Search results

  1. Sara Helene

    Best Character Encounter

    My favorite character encounter was in Epcot way back when I was 7 or 8 years old. I'm a big fan of Tigger. My family and I were doing some shopping in the World Showcase. When we were in the UK pavillion, I spotted him come out of a door or something all by his lonesome and walk into this...
  2. Sara Helene

    Mission: Space "Spew" Factor

    I know what you mean about being afraid of puke. It's one of my phobias, too. Anyways, I think there's a little barf bag box in the ride vehicle. I might be mistaken, but I remember saying "Hey! Barf bags!" which caused my sister to freak out and demand to be let off. Still, there's no...
  3. Sara Helene

    Take It Off!!

    Yes, I agree. I'm new here, but I've been reading these boards for quite some time. Anyways, I know it's frustrating when people post things over and over like this, but the fighting is silly. Just politely tell them how to do a search, welcome them to the boards, and move along. And I hope I...
  4. Sara Helene

    Big News - New Walt Disney World Napkins

    Oh, the new design is so cute! I agree, some non-disneyfreak is probably reading this thread right now and laughing his butt off at how pathetic we all are. :lol:
  5. Sara Helene

    SW1k- Video! A Must see, true Disney magic!

    Wow.! That was wonderful, and it made me all teary-eyed. Ben and Lokheed, congratulations on 1000 rides! tk421-sw and thimblekisses, you guys are awesome! Keep up the good work! :sohappy:
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