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    Just Got Accepted!!

    way to go tink! ill se be seeeing you down there!! operations on january 6th!
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    Getting accepted to the CP

    hey tink..nice to see you back! its been awhile lol i heard back in about....10 days or so. i agree with the previous poster, call if you dont hear back from them by the three week mark. steve
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    Booking Rooms

    Well, i cant believe but i am leaving in just over a month!! im uber exicited to go down as is my family. my question for current castmemebrs is this: my family has never been down to disney world and my paretns were planning n surrpsing my younger siblings with a surprise trip along with my...
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    what do the mvp of the superbowl and steviej have in common?

    awesome!!!! i will be working operations in january as well!!! maybe ill see ya down there steve
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    interview question

    depends on how many people are at the session. if thre are less then 10 then they will interview on the spot...if there are more then they will set up phone itnerviews. you can do the interview the next day if you want. as i siad, you are basically required to have a pohne interview now. its not...
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    presentation is wednesday. last minute questions

    i agree with just about everybody else. i had my presentation about 3 weeks ago. i wore a golf shirt and khakis and jacket and i felt a little over dressed to be honest. there were people there in sweatpants! if you just wear khakis and a polo, you should be fine. you most likely will not get...
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    Spring 2006

    i agree with the above poster on both his points. i did a lot of reserach before applying and i never read anything about anybody get rejected. i really would not worry at all. and i agree...that is a great costume. im going as peter pan this year lol
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    Spring 2006

    Good luck tink!!!!
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    Spring 2006

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    Spring 2006

    Whoops...i cant believe i did that....and i cant change it now cause it now becauses its the title :brick:on the other hand....I GOT ACCEPTED TODAY i am working attractions at WDW for the Spring 2007 session!
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    Spring 2006

    Well, since I should be hearing from disney in the next week or so about going down in the Spring, I decided to start a thread to see if anybody else on the site will be working down there as well.
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    ya right...if i get it, then i am 10000% sure im going down! i am so nervous and but a lot confident. thanks for the advice. hows workign at splash mountain?
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    Tommorow is the presentation at my school and i am really looking forward to starting the process of becomming an employee for next year! Anybody got an insight as to what i can expect tommorow? thanks Steve
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    Dream Squad

    thanks cb! maybe i will see you down there in january! does anyone know when when the spring program officaily starts. ive never been to wdw for christmas and was hoping maybe i could see some of the decorations
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    Dream Squad

    Well, today i fianlly got the last approval form my academic advisor to apply for the WDWCP for this spring! i am so exicited and really hope i can make it on! the program is coming to my school on the 12th and i can not wait. a few questions though. 1. Will they be doing interviews on the...
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    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    The joys of working at a movie theater!!! i have seen the movie 4 times already and plan of seeing it again!!! i think the movie is perfect and that it really gets you exicited for the third one. someone above mentioned that Davy Jones doesnt know where his heart is but that is a lie. He knows...
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    Fixed it, thank you!:wave:
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    Disturbing is there really any need for this? I do not understand why Universal is always poking fun at disney and constantly comparing themselves to WDW. They should focus more on themselves and less on Disney, even if disney is there biggest...
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    Caroussel of Progress

    CoP was my first ride I ever went on in Disney world when i went there for the first time this past summer and i adore that ride. I went on it with 15 other high schoolers and we had a great time singing the song and just enjoying the ride. We opted to go it rather then do Space Mountain again...
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