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  1. HM Spectre

    DINOSAUR closed for refurbishment July 25 - November 20 2016

    It's better to realize what it takes to get it done right in the first place and set a refurb window that gives enough time to do it. I'm going tomorrow. I had originally set AK up for the first park day of the trip. When the original refurb window got pushed back to October 17th from...
  2. HM Spectre

    DINOSAUR closed for refurbishment July 25 - November 20 2016

    Yep, my FastPass for Dinosaur just got cancelled. So we have to book these vacations at least half a year to a year in advance and FP+ 60 days out but they can push a refurb back a month on 7 days notice after already pushing it back once? Seems reasonable. Whatever happened to setting a...
  3. HM Spectre

    Hurricane Matthew

    This one's for real. Please everyone, stay safe.
  4. HM Spectre

    Walts Vision...

    His original premise is if Walt were still alive today, so yeah. Didn't imply that it was realistic haha
  5. HM Spectre

    Walts Vision...

    It would be fun if people could keep it civil but these threads always end with everyone acting like their opinion was given to them personally by Walt's ghost and that other opinions are invalid. The principles/values that Walt used to build the company and culture are timeless but in terms of...
  6. HM Spectre

    WDW Taking a Hit Over Gator and Massacre ...

    I get a temporary removal of the JC joke... a joke about kids getting eaten by gators so soon after a tragedy is on the insensitive side. But removing all references to gators as though they don't exist? Come on. The lesson to be learned from this is that gators are real, they're everywhere...
  7. HM Spectre

    From the OS: Gator drags child into Seven Seas Lagoon

    If finding the boy's body is the conclusion to this tragedy, there's no more story for the press to cover when the conference ends. But... a controversy around Disney keeps the story going. Which angle do you think most of them are going to pursue?
  8. HM Spectre

    From the OS: Gator drags child into Seven Seas Lagoon

    So sad but the best possible outcome that could be hoped for at this point. Get the gator out of the water and the boy's body back to his family. Prayers to them.
  9. HM Spectre

    From the OS: Gator drags child into Seven Seas Lagoon

    It's really easy to judge the parents when you aren't in their shoes (or aren't a parent yourself). Every parent, myself included, has had a moment with their child where something could've happened if we were the unlucky ones. How many other parents let their kids dip their feet in Seven Seas...
  10. HM Spectre

    From the OS: Gator drags child into Seven Seas Lagoon

    However many it takes, honestly. It's not just about providing whatever closure they can to the family, it's also about being able to reassure guests that a desensitized gator that just took a child isn't lurking in the water somewhere.
  11. HM Spectre

    From the OS: Gator drags child into Seven Seas Lagoon

    I absolutely hate the internet jump-to-conclusions mobs that form after things like this. How about we stop trying to place blame and instead show some compassion to a family that just lost their young son?
  12. HM Spectre

    From the OS: Gator drags child into Seven Seas Lagoon

    Disney is still a fairly safe place all things considered... don't let fear ruin your good time. Relax and enjoy! But yeah, this is a lot of tragedy to stomach all at once.
  13. HM Spectre

    From the OS: Gator drags child into Seven Seas Lagoon

    Reading this hit me like a shot to the gut... I can't even imagine what the parents are going through. Heartbreaking. I pray this is a hoax but it doesn't appear to be...
  14. HM Spectre

    Orlando Gunman Scouted WDW ...

    I'm not surprised. WDW is a place for happiness and joy for a LOT of people and the sickos in ISIS and other terror groups just want to watch the world burn. They want nothing more than to destroy that happiness. It's just sad that it's come to this... people living inside this country who...
  15. HM Spectre

    WDW to Raise All Buffet Prices By Almost 50%?

    The DDP is good at masking the true outrageousness of food pricing in the same way an all-inclusive does... you think about the price once when you pay it and don't actually think about the true value. But at some point, even if people aren't paying every meal out of pocket (and when they do...
  16. HM Spectre

    WDW to Raise All Buffet Prices By Almost 50%?

    That's the same trick they pull on us with the DDP though... if everyone gets desserts, snacks, etc, it has to be a great value! Don't actually factor in whether we'd buy them or not without the plan, it's a value! For example... I'll use a family of 4 debating between Chef Mickey's and a...
  17. HM Spectre

    WDW to Raise All Buffet Prices By Almost 50%?

    The buffets are already the worst value on Disney property (and the cost for kids who end up just nibbling are just about criminal). Booking our October trip, I avoided them like the plague except for a character meal for the kids and 'Ohana at the wife's request. And I'd say this would be...
  18. HM Spectre

    A Spirited Dirty Dozen ...

    Yep... but given that he has a set retirement date and might even be asked to extend again to transition the CEO role, he could probably do anything short of streaking down Main Street U.S.A. and keep out of hot water. He's in legacy protection mode at this point so of course, how dare anyone...
  19. HM Spectre

    2015 theme park attendance

    Actually, looking at the awesome numbers provided by others in the thread, the end result is that starting with Potter in 2010, UNI has grown their market share by 50%. Since that same point in time, WDW has lost 5% overall market share almost exclusively to UNI. The attendance gains at WDW...
  20. HM Spectre

    A Spirited Dirty Dozen ...

    A $9.99 burger is the least of my WDW food price concerns. That's actually reasonable if the burger is decent. Now... if you want to talk about how reasonable it is to pay $30+ for eggs and Mickey shaped waffles because there's a character walking around the building...
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