Why Epcot is Moving from "Infotainment"


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Original Poster
Epcot is moving away from “Infotainment” type attractions i.e. Spaceship Earth, Horizons, CommuniCore, (soon Wonders of Life I gotta think) and replacing them with more action oriented attractions such as Test Track, Mission Space, and the proposed Spaceship Earth changes.

The reason for this is that the public now has unprecedented access to infotainment and is saturated to the point of wanting a more fantasy/action oriented experience from their leisure time.

Disney does not make uninformed decisions. They religiously track hourly numbers at every attraction, conduct extensive customer satisfaction surveys, and then react to what the public wants.

Back in the late 70s when EPCOT was developed, the average Joe had not seen hydroponics, knew little of geothermal energy, and had probably not seen the history of man played out in a continuous time line.

Now Cable has this all available on a Tuesday night within a click of my sofa, complete with computer generated graphics, celebrity host, and a companion guild on a website.

Below I listed some of the options I had for infotainment this evening on TV as I surfed the net, checking out info on my favorite entertainment destination.

Yet, with all my choices for infotainment, there is still only one place where I can get an adrenalin rush with Aerosmith, see ghosts dance, go on a space mission, ride a run away mine train, splash down in a brier patch, get chased by a dinosaur, and drop down an elevator shaft and wind up in….the Twilight Zone

If Infotainment is your thing, here is a partial list of what’s available:
•Discovery Channel
•Discovery Science
•Discovery Wings
•Discovery Kids
•The Learning Channel
•Travel Ch.
•Food TV
•Home & Garden
•Animal Planet
•The History Channel
•National Geographic

•Not to mention the Internet, wider access to a broader range of literature (mega booksellers such as Borders and Barnes & Noble), and computers.

Remember, the only thing that is constant, is change. Walt knew it, Walt wanted it that way.

That's cool, as long as they don't touch Pirates or the Haunted Mansion.

What do you think?
I don't think anyone could have said it better. Well, maybe Homer J. Simpson, or even Hank Scorpio, but for the time being, you're well informed and even more well written thread shuts the door on all the people who want to leave Epcot as is. I mean, Walt even said it himself ( or should have said it ) PROGRESS! That's what they are doing with Epcot. Progress is necessary to destroy err.... prevail over the competition. And isn't that the way Walt would have wanted it? I think so. :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :hammer:


New Member
FINALLY someone said what so many of us were thinking. Undoubtably someone will respond to this with anti-change statements dripping with icky nostalgic sentiment, but the fact of the matter remains that Disney is changing EPCOT because the majority of people who visit EPCOT asked and wanted these changes. Im ready when you are Project Gemini.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bryy2001
FINALLY someone said what so many of us were thinking. Undoubtably someone will respond to this with anti-change statements dripping with icky nostalgic sentiment, but the fact of the matter remains that Disney is changing EPCOT because the majority of people who visit EPCOT asked and wanted these changes. Im ready when you are Project Gemini.

Disney turned EPCOT Center into Epcot because they're money-hungry. I'm not against change. Let it come. I just don't see why every single change and new attraction has to be a coaster or a sim. Imagineering is good enough to give us the ultimate Omnimover dark ride of the 21st century, but they'd rather go with cheap thrills. Fine by me, if they keep on going like this with Epcot, it's one extra day I get to go to MK, AK or the Studios.



They are doing what people want them to do! Don't you realize which lines are the longest. We are telling them what we want everyday and with a dying park like Epcot if Test Track is bringing in the lines what is that saying? I agree with Disney change things as people want them to be!


Well-Known Member
Re: Epcot

Originally posted by kennyj29
They are doing what people want them to do! Don't you realize which lines are the longest. We are telling them what we want everyday and with a dying park like Epcot if Test Track is bringing in the lines what is that saying? I agree with Disney change things as people want them to be!

Disney didn't become what it is today by giving people cheap thrills. It became what it is today by allowing families to have fun together and by creating memorable and long lasting attractions. Test Track is not an attraction, it's a ride, and not a very memorable one, at that. Many people here at the forums have stated that they went on Test Track the first time to check out Disney's latest and vowed never to go on it again simply because it doesn't offer a repeat value. Like many have said, they can run around with their car really fast without paying Epcot's admission.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Honestly! Am I the only one who's even bothered to watch the Disney's Theme parks special on the Travel Channel? Epcot shouldn't be completely educational. Who wants to be educated on their vacation? Epcot is getting rides that are thrilling, and educational at the same time.


Well-Known Member
We can't change audience demographics, or push people to go ride Carousel of Progress.

