Mission: Space "Spew" Factor


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I have looked at a lot of the postings on M:S, but I didn't find out what the real "spew" factor is like. You see, I have a really bad phobia of barf.... *shivvvvers*! I can barely type the word! If I have a party of 3 (counting myself) that I know wont puke, would they just let us go? Or do they need to toss on another person? I'm not scared of the ride, I'm scared the fact that someone might get sick on the ride! Thanks a million!!!


Well-Known Member
i have never heard of anyone actually puking on the ride, after the ride is another story. jsut keep looking straight, me being the mr wizard addict that i am, i turned my head, i got really dizzy


Account Suspended
They have a single riders line for a reason, so yes, they will probably add a 4th person. Just do what the instructions tell you to: keep your head back, look at the screen, don't turn your head, etc, and you'll be fine.


New Member
They provide the barf-bags but the motion sickness you feel isnt necessarily the kind that makes you throw up your turkey leg. Its more of just being disoriented.

I followed the directions and looked straight 99% of the time. If youre focusing on the screen then the experience takes over, but for the few seconds i looked to the side then i really felt the "ride" part of it.

I had a hard time but it wasnt because of the spinning. It was more because of how small the cabin was. The ride is longer than i thought and i felt a panick attack coming up if they kept me in there a minute longer.


New Member
I'm going to be straight with you: If you have a fear of vomit (yours or anyone else's) then maybe you should skip it. I think it's doubtful there'll be puking during the ride, but if you get skeeved typing the word barf, then you'll probaby also get skeeved by the sight of the sickness bags they keep inside the ride. I guess it all depends on how much it really bothers you.


New Member
kittykatta said:
I had a hard time but it wasnt because of the spinning. It was more because of how small the cabin was. The ride is longer than i thought and i felt a panick attack coming up if they kept me in there a minute longer.

I had that experience, too. I was all worried about getting sick until I actually entered the cabin. Then I was more worried about claustrophobia. It really is crazy small in there.


Yes, we will add in another rider depending on if we have the single riders to fill it...it's all about efficiency, ya know! :animwink:

The real "spew" factor is very low....much lower than what the internet hype makes it out to be.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
lady_vor said:
You see, I have a really bad phobia of barf.... *shivvvvers*!
a piece of advice......... dont ever go to New Orleans on bourban street, new years eve, for your 21st birthday, with your college buddy, when the drinking age was still 18, in shorts and expect not to get puked on or near.

just a warning

other than that, dont drink a gallon of milk in 1 hour or less, dont eat 12 boiled eggs, dont do a keg stand for 90 seconds then eat taco bell and most importantly dont look to the sides on M:S if you get motion sickness.



Well-Known Member
I would worry more about people getting sick after riding M:S. I can remember not feeling too great during the ride but then walking that long hallway to the exit was when it really hit me. I didn't get sick but it was darn close and I don't think that I was the only one. I'm not saying I saw anyone throw up but a few of us looked pretty green!!


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waltdisny said:
Well said. The hype is much worse.

LadyVor is your name a reference to the Vorkosiverse?

Actually, Vor was a woman who lived during the viking era. She was a wise woman who would journey with the vikings. She would also take care of them if they got wounded, as well as cleaning and cooking for them.


New Member
Two words:
Protein Spill.
But really, for most people it isn't bad. Every so often, you'll get someone who gets sick, but they mostly don't, uh, release anything until they reach a bathroom. Only in rare cases does it actually spill in the ride, and then they need to shut down one of the four simulator rooms for cleanup. But a word of warning.... If you've never been on Mission: SPACE, you really might not know for sure what the effects on YOU will be like. I just said that very few people get sick, but you really never know. My mom went on it once, spent the ride screaming her lungs out, the next half hour in the bathroom, the next two weeks making sure she only faced forward in the buses, and the next month trying not to look at the sky. And she still feels queasy in the France show, during the part where the camera looks up at the Eiffel Tower (it reminds her too much of the launch tower). Just a warning.

Sara Helene

New Member
I know what you mean about being afraid of puke. It's one of my phobias, too.

Anyways, I think there's a little barf bag box in the ride vehicle. I might be mistaken, but I remember saying "Hey! Barf bags!" which caused my sister to freak out and demand to be let off. Still, there's no guarantee that the person next to you will actually use those barf bags. :lookaroun


New Member
I too have a major fear of barf and unfortunately I have decided to skip Mission Space even though I really hate to miss any major attractions. I just don't think it will be worth the risk (however small) of being barfed on, barfing or even seeing barf in the exit (the first two of which would probably ruin my trip - yes I'm neurotic but I can't help it :eek: ). Just to let you know that you are not alone.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
You won't really barf, but feel kinda dizzy and disoriented after the ride, but it isn't that bad. Simply, don't eat a huge meal before going on the ride and you'll be fine.


New Member
I didn't barf, get barfed on, or even SEE barf for that matter when I rode it last summer. Thankfully.

It is a very intense ride. I thought that I would get a little dizzy after riding it, but once we got out of our litte compartments, I wasn't dizzy, just a little disoriented, as people have been saying. I have to admit that I was a little shaky, though, only because the experience wasn't like what I expected. But in a good way. :D


New Member
I experienced Mission Space last week and had just had dinner at Boma roughly 1 hour before, and also was having a mild headache. Given all that, I still rode it with some trepidation, though I almost never get sick on any theme park rides. During the launch part of the ride, I did begin to feel queesy, but most of that was due to the combination of the movement and the cold air blowing in my face creating almost a "cold sweat" sort of feeling. But once we broke through the atmosphere I was fine. As others have said - - absolutely keep facing the screen and focus on the visuals if you even get the slightest bit of motion sickness, then you should be fine.

For any Epcot cast members: Any chance they could ease up on the frigid air blowing in your face?? That really was a nuisance during the ride. Either dont make it so cold, or slow up the fan unit a bit.

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