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  1. T


    I am not new here, but i am seriously wonering if this place even has any worth. the fact that people on here actually support the titanic ride idea is ridiculous. And the fact that more people are attackign me than him is hilarious. You don't have to worry. I am deleting this website from...
  2. T


    And your brilliance in sticking up for the guy shows how great you are. Maybe you two should go back to breastfeeding because you obviously shouldn't be out putting knives and forks in your mouths by yourselves. Anyone who would defend a titanic ride idea is an even bigger tool that masonp.
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    I sure did, my September 11 remake, the only difference is I realize its stupid. Are you really that dumb that you can't realize that a ride about the death of 1500 people is not even something you think of let alone bring up? Real life Tragedy as a ride? That is stupid. And the fact you...
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    Many thanks for your stupidity. How could you even suggest something as stupid. Grow up.
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    Maybe Disney Could rebuild teh twin towers and fill it with people and then fly a couple planes into it, That would be fun wouldn't it? I don't usually say negative things but you are an idiot. Let's have a ride about people who died. Moron. You should be slapped in the head.
  6. T

    NJ memorablia in Test Track

    Go Devils!!!!!!
  7. T

    Suggestions for popping "The question"

    My Suggestion is DONT DO IT!!!!!! hahahaha Marriage isn't that bad. I did it at the royal table and they wouldnt take the ring for fear of losing it. i think it depends on your server, but they are very good at hiding it for you. I was getting very nervous becasue they didnt give me any kind...
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    Kali River Rapids Question

    I love it, a guy asks about compartments and you give him your advice on what you think of the ride. I dont think he cares what you think, like the rest of us. Bonehead.
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    Kali River or Bilge Rat Barge???

    Popeye is a way better ride. theming is better, the length is better....Everythign about it is better. Having said that Kali is a great ride, not a thing wrong with it. they are both fun rides.
  10. T

    Mission: Space... Is this too much for kids?

    Not Violent in a shaking kind of way but the pressure placed on ones body is quite a bit different from any other ride I have experienced. Perhaps Violent wasn't the correct word but it does take a toll on your body. Perhaps intense would have been a better word to describe the feeling you get...
  11. T

    Mission: Space... Is this too much for kids?

    It all comes down to the parents. I would not let my kids ride a ride that is so obviously violent. I ran into a smart parent one day outside of Snow whites scary adventures and they asked me if they thought the ride would be too scary for their kids. I looked at the kids and said yes ebcause...
  12. T

    Ridethrough Idea

    I bought one off Ebay, the quality was OK and it is great for those days when you wish you were there.
  13. T

    CMs that you have seen forever

    There is a guy who works at TOT and is actually in a video I purchased about all 4 parks, forget the name. He is really into his character, very doom and gloom. We have sene him on our last 3 trips which spans a few years. The guy is what every CM should aspire to. Always performing. dont...
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    I Am A Considerate Smoker Tired Of Getting Ragged On By Nonsmokers!!

    There is no such thing as a considerate public space smoker. that smell wafts throughout the area surrounding someone and can travel for a while. its nasty. Smoking should be banned worldwide because it make smokers and non smokers sick. You arent going to get cancer sitting next to...
  15. T

    People are so ignorant...

    I think the most ignorant people are the morons like yourselves who actually get worked up about this stuff. You act like freaks when someone says something wrong. perhaps you should ge tout of the house more. I am sure you have all made mistakes before. I know I have, most recently reading...
  16. T

    epcot's demise

    And how the hell did I go down to having only two posts and only joined last month? I have been on here for 3 years.
  17. T

    epcot's demise

    Yeah New posters shouldnt come on here and be negative off the bat. they have to earn the right to post like 99% of the people on here. All this site has become is a Disney bashing site. most people on here just moan about everything. Go to any Amusement park in the world and then go to...
  18. T

    Need help from Canadian Disney fans!

    trust me you dont want a copy of it. It was by far the most uncmofortable show to watch. Imagine being a huge Disney fan with less than a month to go until you are there. And then you watch this show and have to turn it off after 20 minutes. Let me say that it was the worst show of all time...
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