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  1. Salty-

    Star Tours II - Secrets, Tributes, Remnants

    In the original, whilst being caught in the Star Destroyer's tractor beam, the X-wing pilot says "Star Tours - What are you doing here? This is a combat zone. It's restricted. Ease off on your main thruster." On Hoth, in the Adventures Continue, the snowspeeder pilot says "Star Tours - This...
  2. Salty-

    New Monorail Crash Details

    I have a question for all current/former Pilots and those monorail hobbyists in the know. These may have been answered in other threads but there are a little too many threads now for me to keep up with.:o 1. Am I correct in thinking that when a monorail is switched to another beam it first...
  3. Salty-

    NTSB Releases Factual Information Report on Monorail Crash

    There are many more qualified current and former Monorail pilots/hobbyists that can answer your question more technically, but to the average park-goer/lay-person such as myself, it seems there already are proximity sensors and the like in place. What I have gleaned from reading these forums...
  4. Salty-

    NTSB Releases Factual Information Report on Monorail Crash

    This. A million times over. It reminds me of the line Scotty said in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. "He stayed at his post.." Austin did not jump from the monorail to save himself. He even was trying to reverse his passengers out of danger. He was going into Computer Science. As this is...
  5. Salty-

    Game Systems Question ???????

    Maggiegrace - You describe my current gaming situation perfectly. I too own a Xbox 360 (bought in 2005) and a Wii (bought in early 2008). I love them both because while still video game systems, they are still quite different from each other. I have a 5 year old daughter and she loves both...
  6. Salty-

    I wish WDW'S Haunted Mansion had this...

    While I agree that the MK's Haunted Mansion would benefit from an attic scene upgrade, I'd personally like to see a Space Mountain upgrade first. MK's HM is still comparable with Disneyland's HM in terms of quality; even with the new attic upgrade to DLR's HM. That said, I like this type of...
  7. Salty-

    What Are the Odd's?

    This is the most correct scenario.
  8. Salty-

    Why do people from the Uk come to WDW

    Plus - we gots us the Freedom Fries here! :lol:
  9. Salty-

    Why do people from the Uk come to WDW

    "Why do people from the UK come to WDW?" For the same reason people from UT (me) come to WDW. Although I am a days drive or a hour and change flight from Disneyland (which I frequent quite a bit), I love making a trip to WDW. If a person made the trip just to visit the Magic Kingdom park...
  10. Salty-


    Man - I didn't even know they had gift cards. The only concern if you bought the service was who was going to manage it? But looks like this is the easy way. You pay - they manage. All is well. Should you do the service? If I got this as a...
  11. Salty-

    ElReg - Xbox 360: a Thanksgiving Turkey?

    The squeeze and I play Katamari Damacy nearly every night (or some puzzle game like Hexic or Bejeweled) so that may make things a little boring. I usually do my gaming when she goes to sleep. But - every other weekend I usually host a Halo LAN party with pizza, beer, and hot wings. But that...
  12. Salty-

    Disney Stores now selling Pins

    The way I look at it, Disney Store employees are just outsourced through The Children's Place. They still represent Disney and as such should be considered Cast Members. The only difference would be who signs the checks now. I'd venture to guess that outside of the "hardcore" Disney fans...
  13. Salty-

    ElReg - Xbox 360: a Thanksgiving Turkey?

    I don't know how to approach topics like these. Part of me feels like its a way to rile up others. Part of me feels like I need to go into some long diatribe of being an early adopter of electronics. For someone that actually HAS a Xbox 360, I can report I have had zero, zip, nada, in...
  14. Salty-


    New post- I guess I need to slow down when I read others responses. I didn't really address your direct questions.:o I've used it for 2 years and am generally happy with the service. As mentioned, the turn-around time is the only downer. The local Blockbuster type stores offer similar...
  15. Salty-


    GameFly comes in two flavors initially. A one game plan is $14.95 and a two game plan is $21.95 per month. If you are a member in good standing, they will offer a 3 or 4 game plan ($28.95 and $35.95 respectively) later. If you've ever used Netflix, then you know how to use a online rental...
  16. Salty-


    I have used GameFly for almost 2 years. What specific questions do you have?
  17. Salty-

    XBOX 360 Less than 20 Days Away!

    Are you getting one at launch? Pre-ordered the Premium from GameStop the morning after the MTV special. #1 pre-order at the store. Are you even getting it? Odds are high that being #1 that I will receive one.:p What Launch Games are you getting? I am purchasing Perfect Dark Zero: Limited...
  18. Salty-

    Delay in Imagineering Guide to the Magic Kingdom

    Gentle WDWMagic Readers, Looks like the book finally hit the distribution channels and is in stock at such places as Barnes and Noble, Amazon, etc. You will probably find more success ordering online than trying to find the book in a brick and mortar store. (Not to say there is no harm in...
  19. Salty-

    New "Zelda" delayed until 2006

    Specialty stores like EBgames and Gamestop have been taking preorders since mid-May. $50 is required initially with the remaining due (obviously) at launch. Pay it all then or pay off a little at a time (like I'm doing) until then.
  20. Salty-

    New "Zelda" delayed until 2006

    If the earliest Zelda will see the light of day is April (and can anyone be certain North America receives it at the same time - typically most Japan developed games arrive 4-8 months later) then I say - move the whole project to the Revolution. Why? Increased graphics Larger "worlds" A...
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