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    Help! 1 or 2 days in March?

    If you only plan on doing one park a day and not park hopping, it is cheaper to buy either a 1 or 2 day one park ticket. Check the rooms at the all stars which are the cheapest on property, if not check some of the budget hotels off property. Only draw back to that is you will have to drive to...

    How bad are the crowds during Easter?

    My wife and I where there for Easter 2002 and it was very crowded. The park never hit capacity but was wall to wall people. Don't worry about the crowds just have a good time. Fast Pass the have to rides. Also during that time they usualy extend the hours and the park tends to empty out...

    Disney Romantics

    Holding hands while scuba diving together in the Living Seas at Epcot. Been there, done that, going again! :animwink:

    Queue stories

    I remember one spring break my wife and I got in line for HM. It was pouring, not a light shower but coming down like cats and dogs. Anyway we had prepared for the weather and were wearing full rain suits jacket and pants like you would were for motorcycle riding. People in yellow ponchos...

    Dolphins in Epcot

    Also if you go to you can read some reviews of people who have done the Dolphins in Depth tour. :sohappy:

    Dolphins in Epcot

    My wife and I did Dive Quest at the Living Seas at the begining of this month. We got to see the Dolphin area but did not have time to interact with them. During the Dolphins in Depth tour you get 30 min. in the water with the Dolphins. If it is run anything like Dive Quest it will be first...

    Ok experts... which moderate priced hotel, and WHY??!!

    My wife and I stayed at the Port Orleans French Quater at the begining of this month. It is smaller by about 1000 than the Riverside so there is less people about. Also the buses service both the French Quater and Riverside. The buses pick up at the French Quater first so you are almost...

    celebrities at WDW

    Yes but did you get his autograph? :D

    Eating at Epcot.

    The Beirgarten in Germany is great, it is done up like a Bavarian beer hall with a band and everything. Best part is its a buffet so you can eat as much as you like. :slurp:

    Introducing WDW to a newcomer

    The only parks I know that do this are the Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom. At the Magic Kingdom the Mayor of Main Street USA will say a few words while waiting for the train to arrive. When it does Mickey and the Mayor officially open the park. At Animal Kingdom the have what is called the...

    Introducing WDW to a newcomer

    I have been to WDW several times and I think the magic hits everyone in their own way. What I mean is what may be the most magical thing for you may not be for everyone else. For me the magic happens when we get to the park. We always try to get their early to watch the opening show. Like on...

    Behind The Scenes Tours

    Over the holidays my wife and I did Dive Quest at the Living Seas. For anyone who is SCUBA certified this is a first class tour. Best dive I have ever done. There was about 3500 fish in the tank to include 4 sharks, 2 sea turtles, countless number of rays as well as fish from over 65 species...

    Has anyone road JIYI lately?

    Rode it 3 times at the begining of this month. Ride worked perfect all three trips.

    Sea Cabs at the Living Seas and Dive Quest

    I would reccomend this dive to anyone who has a certification and is a Disney fan. For a short period of time you become part of the show and experience Disney from a cast members point of view. Most awsome dive I have ever done! The sealife is very unafraid of the divers due to them being...

    Dream Job at Disney?

    Mine would be working as a diver at the Living Seas. Yeah pay me to do what I love!:lol:

    Happiest Disney Moment

    My happiest moment was during our recent trip. My wife and I did the Dive Quest Tour at the Living Seas. During the dive I spotted a small girl in a wheel chair sitting beside one of the windows looking into the tank. I swam right up in front of her and gave her a wave. She returned a very...

    Sea Cabs at the Living Seas and Dive Quest

    I guess I should have called this thread Dive Quest since its is the main focus. Oh well!

    Sea Cabs at the Living Seas and Dive Quest

    Dive Quest and Sea Cabs Just got back from a great but short trip to WDW. The highlight of the trip was a 50 min dive in the living seas. Our dive was Jan 3, 2003 at about 5:15pm. I know there has been alot of posts about the Sea Cabs and I can verify that they are still in the tunnel. Did...

    Best walt disney quotes

    My favorite of his is; "It's kind of fun doing the imposible!"
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