A Magical Disney Cruise 4/16-4/23

Yup, I'm back from the BEAUTIFUL Disney Magic. My Eastern Caribbean Disney Cruise took me to the lush, beautiful islands of St. Maarten, St. Thomas, and, yes, Castaway Cay, Disney's own private island. Currently, I'm working on getting my pictures uploaded to the internet, but once they are I'll begin the trip report and a tour of some of the ship's public areas.


New Member
Looking forward to the pics and the trip report. We just finished our trip to WDW w/ our 4 year-old and we'd love to do a Disney Cruise next.


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Wow, lots of people. I did take lots of pics, about 80something of the public areas around the ship and the islands. There's A TON more, but it pretty much focuses on me or my family, so, sorry...

Anyways, here's Part 1 of my Trip Report-

****************Before the Cruise******************

Well, it all began on April 15, 2005. I was dismissed from school, got some last minute things together (I almost forgot my pins!) and, guess what pulls up to my house? A LIMO! *squee* So we're off to pick up my brother, Mike, and his friend, Fred. Then we're off to the airport! We were taking US Air for this trip (never again...). As our flight begins, I find out that the battery to my portable DVD player is dead, even though I had charged it the night before. Grr... so I used Fred's DVD player instead. We watched 'The Simpsons', even though I could barely hear. We finally landed in Orlando and got the luggage (which actually came out pretty quick for US Air). Then, no more posh limo. We took a van to the Radisson Resort at the Port. But Monsters, Inc. was playing on a TV screen in the car, so the ride was fast (ahh... not really...). As we neared Port Canaveral (late at night, nontheless) I spotted Disney Cruise Line's terminal, recognized by it's art deco inspired glass tower. Then we got to the Radisson, which was VERY nice, by the way. I definetly recommend it if you need a hotel by the port. Fell asleep, then woke up EARLY. We wanted to be in the terminal early so we were one of the first in line (trivia- even if you ARE first in line, concierge guests and guests with disabilities are allowed to board first, then the people in line). We went for breakfast in the hotel's restaurant, Flamingos, which was a buffet and very good (So far, no omlette has beaten the one I've had in Boma. THis one did not win...). We packed a bit more and found out that my little cousin, Ryan, had been sick all night. Oh. The people going are me, Mike, Fred, my sister Steph, mom, dad, Pam, Steve, Colin, Ryan, and Trish. Back to the story... we packed and waited outside for the van. It came. Guess who was knocked off the list for the van?

COMING SOON! The Terminal and Day 1 + Pics!


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Sorry I was gone folks, I was a bit lazy.... Ya....

*************The Terminal and Day 1****************

As I was saying, my family was knocked off the van list. Before we asked if we could get on, we were all in a panic. A guy then told us that a van for 11 would be coming. Cool, private vans. :) We waited for a few minutes and the van shows up. We put all the luggage in and sat down. I got my window seat! :p Well, we continued to drive (not a long drive from the Radisson to the terminal) and we finally saw the Disney Magic and the terminal!


We got out with our luggage and waited where they pick up your luggage and you can walk in. It's an iron gate by the car stops. Anyway, we got our luggage on and started to wait in line to get into the terminal. We're finally let in! But, guess what? A VERY important bag is lost! We're all looking around for it, but we found it by the iron gate, no harm done! Now we got into the terminal, and got past security. My mother told me to RUN to get a spot in line to get onto the ship while they checked in, and it payed off. Our family was the third family in the line! We got checked in and got some important papers (Navigator, maps, etc.). We also got our Keys To The World. On it our dining rotation, as well as the time of dinner, and your table number is printed. We got the rotation we wanted- PLAPLAP, late seating, tables 1 and 2. Then Trish took the spot in line while I checked out the terminal. I got some good pics of the ship and such. Here's one of the ships name from a spot in the Terminal-


Isn't that cool? Well, then I went over the the model of the Disney Magic in the terminal, here it is-

On the other side they have a cutout of the interior of the ship. Also they had the Goofy statue on the back. He has a head this year! (last year, it was the Headless Goofy)

Cool, huh? Well, we were FINALLY let onto the ship. We entered the Atrium-

(although it was much more crowded than this, even if we were third family in line, sadly) and me, my mom, Pam and Trish went to Rockin' Bar D to get Palo reservations (sadly, I'm too young to go to Palo, 18 and over ONLY). Everyone else went up to Deck 9 forlunch at Topsider's Buffet. They got dinner, high tea and brunch reservations. While they did that, I looked around. I also saw a LeeAnn Rimes poster in the Bar. No wonder she decided to do Remember When. We finished and we went up to the Oceaneer Lab to register some people in the party for the kids clubs. While we were there, we met two of the performers from The Bumblesquats Family Reunion. They were regestering their child for the Club. They told us to get Aisle seats for the show on Monday night. We finished up there and headed straight to Topsider's Buffet. There we found the fam. After we were all settled, I went to get a piece of pizza from Pinocchio's Pizzeria. Last year the pizza was AMAZING. It was just plain perfect. I've been dreaming about this for a year. I got it, tried some, IT WAS DISGUSTING. The crust was thin and hard, the cheese... well.. I'm not too sure about the cheese, but there wasnt something right there. So I got Mac-n-cheese next door at Topsiders. Very good. We finished and then Terk and Pinocchio came out! Me and Colin had a bit of 1-on-1 time with them due to the lack of people. It was cool. After I got my virgin Pina Colada, my weakness on these cruises. It was just as good as I remembered. We all went our seperate ways for a while, exploring the ship.

COMING SOON: Part 2 of Day 1: Poor Ryan, Lifeboat Drill, Dinner at Parrot Cay and the Welcome Aboard Variety Show!

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