Best Character Encounter


Well-Known Member
My favorite is when I campaigned for the Queen of Hearts for President at the Magic Kingdom. I had a shirt on and a sign for the Queen to display. She was amazed that someone would think so highly of her. We both went to show Gov Ratcliffe and he was not amused. When her set was over she walked up by the castle and held up the sign. A majority of the guests and character greeters were laughing, and some had no clue what was going on. it was so funny. Do you remember that Atta?


Park History nut
Premium Member
Dean[AU] said:
Great stories guys.

The best encounter I witnessed was at MK, a rare character point with Mickey and Minnie, at early evening, on the imediate right after passing the station.

Us too! I hope it is still quite a rare experience... this one is from an E Ride night in June 2001, at the hub:


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Well-Known Member
drew smith said:
My favorite is when I campaigned for the Queen of Hearts for President at the Magic Kingdom. I had a shirt on and a sign for the Queen to display. She was amazed that someone would think so highly of her. We both went to show Gov Ratcliffe and he was not amused. When her set was over she walked up by the castle and held up the sign. A majority of the guests and character greeters were laughing, and some had no clue what was going on. it was so funny. Do you remember that Atta?

How could I forget that was freakin funny!


New Member
I have a few of them

One is from Spring Break 2002. I went with my parents, brother, best friend and my brother's best friend (all guys except for me and my mom). We were at Ohana for the the character breakfast and Goofy came over and started messing with my dad's hair (he has none so that was interesting). Then he moved on to my best friend, my brother and my brother's best friend and started messign with their hair. My brother's best friend has really long hair so he had a lot of fun with that one and my best friend HATES for anyone to touch his hair and mess it up. Then a few days later we went to the character dinner at Chef Mickey's and Goofy came over and tried to mess with the boys' hair again. We have a picture of my brother fighting off Goofy in the middle of the restuarant.

Another is from August when I was in WDW with my mom. We were there when Hurricane Charley came through. The day the hurricane hit we were in MGM. I had read on here that Lilo and Stitch had a special meeting place by the Animation place so we headed over there shortly after they opened so I could see Lilo and Stitch since they are my favorites. When we got back there my mom and I were the only ones back there so my mom told Lilo and Stitch that they were my favorite and each one took me by the hand and started to walk away with me while waving bye to my mom and their handlers. That was great. We spent a lot of time with them taking pictures.

Then that night when we were back at our hotel (Beach Club) and they brought the characters out, Stitch was one of them. I really wanted to see him again so we got in line. Of course we were next in line when it was time for his break, but the CM who was with him saw us and said that Stitch would stay for us because he liked our shirts. I was wearing a Pistons championship shirt and my mom had on a Michigan State shirt. Turns out he was from Michigan and went to Central Michigan so we got to talk to him a bit.

I also got to meet Cinderella on that same trip. She has been my favorite character since I was 3 so that was exciting for me to meet her. Even though she wasn't the nicest Cinderella. My mom told her I had loved her since I was 3 and she just made a face.


New Member
I have so many...but I guess one of my favorites was when I was working down there and I would visit the characters on my days off. Sometimes I would be attacked by the Chipmunks, Tigger, Goofy or Suzy and Perla. They would come running over to hug made me feel so special!

My other favorite character encounter was during the SADCT Parade. Cinderella and Prince Charming were in their snowglobe and Prince Charming looked down at me (now I had worked with him) and he nodded at me and did a royal gesture (not an obsene one) to me and everybody looked at me and couldn't believe it! I had to laugh...and again I felt so special!



Well-Known Member
We were at an E-ride night and lots of characters were in front of the castle and hardly anyone was there. My daughter wanted some pictures, so my husband sat down on a bench while we were taking pictures with characters. When we turned around to go back to my husband at the bench, Goofy was lounging on the bench next to him. Of course we got a picture and even purchased a Goofy frame for it.


New Member
I was just posting our best character encounter in another thread :D

We visited the MK early last December. The park was open until 11..I think. We went into Mickey's Toontown about a half hour before closing and it was so deserted. Minnie Mouse was standing in front of Goofy's Barnstormer. We took some pictures with her and she invited us all on the ride with her. Chip and Dale came along too. We'd just had our pictures taken with them and they playfully chased my friend's 16 year old cousin around as though they were in love with her. That alone was a great encounter. We all rode the Barnstormer twice with Minnie Mouse, Chip and Dale on my son's birthday and my friends' cousins first and only trip to the Magic Kingdom on a beautiful freezing night. Minnie "kissed" my son on the nose before saying goodbye to us. I've been to the Magic Kingdom so many times and never once had something so amazing happen there. We go to Mickey's Toontown before closing every time we visit now :D


New Member
I have a couple of great encounter stories. One is when I was near the Mad Tea Party attraction and Tweedle Dee and Dum were there. I was 24 at the time. I'm now 26. I was the only grown up in the line and all the rest were kids. So anyway when I got to my turn Tweedle Dum decided he liked me and hooked my arm in the crook of his and started skipping with me like they do in Alice in Wonderland torward the Tea Cups. Well this ticked off Dee as he stood there with his arms crossed tapping his foot on the ground. Anyway this totally amused my mom and the people in the line. It made a great pic as they started playing with my ponytail.

