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  1. indianajdp

    A Magical Disney Cruise 4/16-4/23

    Looking forward to the pics and the trip report. We just finished our trip to WDW w/ our 4 year-old and we'd love to do a Disney Cruise next.
  2. indianajdp

    Just returned - feedback (esp on Pop)

    Thx for the report, and I'm sorry to read about the transportation issues. We were there 4/2-4/8 and originally booked All-Star Sports, but after hearing some horror stories about the paper-thin walls I upgraded to POFQ 45 days out. I never even considered the bus delays on both ends, but I...
  3. indianajdp

    Rating the Rides Fright Factor for Kids

    Wow, I'm impressed she actually rode Dinosaur. I didn't even bother trying to get my 4 1/2 year-old daughter on that one. She did fine on Splash Mountain and Big Thunder, but hated POTC.
  4. indianajdp

    Riding Mission: SPACE

    I'm not usually one to go on these types of rides but MS just looked too intriguing to pass up. I did not get sick and religiously heeded the warnings of keeping my eyes focused straight ahead (which, bu the way, works wonders if you should ever find your self hung over on a charter boat...keep...
  5. indianajdp

    Hoosier Trip Report; 4/2-4/8

    NO, we did not go. My wife called them as soon as she could and explained the situation. She tried rebooking but everything was full.
  6. indianajdp

    Stuck on Rides

    Got stuck on a couple during our trip last week: POTC & Spaceship Earth Also, Test Track was down repeatedly while we were in line.
  7. indianajdp

    Hoosier Trip Report

  8. indianajdp

    Hoosier Trip Report; 4/2-4/8

    Well, we finally made it! My wife and I took our daughter (4 1/2) on her first trip to Disney this past week. In addition to that it was my wife's first trip to the Magic Kingdom as well, so it was even better for me to be there with both of them for their first Disney adventures...
  9. indianajdp

    Seafood in Downtown Disney

    Again, many thanks to all of you for your willingness to help and for all of the recommendations. It looks like it's gonna be Fulton's, since it seems to be the most convenient for us to get to. On a future trip I'll definitely be looking for more! DisneyJill, we live in Fishers but will be...
  10. indianajdp

    Seafood in Downtown Disney

    Next far in advance should I attempt to make reservations at these places, if that is indeed necessary?
  11. indianajdp

    Seafood in Downtown Disney

    Thanks for the feedback thus far...especially from a fellow Hoosier! Price is really not an issue here. It will most likely be myself and the other husband going with us, as the wives will be staying back at the resort with the kiddos. Sounds like Fultons is definitely the way to go, and...
  12. indianajdp

    Seafood in Downtown Disney

    We'll be there the first week in April and one night "the boys" get to break away and have a seafood feast. I'm looking for recommendations in Downtown Disney first and foremost, since we are staying at POFQ. I do know about Fultons, but just that it is there. Any testimonials would be...
  13. indianajdp

    Planing DVD

    We received our copy last week, after already booking our vacation package. Long story short, they sent the old version this first time w/out the DVD, then the 2nd time it was the VHS and we do not have a VCR anymore. After viewing the '05 Disc a few times (yes,a few...4 year-old is very...
  14. indianajdp

    Doing happy dance - finally made a decision of where to stay! BCV!

    We just finalized our April plans last night...we'll be staying at Port Orleans French Quarter. We had originally booked adjoining rooms with another family at All-Star Movies but the more I thought about it the less I wanted to deal with hundreds of thousands of kids and paper-thin walls at...
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