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  1. goofyguy

    Why Epcot is Moving from "Infotainment"

    “Following trends” is a shortsighted business model that only serves to increase the value of corporate officers’ stock options. It does nothing for the long-term strength or value of the parks. And on the thrill-ride front, Disney well behind the curve and will likely never catch up (nor...
  2. goofyguy

    Which Care Bear are you?

    I'm Grumpy Bear. Now everyone just leave me alone.
  3. goofyguy

    Did anyone watch American Idol tonight?

    Maria ... I've actually seen this show in the US! Unfortunately, since I don't speak Spanish, I've never been able figure our exactly what was going on. Thanks for ending one of the great mysteries in my life. :sohappy: I've come across it a few time because my wife and I like to watch...
  4. goofyguy

    Headin' to New York City - Need Suggestions

    Thanks for the responses. We'll probably visit the MET since that's mentioned by almost everyone that I've talked to. I'd like to go to the Musuem of Television and Radio, but I'm not sure my wife would be very interested. Of course she may have to work most of that Friday (the 31st by the...
  5. goofyguy

    Headin' to New York City - Need Suggestions

    Okay all you world travelers ... My wife is going on a business trip to New York for a weekend, and since the company is paying for the hotel and all, we decided to book me a flight as well. Neither of us has ever been to New York City, so we're looking for suggestions on what to do. We'll...
  6. goofyguy

    Happiest Disney Moment

    Can I narrow this down to one. Don’t think so … **Being 7 years old and leaving the Magic Kingdom absolutely certain that I’d been on a rocket to the moon. **Proposing to my wife in front of Cinderella’s Castle. **The look on my 4 year old daughter’s face the first time she saw the...
  7. goofyguy

    Disney Trumpeting New Theme-Park Musical Plan

    I have a friend that got to see a dress rehersal of the show. She said that it was absolutely fantastic. I'll try to see if I can get her to write up a description.
  8. goofyguy

    what was captain eo??

    Actually, Magic Journeys was originally in the Imagination Pavillion. I believe it moved to MK when Captain EO replaced it.
  9. goofyguy

    William Henson has left us with memories

    Wow ... it looks like he lived about 20 minutes away from me and I never even knew it. It's sad to see another one of the classic animators pass.
  10. goofyguy

    There’s no vaccine for The Wiggles

    Luckily, neither of my kids care much for Barney (although my oldest daughter did audition to be on the show). And I agree the Wiggles are much better, do look like they are having fun, and make great music for kids, but unfortunately, the songs grate on my nerves like fingernails on a...
  11. goofyguy


    While I do plenty of research, we never make a plan. My wife and I are usually there for our anniversary, so we'll get a PS for that, but the rest of the time we just wing it. We go where we want, when we feel like it, and in the process we've discovered many things that we might never have...
  12. goofyguy

    There’s no vaccine for The Wiggles

    As the parent of a nearly 2 year old girl, I must say ... oh how I hate the Wiggles! I'm sure all four of the Wiggles are great guys, and yes, the show is entertaining to children, but if I have to hear one more of those songs .... :hammer:
  13. goofyguy

    IASW: Should I Stay Or Should I Go

    I don't love it, but I still ride it every time I go. Sure it's outdated and cheesy, but it's one of those attractions that just screams "Disney." I know many people who couldn't name a single other attraction at WDW, but they know about IASW. It's an essential part of the Disney history...
  14. goofyguy

    700 Year Old Hidden Mickey Medieval Mickey Mouse? Friday, November 15, 2002 Posted: 9:23 AM EST (1423 GMT) KLAGENFURT, Austria -- Restoration work on an Austrian church has uncovered a 700-year-old fresco that some say bears a striking...
  15. goofyguy

    Deleting Scenarios in RCT2

    Just delete the file from the Scenario folder. I've made one or two unwieldy scenarios myself.
  16. goofyguy

    Who are you?!

    At least your character is good. I got Cruella DeVille. So I got a woman and I'm evil. I think something must be wrong. I'd never try to make a coat out of puppies. (At least not again ... it's very messy) :drevil:
  17. goofyguy

    Blockbuster Video???

    Like I said, it's been a while since I've been in a Blockbuster, so it's entirely possible it's changed. It could also be a test that they are running in Atlanta. They frequently test new enhancements to the computer system in one area to see if they want to expand it to all the stores...
  18. goofyguy

    Blockbuster Video???

    It's been about 6-7 years since I worked for Blockbuster (and just about as long since I set foot in one) so this may have changed, but late fees do not transfer beween locations. At the time, they said they never intended to change this. The main reason is that each store operates as a...
  19. goofyguy

    Have fun with your telemarketers!

    One of the clients that I write for is a carpet cleaning company that actually specializes in removing blood (death scene and biohazard cleanup as they call it). So this one may not work.
  20. goofyguy

    Mickey up for grabs?

    It's been a while since my media law class, but I don't believe the this would allow other companies to use Mickey, just the early cartoons. In other words, a company could could release the early shorts on video (because they would be in the public domain), but they couldn't create new Mickey...
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