Another is at Animal Kingdom and I saw Goofy in a safari outfit, and I said Hi Goofy, he stopped put his hand on his heart and pretended to faint. Then he covered his face and did his "Gawrsh' face. lol

Another was with Peter Pan. I met Peter outside of the Pirates of the Caribbean. He and I had a great chat. He said you look just like a princess, I think you should move into the Castle with Cinderella and Snowwhite, and you can be the next Disney World princess. lol He was truly adorable.

I also had a persistantly in love Tigger at Crystal Palace. He saw me and took me into a big bear hug and wouldnt let go purrring in my ear like a tiger. I didnt think they were allowed to make vocal noises. Anyway, he made kissing noises at my cheek and went and sat next to my mom and pointed to me and put his hand on his heart telling my mom he was in love while he whispered in my mom's ear. My mom told him I had a bf, and he started to cry. lol. Anyway there was a parade around the restaurant and he had the hip sign in a hip hip hooray parade with the little kids. Anyway he stopped the parade at my table and all the kids crashed into him, and he gave me the hip sign and pointed at it and then me. It was pretty hilarious.

Yet another one was when I was waiting to have my picture with the Queen of Hearts and Prince John was annoyed that I was waiting for her and not him so he came up to me without his supervisor person, and crossed his arms against his chest tapped his foot angrily, and put his hand out for me to kiss. Then we posed for a pic. It was great.

I also have a Chip and Dale story and then I promise I'm done. lol. They did essentially the same thing as they did with others, they pretended to fight over my affections and pulled both my arms back and forth. So I hugged and kissed both and we posed for a pic.


New Member
My favorite character encounter was in May 2000. We were at MK at opening, waiting for the rope to drop at the castle, so we could make our mad dash to the Pooh ride (it didnt' have a fast pass yet, so we wanted to ride it first before the crowds). There was only one group ahead of us when we arrived there, and as the hunny pot rolled around, Pooh was on it. We were so jealous for a split second, because we missed riding with Pooh by one ride. But the next pot came and Piglet was riding, and we were able to ride with Piglet! My girls were 9 and 5 at the time, and my son was 2. It was our very first ride at WDW on our first trip, and it couldn't have been more magical! When the ride was over, we got to walk with Pooh and Piglet to their meet and greet area, which at the time was right in front of the former lagoon, and I have the cutest picture of my 2 year old walking hand in hand with Piglet.

My other favorite encounter was in June 2004 at AK, with Goofy. We were next in line when he had a 5 min break, and he came back with his zipper down on his fishing pants. My kids thought this was hilarious and gave him a hard time, and the whole line was cracking up. It was great!


New Member
In Feb of 2003 my Mother in law & my sister in law & I had the best encounter ever!! We went to toontown to the tent to wait for Chip and Dale. We got to Chip and Dale and Chip feel in love with my sister in law. He played with her hair, he tired to drag her in the back room, he pretend to kiss her hand. It was sooo funny, we died laughing!! (one of my best wdw memories ever!!). After that we went back in line to see Cinderella, well as we were getting closer and closer one of the doors opened and chip was comming out to say hi to some kids. He took one look at my sister in law and came hopping over!! He then got in line with us hugged her and tried to take her away. His cast memeber helping him just laughed and said, "Oh my your girl friends back Chip!!" We laughed soo hard, it was the best!! You don't get any better then that!!!!


New Member
we were on line to meet pluto on castaway cay, the entire trip I just wanted to meet pluto wearing a life vest. Well he had an accident before we got to meet him. He had to go back to the ship and the greeters said that he probably won't be coming back. I was so upset.
But at the end of the day, he was waiting by the ship. When we saw him, he acted really happy to see us. It was so cool.


Well-Known Member
There have been several magical moments for us, but 3 come to mind. 2 involve Goofy and my son. On his first visit to WDW (he was 9 months old), I often had to lag behind with him while my husband took his sister on her favorite rides. One day at Epcot I was waiting in the shade with him in his stroller ride at the plaza before SSE. All of a sudden, several characters came out to greet us (we were the only ones sitting there at the time). My son was particularly fascinated with Goofy, and since there were no other kids around, Goofy spent a lot of time with him, making him giggle incessantly. When Goofy leaned over to him, my son grabbed his nose real hard, and would not let go. It was really a riot to watch Goofy gently wrestling himself free!
2 years later, my son again saw Goofy in Epcot, and by then he was really into getting autographs. So he patiently waited in line, and just when it should have been his turn, a group of foreign preteens ran in front of him and tried to hug Goofy. Much to my son's delight, Goofy turned them away, walked over to my son and gave him an awesome hug while we took his picture. My third favorite encounter involves my 80-year-old mother, Chip and Dale, and a stroller. Perhaps it's better not said!:eek:

Sara Helene

New Member
My favorite character encounter was in Epcot way back when I was 7 or 8 years old. I'm a big fan of Tigger. My family and I were doing some shopping in the World Showcase. When we were in the UK pavillion, I spotted him come out of a door or something all by his lonesome and walk into this little courtyard. At least I think it was a courtyard. This was a long time ago. Anyways, I ran up to him yelling "Mommy! Look, it's Tigger!" and gave him a hug. He then pointed to my father with the video camera, and held out his hand as if asking me to dance. We danced for a few minutes, then he signed my autograph book and got a picture with me. I still have that video lying around somewhere.

