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  1. stuart

    News IllumiNations Dining Package coming to Epcot later this month

    Many moons ago I'm sure that used to be a path to walk around the pub. The seats outside behind the beer stand used to go right down to the lower deck fence, until, that is, the late 90s when it appeared in guide books as the best place to view Illuminations. They then removed them around then...
  2. stuart

    News IllumiNations Dining Package coming to Epcot later this month

    No problem at all. This picture shows the lower deck where those on the plan will sit, and on the right you can just about see the upper deck. This area is covered and in the case of rain they pull down a see through, basically tarpaulin cover, to keep diners dry.
  3. stuart

    News IllumiNations Dining Package coming to Epcot later this month

    Those on this package dine at the tables on the lower deck (or upper if weather turns), with people to be sat by 8pm. After a certain time they'll only have tables that can be booked by normal punters for inside, and possibly those outside that are at the side of the pub and have a restricted...
  4. stuart

    News IllumiNations Dining Package coming to Epcot later this month

    Those tables on the upper deck in line with the lower deck will have been vacated by that time to accommodate them.
  5. stuart

    News IllumiNations Dining Package coming to Epcot later this month

    As an update on this, the seating will be the lower deck beside the water, with tables to be taken by 8pm, and when the weather turns, then guests will be moved to the upper outside deck.
  6. stuart

    News IllumiNations Dining Package coming to Epcot later this month

    The drinks are a good bit stronger (especially if you're friends with the bar staff) than what you would get in a normal British pub.
  7. stuart

    News IllumiNations Dining Package coming to Epcot later this month

    That is an absolute sickener, so long to our viewing place for the last 23 years - assuming by patio they mean the beer garden adjacent to the pub.
  8. stuart

    News Artist Point to become Storybook Dining character experience

    Many years ago there was a Pocahontas, John Smith, Meeko and Radcliffe character breakfast at WL.
  9. stuart

    Character changes at Animal Kingdom

    Amazing news so long Scrooge and Launchpad are still there in July! Been going for what 20 odd years and whilst now 31 and not one for meet and greets - cant pass up an opportunity to meet Launchpad and of course, being Scottish - Scrooge McDuck!
  10. stuart

    Photography Tips

    Always look behind you when out and about with the camera. Sometimes you'll get a great shot you never thought about.
  11. stuart

    News Disney to pilot electronic-only transactions at its resort hotels

    Far from ideal for international guests, most of whom are charged a fee for a foreign transaction - and say minimum £3 if you buy a snack you'll pay more for the fee than what your getting. Of course there are prepaid cards you can load but easier at times using cash.
  12. stuart

    News Circle of Life at The Land Pavilion permanently closing in early February 2018

    Sad to see this go, more than anything for the pre-show video. I assume its stock music but I loved the music in it - Shazam never really found it - but would be amazing to know what music it was. Some of the of those kids whose comments appear in the video must have taken their kids to see that...
  13. stuart

    Announcement Updated version of WDWMAGIC Forums now live

    Really liking the update, and i know this has been touched on, but I always found it easier having the page numbers at top of a page and on the listing of threads on a subsection page so I could jump to them easier. I appreciate there is jump to knew and page numbers at the bottom of a page...
  14. stuart

    Paint the night is not moving to Disney World. Stop bumping this.

    I keep checking to see if someone saw Martins "who likes fant?" Post and run with saying Fantillusion is coming!
  15. stuart

    EPCOT Announced: Mary Poppins Attraction in UK Pavilion

    Alas there probably isnt the space; but a path leading up to a castle front, through a small but dense forest with Will O' The Wisps sound effects and projections of them at night, would be great if they went with a Brave dark ride.
  16. stuart

    Rumor - Lights of Winter coming back to Epcot?

    Would this be related to the post you made previously about the space between Germany and China being kept aside for future development?
  17. stuart

    Space Mountain Exterior Refurbishment

    That was up last Friday, but cant remember seeing it when there Tuesday of that week.
  18. stuart

    EPCOT Big changes coming to EPCOT's Future World?

    @marni1971 Would you expect more information on re-design and new attractions to be given around the 35th as part of marking that occasion? Obviously a lot of the new attractions and projects being announced are with the 50th and as part of a wider celebration, but do you expect (know if) there...
  19. stuart

    News D23 Expo 2017

    That looks like a radical change to the spine anyway!
  20. stuart

    Replacement for Tomorrowland Speedway?

    Sitting outside at the Rose and Crown, ill pass the time and play along. 220 degrees on a compass is SW (ish) Therefore a Star Wars themed restaurant is coming...
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