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  1. N

    DLR Picture of the Day

    Oops! Sorry, I didn't read the thread title properly. My mistake :banghead: It has been removed :)
  2. N

    whats your favorite disney song

    Anything by Phil Collins :joyfull:
  3. N

    Smart phones while waiting in line....

    Smart phones are fine if you are considerate to others. On my recent trip in April I had a guy in front of me in the line for Pirates of the Caribbean who was talking on his phone the whole way. This would have been fine (its only him who's missing out) if it weren't for the fact that his flash...
  4. N

    Worst WDW Attraction?

    Ellen's Energy Adventure! On our first visit to WDW in April we went on this "adventure" and felt like it was a complete waste of 45 minutes. We didn't realise what we were getting ourselves into before we walked into the auditorium and we were then stuck with an outdated, not funny Ellen for 45...
  5. N

    Trader Sam's

    Me and my girlfriend went to Trader Sam's at the end of April for celebratory drinks after we got engaged on the Poly beach. We arrived at around 10 o'clock and managed to get a table straight away. We both absolutely loved this bar and were gutted that we only got to visit it the once. Its the...
  6. N

    Is T-REX worth it?

    We ate at T-Rex for the first time a few weeks back and thought it was amazing! It was our first night of our first ever trip to WDW so maybe the excitement of it all added to the experience. I thought it was by far the best themed restaurant we went to and the food was good. We also had a...
  7. N

    AoA or POR?

    Me and my girlfriend (27yo and 29yo) have recently returned from our first trip to WDW and stayed in a Little Mermaid suite at AoA which is the most basic room and we loved it. The whole resort is amazing! Your kids will love the pool....from what I saw it cannot be beaten, especially if your...
  8. N

    Spirit of Aloha run time

    Thanks Jason that's great help. Great minds think alike hey! I'll take your advise and check out the area before the fireworks. That will be helpful especially as its our first trip to WDW. Could you offer any advice on when is the best time to ask the question? Would it be as the fireworks are...
  9. N

    Spirit of Aloha run time

    Hi everyone, Me and my girlfriend are attending the Spirit of Aloha dinner show at the Polynesian resort at 20:15 on 4/21/16. I was wondering if someone could let me know how long we can expect the show to go on for? The reason I ask is that I plan to propose to my girlfriend on the Polynesian...
  10. N

    Norway Pavilion Frozen construction - Frozen Ever After ride

    I'm really sorry if this has already been discussed. Does anyone know if the opening date for the Frozen ride has been confirmed yet? is claiming that it opens 4/30/2016, a day earlier than I thought it was opening. This 1 day difference means a...
  11. N

    ADR's without linking park tickets

    Oh that's amazing news, such a relief. Thank you so much for your reply, I cant wait to start booking up our ADR's. So just to confirm, are you saying I can book ADR's 190 days out from the check in date with our resort booking ref? Thanks again!
  12. N

    ADR's without linking park tickets

    Hi everyone, Me and my girlfriend are taking our first trip to WDW in April 2016 and cannot wait! We have booked a package holiday through Thompson who have booked our park tickets through a third party company called Attraction World. I have managed to link our hotel reservation to My Disney...
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