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  1. Black Pearl

    Water Parks EMH gone?

    Wait can they do this? There are a lot of toddlers (and some adults) that rely on these for their "bear necessities".
  2. Black Pearl

    Main Street U.S.A. concrete replacement project begins tomorrow

    Get rid of the concrete and make it a dirt road, I like it!! Limited time mud wrestling!
  3. Black Pearl

    Main Street U.S.A. concrete replacement project begins tomorrow

    Keeping in line with bringing beloved American institutions to MS USA, I heard a rumor that the concrete won't just be concrete, it will be Home Depot sponsored concrete with the store's logo every 15 feet in bright orange to celebrate Americana and bring a trusted brand to the most magical...
  4. Black Pearl

    Expedition Everest effects status watch

    I like how said "possibility". I've been pretty fortunate on that ride and haven't been attacked by the yeti yet, but have seen some strange disco statues.
  5. Black Pearl

    DHS 2018 - How Great?

    Totally my own dream request.... Halloween Town or at least a Nightmare Before Christmas Show :)
  6. Black Pearl

    Wonders of Life

    River country is extremely creepy. I imagine all the swamp life that is lurking.... Waiting....
  7. Black Pearl

    I'm in the MyMagic+ test for August at Pop

    I've thought about that too. Maybe eventually it'll all be on the band, but then easier to misplace or forget when not in WDW. Cards stay in the wallet and are ready on the fly, but I wouldn't always think "gotta grab my band". Not writing it off yet, but just not seeing the investment value...
  8. Black Pearl

    Sympathy please and pixie dust.

    One of my favorite Disney films and quotes.
  9. Black Pearl

    Okay, New Plan: Solo, 10-days, Food&Wine, Help me plan

    Try an Eiffel Sour drink at France
  10. Black Pearl

    Wonders of Life

    Lol there is no no option
  11. Black Pearl

    Upcoming DHS closings ...

    Maelstrom troll, is that you?
  12. Black Pearl

    I'm in the MyMagic+ test for August at Pop

    Enjoy and be sure to write your thoughts! Curious, are you guys planning to "bedazzle" the wrap with their plastic things?
  13. Black Pearl

    Disney's Osprey Ridge golf course closing in August as part of the Golden Oak sale

    I understand. Having worked there in entertainment, been married there, and traveling there an average of every two or three months it holds a special place in my heart too. Everyone has those special memories that are untouchable and when the "new corporate table" decides to change things, it...
  14. Black Pearl

    Main Street Bakery to Serve Starbucks Coffee

    Don't worry, just sarcastic jabbering :)
  15. Black Pearl

    Main Street Bakery to Serve Starbucks Coffee

    It'd be great if the Emporium could change into a Target so I could get my every day groceries along with the Starbucks they have in most Targets now. I don't like the idea of Main Street USA or Disney World offering unique locations in the parks and selling a brand of an item is not enough...
  16. Black Pearl

    Kevin animatronic exhibit possibly coming to DAK?

    Seems like an April fools joke.... April 1st news story?
  17. Black Pearl

    Would you like it if WDW's Jungle Cruise got a redo?

    Giant centipedes, and piranhas
  18. Black Pearl

    What do you think of Christmas in July Limited Time Magic?

    Yea that thing is....strange. Disney truck merch with the ... disney truck that sells it
  19. Black Pearl

    Sympathy please and pixie dust.

    Sorry to hear that. Pets well taken care of are family.
  20. Black Pearl

    What do you think of Christmas in July Limited Time Magic?

    Reminds me of these events that Disney holds in which you pay for the "opportunity to purchase exclusive merch". Needing a ticket to the park or an AP is one thing, but making it a separately ticketed event is just blah. People must keep paying though because they keep doing them. Not into the...
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