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  1. ChrisQ

    Mobile Magic on Droid

    No way! I'm checking it out...
  2. ChrisQ

    How Many Days for You... (Part 6)

    As of today...205! My handy dandy countdown widget on my Droid helps remind me.
  3. ChrisQ

    Do you remember the first time you were told/told someone you were going to Disney?

    I was just a baby the first time we went, and my nieces were all babies too. I think the best comparison I can make is last week when we booked our upcoming trip. My almost six year old niece was beaming from ear to ear.
  4. ChrisQ

    Imagineer's Marketplace

    Anybody ever bought anything from Imagineer's Marketplace? If so, did you actually receive the item(s)? I've just had a bad experience with them, and I'm wondering if I'm the only one. :brick:
  5. ChrisQ

    Living With The Land Re-Opening Delayed?

    I like it a lot, but second best? Not so much. (No offense intended...)
  6. ChrisQ

    December 2008 -- Hooray!!

    45 days...
  7. ChrisQ

    New Walt Disney World Magazine

    Nothing yet here, either...
  8. ChrisQ

    Pop Century question

    Last year we had a preferred room, and we were told that "preferred" referred to the rooms that were closest to the parking lot. Our room was at the 50's building and was a really short walk to the main building and the buses.
  9. ChrisQ

    How Many More Days For You (Part 3)

    50 days! Heck yeah! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:
  10. ChrisQ

    Do you do this too???

    Good Lord no! I vehemently rail against the notion of matching outfits. I've never looked at someone's family picture at WDW and said, "it would be a great picture if the clothes matched."
  11. ChrisQ

    F! area character changes

    Well said. I think we get too abbreviation-happy around here sometimes.
  12. ChrisQ

    Best Birthday Resturant

    We special ordered a cake for my Mom's birthday last year at 50's Prime Time. We never got it; then again, we didn't have to pay for it either, so I guess it was a wash.
  13. ChrisQ

    One week from today.....

    Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Can't help but be a little jealous.
  14. ChrisQ

    corny CoP line

    When I first started working for BellSouth Mobility in late 1995, the hottest plan was $45 for 45 minutes A MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!! I know there are some days now where I use 45 minutes in one day. I remember how hard it was to program one of those phones. It took at least five minutes to go...
  15. ChrisQ

    corny CoP line

    My parents had one of those back in...I guess...1991. They only used it once.
  16. ChrisQ

    corny CoP line

    That's the funniest thing I've read all day!
  17. ChrisQ

    Terrible Disney Stories

    OK, I'll share my story, but before I'll start I'll surrender to Kate-gate. My story's not quite as traumatic. Here we go (and I'm praying that the family I'm talking about is not in this forum)... Five years ago, we took my brother's fiancee (now his wife) with us for her first trip. The...
  18. ChrisQ

    Terrible Disney Stories

    Been there, survived that. On one particular trip, I felt like I was in a foreign country where Portugese was the native language!
  19. ChrisQ

    Mickey for President

    Not a bad idea...
  20. ChrisQ

    1971 Collection at the MK

    ...but wouldn't Figment be the 1982 Collection instead of the 1971 Collection? I'm just sayin'...:animwink:
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