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  1. CMdrums12

    Remember this Tea Cup news story ...

    Ha! What a loser. She probably won the passes to get into the park. Hope they did lock her up. :mad:
  2. CMdrums12

    Ride Music renditions...

    A friend of mine told me there were some acoustic guitar versions of some of the songs rides but i can't seem to find any?? Magic Journeys, and El RIo de Tiempo were the ones he heard. anybody have these? they are only guitar....
  3. CMdrums12

    Kids Thrown Out Of Disneyworld

    In the article a mom is complaining about the way it was handled by Disney officials handled it- specifically she complains about having to wake the babies up. rather than be upset with those officials who were doing there job appropriately, she should be upset with the punks whom she is...
  4. CMdrums12

    Week Before Christmas, 19-25

    Thanks guys......... Im def going to get in there early with the Extra hours advantage!!
  5. CMdrums12

    silly thing

    Always bring a camera... Always buy somehting from the POTC exit...
  6. CMdrums12

    hall of presidents

    I would hate to see it go! The HoP should aim to accomplish two things... leave you feeling proud of our great country and a feeling of re-newed patriotism This attraction has tons of potential.
  7. CMdrums12

    Week Before Christmas, Crowd Levels

    Im going 19th-25th. What should I expect??:confused: Is it busier before, or after Christmas??:xmas: Any info. will help... Thanks!!!:ROFLOL:
  8. CMdrums12

    Week Before Christmas, 19-25

    Hey everyone... Im heading to WDW the week BEFORE Christmas.. 19-25 Is this week typically crowded (jammed)? :shrug: As crowded as the week after Christmas? :confused: Thanks for any info you can give! :sohappy:
  9. CMdrums12

    New Retro Shirts at Mouse Gear!!

    I cant wait to get me one of them bad boys come December!!! Woot woot!!
  10. CMdrums12

    Need some HELP!! RE: Christmas Party

    Excellent! Thanks to everyone for your help! Its safe to say we will deifnitely be attending this event!!! Thanks!! CORONADO SPRINGS DEC 07:xmas:
  11. CMdrums12

    Need some HELP!! RE: Christmas Party

    Whats Up friends.... Im going to Disney Dec. 19-25 and was wondering about the Very merry Christmas Party... If I am in the park, do I still need to buy a ticket to the Party? We are both in our mid-20's... Is it worth it? Thanks !!!!
  12. CMdrums12

    Do you have a funny WDW story?

    My mother told me that when I was younger and was entering the gate the man asked me how old I was, and my reply was "I'm six years old, but today I'm five." My mom said she couldve killed me! Obviously this was done to save a few bucks! hahah Oh well, it worked!
  13. CMdrums12


    Thanks Thanks a lot for your help guys!!! IM pumped!!!!
  14. CMdrums12


    Hey all. any idea how the crowds will be the week of the 18th? Also, are there better days to go to certain parks? Thanks...Chris
  15. CMdrums12

    Retro Pics....

    Yes i did feel a bit ripped.. haha anyways sorry about the website stuff, i didnt know the official rules of the board so no need to sweat, wont happen again. i promise! hahah thanks for the pics. Ive been to disney world about 13 times, twice when i was 3! hahah fortunate for me my b-day...
  16. CMdrums12

    Retro Pics....

    Whats up all, Im new to the board from R.I., just returned yesterday from 4 days at Disney, had a blast and thank god for the fast passes. Just wondering if anyone has some older park photos if they would post them... circa 85-early 90's. Im always in the mood for some good nostalgia...
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