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  1. M

    any news on the Haunted Mansion update?

    I hopped on HM a few weeks ago just a few days after it came out of rehab and noticed something I didn't recall from my last ride in 2002. How long as Madame Leota's crystal ball been floating around the room? I recall it being static on the table like the WDW verison.
  2. M

    DL Monorail Question...

    I was wondering why it was going in both directions a few weeks ago... So is it only shuttling back and forth or can you only ride one way?
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    Fastest Ride at WDW

    Mass (or for the folks who have a hard time thinking of mass and weight as two different things, weight) has absolutely nothing to do with the velocity of an object in a true freefall. A terminal velocity is the maximum velocity an object in a freefall can reach due to the resistance of air...
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    Fastest Ride at WDW

    Test Track vehicles are supposedly capable of speeds of up to 90MPH. If we're talking theoretical top speeds, then I'd vote for Test Track. I'd like to see a 20 year old WDW bus try to hit 90. If we're talking about actual speeds, then MKT on any street sounds right. I'll even surpass the...
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    Fresh from my Archives

    Hmmm... Interesting.
  6. M

    Rob does SPACE!

    Good God, I haven't posted in months, but everywhere I go you seem to be there. I have to point out one thing. You're right, we don't really seem to like you much. Are you over the age of 13 by chance? If you're not you are breaking the law if you gave out any personal information to any...
  7. M

    Journey Into The Imagination With Figment has windows problem

    Actually, just a lapbar won't cut it on RnRC because it goes through corkscrews, an element where there aren't always high positive G's. There really nees to be something to keep your knees bent so that you don't slip out. For instance: Flight of Fear at Paramount's Kings Island (Premier LIM...
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    Beetlejuice's Graveyard Revue - LAST SHOW PICS

    What? No picture of Rob with Wayne Brady?!? :cry:
  9. M

    i am NOT an imagineer.. so QUIT IM'ing me!

    I'm an Imagineer! Only, not...:hammer:
  10. M

    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

    Forgive me for not rememering (I was 3 the last time I saw 20k operating) but where was the queue area? Was all of it contained where the "Fantasyland Character Festival" is now? Where was the loading area, and why did I cry so much on the ride? :lol:
  11. M

    What's it Take to Pilot a Monorail?

    You have to be able to pass a "test" which from what I understand consists of writing numbers on pictures of the monorail pylons...
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    Disney Imitators

    Ya know, the geosphere isn't owned by Disney. Just because there's a geosphere somewhere else other than EPCOT doesn't make it a ripoff... And I'm sorry, but the folks who say every indoor, dark coaster is a ripoff of space mountain, I feel you're wrong too.
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    Imagination! Construction at backlot

    Am I the only one who enjoyed Journey Into Your Imagination? Of course, I never rode JII...
  14. M

    French Quater And Riverside To Become Military Owned

    The Port Orleans resorts are not going Military. They're being used for Shades of Green guests while Shades of Green is being rennovated... It's only temporary.
  15. M

    New Monorails?

    wow! Wow... DonickCo's idea is great. I'd love to see that happen, but I don't really see Disney spending money on Monorails because they have no return. It's cheaper to build light rail or buy new buses, at least in the short term. (yeah, i've read the price comparesons on
  16. M

    ToT Rumor

    In the public's view, a change in name isn't necessary. A poll on a Tower of Terror fanpage says that of about 250 voters, more than 80% think the name should remain the same.
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