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  1. N

    Odd (yet helpful!) Packing Suggestions!

    No matter how hard I try at some point I end up dropping some food item on my clothes (amazing considering how big my mouth is). I always carry a Shout wipe in my pack to take care of my little messes so I don't end up coming out of a restroom looking like I just entered a wet t-shirt contest.
  2. N

    Roll call for September!

    Are we there yet? 8 days till I leave:sohappy: :sohappy: I think my coworkers will be really glad to see me go because I have driven them almost nuts with the guide books and talking about my trip. The weather here in Ohio over the past few days is good preparation for Florida. It has been...
  3. N

    Roll call for September!

    :wave: Good morning, I will also be at All Star Movies Sept 18th-23. I'm by myself this trip. Name a place and time and I would love to say HI. Lisa
  4. N

    Roll call for September!

    Just made my reservations yesterday. I'll be at All Star Movies September 18th-23rd. Hope each of you have a great time.:wave:
  5. N

    House of Blues --- Yeah or Nay?

    The House of Blues is one of my favorites. The only suggestion I have is to try not to go on a night a concert is scheduled next door. It gets really crowded on those nights and since HOB does not take PS it can make for a long wait.
  6. N

    Disney resorts for CHEAP!!

    Use the codes and save a ton of money. I made reservations with AAA and as she was talking to the person at Disney Travel Company I asked her about the discount codes I had found on mousesavers. I got an additional $200 off my package. When I asked the AAA agent why she had not known to ask I...
  7. N

    Scariest Thing you've EVER seen at WDW

    Last year I stayed at ASMu. Coming back from the parks late one afternoon I noticed a man from animal contol running toward my building. As I got closer I could see him and the CM talking. Next thing I heard was that dreaded word.... Snake! EEK. Apparently there was a coral snake just feet from...
  8. N

    Epcot Photos (WS)

    Yea, guess I am a little excited. That will teach me to preview my post before I send it through. :lol: :lol:
  9. N

    Epcot Photos (WS)

    Epcot Photos Hi There, I am also a huge epcot fan. I will be going down April 39th- May 4th. You said around sunset, is there any particular country your interested in or just all of them? I will also be taking the tour Hidden Treasures of the World Showcase while I'm there. I'm hoping to get...
  10. N

    Where to go for solo birthday dinner?

    Thanks for the advice. House of Blues has always been one of my favorites. Looking forward to club hopping at PI.
  11. N

    Where to go for solo birthday dinner?

    I need your help! I am going to Disney 4/30-5/4 as a birthday present to myself. Lets just say that I'm over 21 but a loooong way from retirement. Where would you guys suggest for a solo birthday dinner? Thanks.
  12. N

    ? about epcot tour

    Thanks for the information. I thought that the tour sounded interesting. I guess it covers the architecture and customs of the countries. I am really looking forward to getting some pictures without crowds in them. I'm going to Disney solo this time so I can do what I want when I want. 33...
  13. N

    ? about epcot tour

    This is my first post on the web site and I have a question that I hope someone can help me with. I will be taking the Hidden Treasures of World Showcase when I go at the start of May. Does anyone know if we can bring cameras along? I know that we can't take pictures when we are backstage but...
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