Yeah my only point is that any declining numbers as reflected by low wait times at Universal are not the fault of WDW. If I had a nickel for every time I read on here that WDW’s failures are leading to Universal’s surging gains, my family would be financially set for generations. Yet, you are...
Those two things are not mutually exclusive. One can recognize that the parks are indeed ridiculously expensive, while at the very same time concluding that it is worth paying extra money to avoid what has typically been equally obscene crowd sizes and wait times.
I could not disagree more. Universal has been steadily gaining on WDW in attendance over the past couple years. So I guess when Universal’s numbers are good it’s because how fabulous they are but when their numbers are down it’s because they are collateral damage of WDW. Sorry, can’t have it...
The wait times at Universal recently are comparatively even lower than those at WDW. I only point that out for the benefit of the folks who think that the lower attendance and/or wait times is unique to WDW and is somehow their own doing. It’s not. It’s just the way things are going these days...
I am about to experience a MB+ for the first time. Other than charging it and making sure it is linked to my MDE account, what does pairing it to my phone do? The instructions that came with it say to do so, but I’m wondering is that really even necessary?
Thanks in advance to anyone who has...
Totally agree with @Weather_Lady in that there isn't a room anywhere at the Beach Club that is a long walk to EPCOT.
Enjoy your stay there, the place is phenomenal!
Anyone have any updates or knowledge about the magnitude or scope of this refurbishment? It's my understanding that work in the lobby has just begun, but I was wondering what kind of distraction or imposition this work is likely to cause.
Thanks in advance for any insight!
I am also interested in hearing thoughts from people who have used them.
We all just bought them for our upcoming trip, but to be perfectly honest, I’m not even sure what exactly they do. Any insight as to when they light up or make sounds, etc.?
I voted EE because it’s been one of my all time favorites for a long time. But dang, GotG is simply phenomenal. And, of course, BTM is one of the best themed coasters anywhere in the world, IMO.
Nothing I just said had a single thing to do with working inside the Walt Disney Company. Perhaps you might want to brush up on your reading comprehension skills.
That is not correct. They are in power in the sense that they are the new board. However, Disney has the agreement which limits what the new board can do. Those are the facts of what is presently in place. What that means is the new board cannot actually do anything contrary to the agreement...