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  1. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    pirates just popped to my head, but wow, chron! jungle cruise seems really cool, but stitch? hmmm, just as intriguing, but that will take a work to do! :D i wonder how to do it there! good starts at least :) jungle cruise, could involve zombies, maybe we could highlight folklore or...
  2. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    ok, i know this one may look obvious, but i was thinking a halloween changeover for pirates of the caribbean? (i'm not the biggest new pirates fan, but it's there, and it looks cool) we could tie in the various monsters, but mostly, get teh skeleton crew involved! :) i could just imagine as...
  3. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    lol, you beat me, chron! :D
  4. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    Alright, everyone! Mater has posted Project 3! (this one IS an elimination round, now, too) It seems Jack Skellington and Crew are bored with taking over only a few attractions at holidays, and would like us to help them think of another. Basically, we have to choose an attraction and design...
  5. mewhunter67

    WDI ImagiNation's Design Contest

    Yep; spent all week finalizing mine... so much, i don't think i've done so much straight for something! :D ok, maybe i have, but it was fun! I'm looking forward to seeing everything too! Already getting ready for next year (just in case this year doesn't work out :) )
  6. mewhunter67

    wow, my first 'magic friend! :) anyway, thanks! i must admit, you are one of the most amazing...

    wow, my first 'magic friend! :) anyway, thanks! i must admit, you are one of the most amazing guys running around here that i've seen
  7. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    lol, nice start, chron! I must admit i got slightly excited just seeing your post. ok, to be honest, i'm in college for mechanical engineering, but i'm a broad interest person; i like a lot of things, to be honest. When i get in ( i say when, because i will, one day :D), i'll most likely go...
  8. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- R1, Project 2

    Sorry! i know the leader is meant to upload only, but i JUST got this to load on my comp (long story) anyway, its an elevation of our building. I'm sorry! For walt's place, team goofy's brainstormers
  9. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 2

    taking a little bit longer to do the elevation, i'll do my best to get it up soon.
  10. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 2

    chrononymous, i love the sketches. I was hoping to get to some of those myself. i'll try to work on the elevation; jsut need to understand what vacationer was meaning. its already late here (almost 3 am) i may try to get some sleep and then get on it, but i will be on it! (if you still want to...
  11. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 2

    wow, i'm out for a day, and you guys design almost everything! :) work is a drain on creativity, so i dont really have much to add, but i love what is there so far! :D such great ideas everyone!
  12. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 2

    I've been very rundown and busy this week, so i'm still a little unavailable (catching up); but as my other project is finished, i can now devote to this! I'm loving the walt's place... i always felt something needed to be added to the one man's dream and animation area :) all the stuff i hear...
  13. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    Don't worry about stepping on his toes, Vacationer. He already asked if you could do it lol. I guess he already assumed you would if it came to that. :D
  14. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    If i remember right, we were going to have billboards and ads for radio stations and rides or attractions in their park; so try your hand at making some up. you could even do some for the dino institute, as per our story, it had originally belonged to them. :)
  15. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    I'm not sure what's up with that. it worked for me teh first time. just try registering with the wiggio site by itself :)
  16. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    Ok! I made up a Wiggio group, if anyone wants to use it; it's a great place to post the ideas together, where they can be stored and seen. All you have to do is sign up, and then join this group by the email. I can post it if you want, or keep some sort of...
  17. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    that's where i was thinking too, vacationer; it looks big enough, and it'll be prominent between teh two sides. btw, what else is left to do, errand wise? i'm pretty good at sketches, but it looks like we're pretty set in the art dept. anything else? reminds me; did we ever decide on a name? :D
  18. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    I think we're starting to upset mater... :lookaroun we should just go with something lol!
  19. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    Okk, sorry, i didn't quite get it. They could be there either way; but i do like the in between banter idea, or the off the air chatter too. radio hosts might still be tehre even with ads, they jsut aren't on air. and these are awesome too, jason! Very nice! I do apologize that mostly...
  20. mewhunter67

    Jasonflz's Team B Project 1

    I love it! :D
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