

New Member
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Tommorow is the presentation at my school and i am really looking forward to starting the process of becomming an employee for next year! Anybody got an insight as to what i can expect tommorow? thanks



Active Member
The presentation should last around 45 minutes. They have a new video this season that takes up a lot more of the presentation. I think it was filmed to look like a documentary over the summer. (Please ignore the clip that includes Splash Mountain, because I can assure you that the girl in it isn't a real Splash CM, was very rude to those of us who DID work the ride, and who totally butchered our slogan...Can you tell I'm a little bitter. :hurl: ) Make sure you bring your printed application and role checklist, as well as a calandar so you can schedule a phone interview at the end. Try to dress nicely (khakis and a nice-ish shirt are good enough), and make sure you're in Disney look, or ready to assure your recruiter that you will be in Disney look when you arrive in Florida. You might also think of a few questions to ask your Campus Reps before you sign up. Remember, signing up for a phone interview isn't binding you to the program. You have the opportunity to decline the role offered to you with no penalty.


New Member
Original Poster
ya right...if i get it, then i am 10000% sure im going down! i am so nervous and but a lot confident. thanks for the advice. hows workign at splash mountain?


Active Member
I pretended like I hated it and I complained all the time in true CP fashion, but deep down really I loved it and I miss it like crazy. And we just happened to have a really good CP crew that season. Splash is a good place to work if you like high-energy, fast-paced environments with a lot of guest interaction and guest situations (height requrements+long lines+excessive fastpasses=lots of annoyed guests). You also get to do quite a bit of running around inside the mountain, what with running intrusions when people set off sensors, resetting the attraction, and evacing guests. Since it's at the MK, you also get really late hours, with EMHs ending at 3 or 4 am during the busy seasons. I couldn't have been put at a better attraction on property though.

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