Remember this Tea Cup news story ...

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Whoa... I'm wondering why she wouldn't accept the plea bargain? :veryconfu

Possible plea bargain > 15 years for assault with a deadly weapon

I'm very interested to hear what her defense is for behavior like that!


Active Member
I just saw that and ran my little fingers over to wdwmagic.

I know there are rude and snarky people in the park all the time, but come on! How off do you have to be to have a smack down over something so relatively minor? I'm assuming she had kids with her - what a great example. Geeze...:brick:

Of course, we don't know the real story, like if the victim engaged her in any way, even though she says she was just standing there (we don't know what happened immediately before that). I am soooo careful not to escalate things when I get in situations with those exhibiting irrational behavior. I'm not blaming the victim here, just saying this goes to show that we all, unfortunately, just have to be super careful.


New Member
Looks she might have to wait a little longer in prison than she would have to ride the Tea Cups! I don't understand something like this...I would if it were a better ride, but the Tea Cups? Come on!

Kidding, of course. It's ridiculous that something like this even happened.


Well-Known Member
In remember when that happend.

I hope they throw the book at her.

And I for one would not mind if Disney handed out copies of the sentence when you bought tickets.

It's a park, it's vacation, if someone cuts you in line (accidently or otherwise) do you really think its necessary to beat them down?



New Member
Meghan Kelly just did a segment of FoxNews about this. The defendant accusses the victim of elbowing her twice before the altercation. The defense is the defendant was protecting herself and her child.:shrug:


Active Member
I just wish everyone would be respectful to others while waiting in lines. In no way am I defending this lady, but there have been times when I have gotten sooo irritated at rude guests for cutting in line and poking and prodding me, or the worst, getting a whole cup of a sticky red drink spilled on me and then blaming it on me for being in their way when I was there before that family! :mad:

I wish I knew the whole story to this one. It's hard to imagine that this lady would go that ballistic on another guest without some serious provoking. Maybe that's why she didn't take the plea deal. I wonder if there are will be witnesses involved? Kinda reminds me of the movie Falling Down with Michael Douglas.

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