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  1. Dearchitectural GuineaPig

    One Sentence Competition: The Prism of SYWTBAI (Finale launching soon)

    Finale - Season 20: The Final Frontierland We have reached the final spectrum of the entire game. This is your last time to spread the light of imagination around the world. Welcome, to the Final Frontierland. -The Set Up- In Mar 16, 2023, Tiki posted the final prompt for Season 20, the final...
  2. Dearchitectural GuineaPig

    One Sentence Competition: The Prism of SYWTBAI (Finale launching soon)

    June. It all connects. Gamma radiation is not making me stronger. It makes me insane. The Prism of SYWTBAI is the only thing bring me back to reality. The prisms that I cut up into pieces have made them worse. Their refraction has caused me to once again lose weeks and weeks. I shall make some...
  3. Dearchitectural GuineaPig

    One Sentence Competition: The Prism of SYWTBAI (Finale launching soon)

    May 9th, 2024 Ever since the internet outage, there is silence in the air. As I scramble around looking for an answer to who is behind this mess, I realize that the prisms in my room may be the cause of such destruction. Something, mortally, is wrong. The light, which hath refracted into...
  4. Dearchitectural GuineaPig

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 8: Magic Journeys

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