Mainstream Audiences who go to Disney want thrill rides, and they don't care about the history of Disney, or what it stands for. A lot of teens (while some are still big Disney fans) rave about Tower of Terror and Rock N Rollercoaster, and Disney hears this, and they just follow that trend.

Let's just hope the Imagineers can pull it off and give us some 20th century disney magic.

Long live 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea


Originally posted by Sketch105
A lot of teens (while some are still big Disney fans) rave about Tower of Terror and Rock N Rollercoaster, and Disney hears this, and they just follow that trend.

“Following trends” is a shortsighted business model that only serves to increase the value of corporate officers’ stock options. It does nothing for the long-term strength or value of the parks. And on the thrill-ride front, Disney well behind the curve and will likely never catch up (nor should it try).

You are all saying “Disney should give the people what they want.” But that’s not how the parks became as successful as they are, how they became the subject of hundreds of websites and the obsession of thousands of people. They got that way by giving people things they didn’t even know they wanted. By opening the doors to unique experiences. By giving people something that could not be found anywhere else.

It’s been said before, but it’s worth repeating. I can go anywhere for thrills. I live 30 minutes from a Six Flags Park, and over the last 10 years I’ve been there 4 … maybe 5 times. And none of those visits has been for a full day. I go in, ride the coasters, go home.

In that same period of time, I’ve been to WDW 7 times, with no trip less than a week, and many at least 2. I could ride the Haunted Mansion over and over again (and have) and never get bored. I can’t say the same for most of the coasters I’ve been on. There’s always something higher, faster, and longer over the horizon, making most thrill rides outdated within a couple of years.

Now … having said all that … I must say that in some respect I agree with fngoofy’s first post. We can get infotainment from many other sources now. But I don’t think that means Epcot needs to dump it entirely. Just find a better way to do it. I have high hopes that MS will still manage to offer up some education while still being thrilling, but Test Track (in my opinion) fails on both counts. Epcot needs improvements, I just don’t believe gutting every attraction and inserting thrill rides is the way to go.

Enough of my rant. I have to get some work done now.


New Member
Originally posted by Bryy2001
FINALLY someone said what so many of us were thinking. Undoubtably someone will respond to this with anti-change statements dripping with icky nostalgic sentiment, but the fact of the matter remains that Disney is changing EPCOT because the majority of people who visit EPCOT asked and wanted these changes. Im ready when you are Project Gemini.

I still think you aren't quite getting our side of the arguement. I like the explanation and understand and agree with it. The only issue I've had is with replacing SE with a non family inclusive ride. Then again, maybe you are referring to others? The rest and progression is fine with me. Once more... perhaps "coaster" is vague or means entirely something different, or perhaps they will do something else. I just don't agree with a typical coaster or a non-family ride in SE, that's all. :)


New Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
Honestly! Am I the only one who's even bothered to watch the Disney's Theme parks special on the Travel Channel? Epcot shouldn't be completely educational. Who wants to be educated on their vacation? Epcot is getting rides that are thrilling, and educational at the same time.

Some people find education quite enjoyable. In fact I'd say on the average the older you get the more you can appreciate and enjoy learning a few things at your leisure. Why not have one park that caters to this. There are 7 major parks in Orlando, One that is more educatonal ain't bad is it?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by goofyguy
“Following trends” is a shortsighted business model that only serves to increase the value of corporate officers’ stock options. It does nothing for the long-term strength or value of the parks. And on the thrill-ride front, Disney well behind the curve and will likely never catch up (nor should it try).

You are all saying “Disney should give the people what they want.” But that’s not how the parks became as successful as they are, how they became the subject of hundreds of websites and the obsession of thousands of people. They got that way by giving people things they didn’t even know they wanted. By opening the doors to unique experiences. By giving people something that could not be found anywhere else.

It’s been said before, but it’s worth repeating. I can go anywhere for thrills. I live 30 minutes from a Six Flags Park, and over the last 10 years I’ve been there 4 … maybe 5 times. And none of those visits has been for a full day. I go in, ride the coasters, go home.

In that same period of time, I’ve been to WDW 7 times, with no trip less than a week, and many at least 2. I could ride the Haunted Mansion over and over again (and have) and never get bored. I can’t say the same for most of the coasters I’ve been on. There’s always something higher, faster, and longer over the horizon, making most thrill rides outdated within a couple of years.

Now … having said all that … I must say that in some respect I agree with fngoofy’s first post. We can get infotainment from many other sources now. But I don’t think that means Epcot needs to dump it entirely. Just find a better way to do it. I have high hopes that MS will still manage to offer up some education while still being thrilling, but Test Track (in my opinion) fails on both counts. Epcot needs improvements, I just don’t believe gutting every attraction and inserting thrill rides is the way to go.

