prepared and professional. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I wanted to add to your question number 3. I too feared with my past history of roommates in college that I would get no sleep and would be surrounded by nothing but alcoholics and partiers that stay up all hours of the night. What I got were five of the greatest people I have ever met, and I miss them all, terribly. We went out and had a great time every once and awhile at PI, particularily when free CM admittance was increased to Sunday through Thursday, but I never once had to worry about getting sleep.

I'm not a big partier either; in fact, most days I had off I was in the parks and was too tired to go out. You do have your partiers, but the crazy ones are those that are coming down just for that, and they are gone within the first month or so of the program. The program weeds out people FAST. Example: we had 1200 people check in the Wednesday after I moved in. Come Friday, there were 300 of them left. 3/4 of them were terminated or went home. So long story short (too late I know), they don't put up with crap, and the people you are concerned with in your question will either be gone quickly or will leave because its not what they expected and they find out that there is actually work involved. It's kindof funny actually...in the Housing welcome meeting, they said "look to your left, now look to your right...one of the people beside you will not complete the program." Of course we all went, "yeah right."


I know for a fact the guy on my left was not there graduation day.

Now to your new questions:

1. Sure, wear a coat and tie if you want, but I would recommend just opting for the tie only if you where either. I wore a nice pair of kahkis and a buttonup shirt.

2. Resume? Absolutely. I gave them a resume when I applied. It shows responsibility, maturity, and that you are serious about wanting the position.

Good luck and let us know how it goes! :D


New Member
CP Program experience

I did the Spring Advantage in 2004 (Jan. to August).
I'm graduating in May and applying for a professional internship now.
If I get it, I plan on moving back to Florida and starting a career there.
It was the most amazing experience I ever had. There's so much to say about it.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to contact me: AIM: Shakes150


New Member
Original Poster
just wanna say thanks to everyone for the replies! it really helps!! now I'm even more excited for the cp!

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