

Follower of "Saget"The Cult
scubasteve920 said:

is there really any need for this? I do not understand why Universal is always poking fun at disney and constantly comparing themselves to WDW. They should focus more on themselves and less on Disney, even if disney is there biggest competitor.
You've got an extra http:// in the link.:wave:

Magic Maker

New Member
Good for them.

Too bad half of the supervisors there are Disney freaks.

Disney satisfies families, Universal satisfies teens and adults, very few families enjoy it togehter as a ground from the feedback I have received.

But they do have a smart marketing team, I will give them that!


New Member
Disney is competition for Universa,
Universal is not competition for Disney.
A family does not go to Orlando just to do Universal, but they do that for Disney. And if they go to Universal, its most likely they will visit Disney too. Its not the same the other way around.


Well-Known Member
Universal just needs to thank Disney since a large portion of their guests actually travel to Orlando to go to WDW. While at WDW they may take a few days and go to Universal. Therefore no WDW = No Universal.:hammer:

To me there is no comparison as WDW and Univ. are completely different types of parks. You want huge coasters and lots of them - go to Cedar Point. You want a fun filled week of family vacation - go to WDW and if you love coasters spend a day at Islands of Adventure.

By the way Universal is not really being negative, they are merely comparing themselves to WDW.


New Member
The only thing on there that is truely better than Disney is that all of their resorts are pet friendly. One day, Disney is going to get the times and either create a pet friendly resort or turn an existing resort into a pet friendly one. Well....that and Spiderman! That is the best ride ever.


Why do they need a pet friendly resort anyway? Most people are fine leaving their pets home for a few days...and the rest, well they are just gonna have to stay at Universal I guess cause they take pets! - Besides, there is always Fort Wilderness.

Magic Maker

New Member
A small portion of Guests won't join DVC because of the pet issue. Not a lot of Guests are this way, but it is just one area we are missing.


New Member
lwalker8 said:
Why do they need a pet friendly resort anyway? Most people are fine leaving their pets home for a few days...and the rest, well they are just gonna have to stay at Universal I guess cause they take pets! - Besides, there is always Fort Wilderness.

GEEZ!!!! Didn't mean to start a debate about this! Just commenting on the comparison between Universal and WDW. There are many threads out there on this subject. If you want to debate this, go to one of those. If you aren't a "dog" "cat" or "insert pet of choice here" person, you wouldn't understand, anyway.


New Member
Magic Maker said:
Good for them.

Too bad half of the supervisors there are Disney freaks.

Disney satisfies families, Universal satisfies teens and adults, very few families enjoy it togehter as a ground from the feedback I have received.

But they do have a smart marketing team, I will give them that!

Our supervisors do spend alot of time at WDW.

And thank you for pointing this out. Different parks target different folks!


New Member
jmvd20 said:
Universal just needs to thank Disney since a large portion of their guests actually travel to Orlando to go to WDW. While at WDW they may take a few days and go to Universal. Therefore no WDW = No Universal.:hammer:

To me there is no comparison as WDW and Univ. are completely different types of parks. You want huge coasters and lots of them - go to Cedar Point. You want a fun filled week of family vacation - go to WDW and if you love coasters spend a day at Islands of Adventure.

By the way Universal is not really being negative, they are merely comparing themselves to WDW.

A good amount of team members at UO do realize that if it was not for Disney, there would be Universal. Heck, anyone working in the hospitality industry in this town should recognize WDW for everything it has done for this town.

Last point: The only thing that complaining about these marketing strageties from UO is doing, is creating more publicity. If you think WDW is soooo much better (in ways it is) then why even bother about talking about UO?? hmmm? :D


Well-Known Member
beyondthepalace said:
A good amount of team members at UO do realize that if it was not for Disney, there would be Universal. Heck, anyone working in the hospitality industry in this town should recognize WDW for everything it has done for this town.

Last point: The only thing that complaining about these marketing strageties from UO is doing, is creating more publicity. If you think WDW is soooo much better (in ways it is) then why even bother about talking about UO?? hmmm? :D

I never stated that WDW is soooo much better. To me they are completely different places. Cedar Point and Islands of Adventure are the best coaster parks in the world at least IMO. But Disney is not a coaster park, if they wanted to be they have the $$$ and the know how to build a great one but that is not what they are about.

Univ. and WDW are in completely different classes, at least IMO and therefore a direct comparison is really not possible.


Well-Known Member
Kadee said:
GEEZ!!!! Didn't mean to start a debate about this! Just commenting on the comparison between Universal and WDW. There are many threads out there on this subject. If you want to debate this, go to one of those. If you aren't a "dog" "cat" or "insert pet of choice here" person, you wouldn't understand, anyway.

It's not always a debate over being a pet person. I think dogs and cats can be great. Unfortunately, I'm one of those people with severe allergies to them and keep my distance. At least I know at a Disney resort I can relax without having any dander/hair in the room.


New Member
beyondthepalace said:
A good amount of team members at UO do realize that if it was not for Disney, there would be Universal. Heck, anyone working in the hospitality industry in this town should recognize WDW for everything it has done for this town.

Last point: The only thing that complaining about these marketing strageties from UO is doing, is creating more publicity. If you think WDW is soooo much better (in ways it is) then why even bother about talking about UO?? hmmm? :D

Negative publicity is just that NEGATIVE publicity, I think its funny how Universal tries to compare itself to Disney with its silly list of comparisons.The list which is written to put Disney down still makes me want to visit Disney more-putting Wet & Wild in the same category as Blizzard beach or Typhoon lagoon is like comparing a Daewoo to a Bentley. Park hoppers are required since Disney has multiple DESIRABLE parks not just 2 mediocre parks with a Pleasure Island knockoff between them. Disney is #1 in the industry and #2 is still the 1st loser and the group who needs to sling mud.

I've been reading your posts for awhile and have bit my tongue and I know you work for Universal and you've mentioned before how you are a Universal supporter and are "anti-disney" but you are on a DISNEY website so please try not to be so openly for the competition to me its a little tacky.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Ya know, I like Universal, but it really is bad form to bash the competition so balantly and harshly. Even Pepsi doesn't bash coke this bad.

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