Enough of my rant. I have to get some work done now.
Thank you, you said what I've been meaning to say but with a better English. :wave:


New Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Some people find education quite enjoyable. In fact I'd say on the average the older you get the more you can appreciate and enjoy learning a few things at your leisure.

Absolutely! Plus, I get "FORCED" to learn all kinds of things for work that I would never pursue on my own, so it's nice to choose what I learn about and from whom I learn it when I'm on vacation.


New Member
Change is good, and I don't think disney will ever become a "thrill" park, but lets face it nobody wants to learn on vacation. thats why I think the magic kingdome is more popular then EPCOT. personally I love epcot, but face it universe of energy except for the dinosours can use some more excitement. Body wars is cool, because it's a littly sci fi and fantasy mixed in with reality. I think future world in epcot should delve into the future that could be, Video phones, transporters, imagination, energy, health, transportation. Slogan would be Explore the future through the technology of today. not learning but more fantasy useing today's technology. and I don't like coasters myself but I don't see where a thrill ride done to disney standerds would be a problem, bring more of a younger crowed, so eventually disney can do more. leave the learning aspect of epcot to world showcase.

Epcot Explore the world of today and the future of tomorrow through the technology of today.

in that instance time races, mission space, test track, imagination, all fit perfectly.

on an off topic I would love to see tomorrowland deal more with sci fi, like jules vern, journey to the center of the eart, buzz light year, space aliens, flying saucers, etc. I think things are going to turn around shortly, and besides the JIYI fiasco, I think disney is now headed in a better direction. I am not all for coasters but not against thrill rides. whats great about disney is the mix of regular and thrill rides. not everyone can ride each ride but there are enough rides for everyone in the famile. unlike island of adventure, where there is only 3 or four rides that are not thrill rides.


Well-Known Member
Gee....if television is such a great substitue for experience, why do I bother to ever leave the house?? In fact, why do we even have a public school system? :rolleyes:

For many people, EXPERIENCING life is much more exciting than watching it go by from your couch.

Bringing the ideas from distant television lands to visitors up close is part of the magic that many who go on vacation are seeking, and that can't be ignored.

As far as comments made like "who wants to be educated on vacation", etc.....well, where can I even begin??

In my opinion, if you are not learning something new every day, with every new experience, then you just aren't paying close enough attention.

I can't help but wonder how many more people will be turned off by these "thrill-oriented changes" than will be turned on by them?
EPCOT really DOES have it's own revered place in the grand circle of life - just like IOA and Six Flags do - and it certainly is needed.

Apparently, Disney would be better served by specifically dedicating a park SOLELY to "info-taniment" attractions rather than trying to create a "blended" park that only pleases half of its customers at any given time.

Then those who wanted to could go in and those who didn't want to could avoid it.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
Gee....if television is such a great substitue for experience, why do I bother to ever leave the house?? In fact, why do we even have a public school system? :rolleyes:

For many people, EXPERIENCING life is much more exciting than watching it go by from your couch.


Well said.

I also liked what Goofyguy said.

EPCOT should be different from the Magic Kingdom or MGM or Universal or any other place. It should be enjoyable to visit, but thrills are not paramount.

Actually the fact that the "edu-tainment" channels work is because people love to learn in interesting ways. In fact, it was Walt Disney himself who pioneered this type of program, with his "True to Life Adventures" and features on the Disneyland/Wonderful World of Disney programs.

It seems to me that Disney is losing out by ignoring the success of these types of programs. They have the perfect setup to produce similar LIVE programs at WDW that educate, entertain, AND promote WDW. Why not use EPCOT America Gardens Theatre for a daily Disney Channel or ABC Family program on science/nature/discovery? And maybe include visits to Animal Kingdom?

It seems like the people in Burbank do not know what they have in Florida for TV production. They are sitting on a gold mine. Animal Planet broadcasts from Universal, as does Nickelodeon. And it gives free advertisement. They used to do it for the MMC, but they seem to have forgotten how successful they can be with that.

Edu-tainment TV should not blow out EPCOT. It should enhance it!
Blah Blah Blah

Fact of the matter, Walt wanted a "Utopian" living community. This requires constant expansion and change. Geeze, the people will get what they want if Disney thinks it can make money of it. Apparently after intense market research, money can be made. Project Gemini you have go for lift-off.:hammer:


Well-Known Member
Re: Blah Blah Blah

Originally posted by ArchiDanDisney
Fact of the matter, Walt wanted a "Utopian" living community. This requires constant expansion and change. Geeze, the people will get what they want if Disney thinks it can make money of it. Apparently after intense market research, money can be made. Project Gemini you have go for lift-off.:hammer:

And what a flight it'll be, straight into oblivion, in about 5 to 10 years after it is established.

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