My worst encounter involves Donald Duck and a Brazilian tour group, but I won't get into that...:animwink:


I have 2:

First one was last September during Night of Joy. We were under the DJ tent hanging out and spent a lot of time with Donald, Chip, & Dale just snapping pictures and dancing with them. It was around my birthday so I wore a birthday pin and Donald mimed a birthday cake and had me blow out the candle. Here are some pictures of that night...

Second one was on my last trip to WDW. I had wanted a picture with Peter Pan and Wendy because I have never taken one with them. Peter Pan is one of my favorite movies. As soon as we walk into Main Street the first characters I see are Peter Pan and Wendy! I get my mom to hold the camera for me and we wait in line. I am excited as a little girl. I was wearing a Tinker Bell t-shirt that said "Good Girl" and "Bad Temper" in the back. Wendy was like, "Tinker Bell isn't a very good girl. She's pretty mean." Peter Pan said, "She's pretty nice to me." Wendy: "Of course she is!" The conversation went on about Tink. It was really cute. I showed them the back of my shirt and Wendy was like, "Now THAT is Tinker Bell!"

Here's the picture....


Best Character

I always have a great time with the characters!!! But one of my favorite times, was back in February 2001 in MK on an e-ticket night that wasn't very crowded. My boyfriend and I were sitting on Main Street infront of the castle, and Mickey Minnie Chip Dale Goofy and Pluto all came out. There really wasn't anyone around at the time, so they all came over to my boyfriend and I and they sat with us. The CM with them took my camara and just started taking pictures!!! We had such a fun time with them! I have pictures of me dancing with Goofy and my boyfriend with Minnie. And of course tons of pictures with Mickey. We hung around with them for a good 20 minutes. When they had to go in the CM asked if I would like a group picture and of course I was jumping up and down saying "yes!". So I have this cool picture of my boyfriend and I with the gang infront of the castle. I loved it so much that the following X-mas I made it our X-mas card!!!


Well-Known Member
My mom and my brother were at DLR back in early eighties. My brother was probably around 2-3 at the time. Well, here comes the Three Little Pigs and they decided it would be funny to grab the stroller (that my brother was in) and go of with my brother from Fountierland to Space Mountain. My mom, holding me, was chasing the Three Little Pigs to get my brother back. My mom wasn't happy afterwards.
Ill never forget this charater moment. It was great because it was hillarious, and I finished my first ever Turkey Leg.

Any ways. It was at MVMCP in 2004. I was hungry so i decided to grab my first turkey leg, and try to destroy it. I start eating my turkey leg and my sister and I encounter cousin louie and Balou(spelling??). We havent ever seen them in the park before so we figured it was a rare accurance so we got in line to see them near Jungle Cruise. I hadnt finished my turkey leg when i approached them. they both stoped, looked at my turkey leg and try to steal it away from me. I thought it was quite funny. We had picture of it but i have been able to find it.


New Member
I've had some great ones. The nice thing about all these stories is that it shows how the characters make the experience so personal for everyone. Major kudos to the brave folks who play them!:sohappy:

My most memorable: We got married on the Beach in front of the Poly. Afterwards, we went inside for a reception dinner. As a suprize, the Disney folks arranged for Goofy to stop by and visit. And of course, the Goof had a dance with the bride while he was there.

Next: at the Animal Kingdom my eldest's favorite character is Mushu. She showed Mushu her new Mushu pin, and Mushu wanted to keep it for himself! Very funny.

Same day, my youngest (2 and 1/2 at the time) loved all the characters, insisting on hugging each one. Especially her favorite, Timon. Timon got down on his knee and held out his arms. She hugged him, then posed for a picture and walked off calling, "Bye, moan!" since she couldn't say his full name. Very sweet.


Active Member
I have a couple of favorites actually...

My #1 is with, of course Chip and Dale. It was in adventureland, near tom sawyer's there was like seven people there for meet & greet. My the girls wanted an autograph from C & D. And of course I wanted a picture myself. So I was just going to pose in between them, but right as my friend snapped the picture they both turned their faces to me like they were kissing me on the cheek. It is the cutest photo!

My #2 is actually my Dad. I took my Dad for his first trip Chrismas 2003, my mom and I stopped for a bathroom break near the teacups and while he was outside waiting, apparently tweetle dee and tweetle dumb started to hang out with him, when we came out of the bathroom we found my 50 year old dad joking around with them, hillarious!

My #3 is with Tigger, we waited in line at the toon town fair and when we finally got to Tigger (one of my faves) he was laying on his belly on the floor, so I did the same, all the little kids were giggling. Another really cute picture.


New Member
I was getting my picture taken with the Wicked Queen from Snow White and my mom said, "Smile!" The Queen replied, "I don't need to smile. I'm already beautiful." I'd never seen such sassiness in my life. I loved it.

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