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  1. BlackJackSavage

    Disney to Honor Michael Jackson

    Even OJ was found innocent by a jury in the State of California....:shrug: either way...I had seen EO when it was in the parks....HISTA is much better IMO....
  2. BlackJackSavage

    Disney to Honor Michael Jackson

    I can't see it coming to EPCOT ever. EPCOT is about progress and the future.....I think it would go against that philosiphy to bring back a retro, outdated show like EO. It's funny how everyone forgets he paid a bunch of people off to keep quiet about his child molesting (allegedly)...
  3. BlackJackSavage

    Value Resort Questions

    Pop is best for all of these. I have stayed at all except movies. Pop century was by far the most enjoyable. Bus service alone was worth it. The food court is huge, pools are nice, location to all the parks is fine. Yeah, go with this one, you wont regret it. The theme is fantastic.
  4. BlackJackSavage

    Dasani bottled water up from $2 to $2.50 per bottle

    $2 or $2.50....does it matter, all you're doing is adding to a landfill anyways. buy a refilable mug.
  5. BlackJackSavage

    It happened to me! Ouch!

    Stop blaming Disney. How many times do you go in and out of squeeky doors and nothing happens? How many times do you see it happen to someone elses kid and do nothing? Because it happened to your kid once you want to automatically pawn the blame on others when you are just as negligent for...
  6. BlackJackSavage

    News station reports wand will be down by October!

    or maybe just PM the mod instead of writing this :shrug:
  7. BlackJackSavage

    Help! Crocs have Taken Over Disney!

    While I agree they are comfortable more so than any other sandal out there (I have black open face croc) I disagree with the inexpensive aspect. 30-40 dollars for a sandal is not "inexpensive." The waterproof is good, however it can be a pain, when they do get wet your feet tend to slide...
  8. BlackJackSavage


    It's fine, just tell them to shut their eyes if they are scared easy. First time most people are a bit nervous, but after that first time like anyother ride it will keep you coming back. Star Tours is bumpier than this.
  9. BlackJackSavage

    Started Dieting For Trip

    Hate to burst your bubble, but the first 5-7 pounds are water weight. Think about it. A pound of fat represents about 4000 calories. So unless your sweating like your in an oven and losing that much in one work out all your losing is water weight. However after you lose that, you will really...
  10. BlackJackSavage

    American Idol!

    I saw a little flame starting here and by golly when I see a flame...I NEED TO GO THROW GASOLINE ON IT!!!! The show is dumb, it probably is rigged. Some asked before about proving the show was rigged, well how about the time Paula Skank Abdul was sleeping with a contestant...gee who did she...
  11. BlackJackSavage

    American Idol!

    SURE IS HERE IT IS IN CASE YOU MISSED IT I saw a little flame starting here and by golly when I see a flame...I NEED TO GO THROW GASOLINE ON IT!!!! The show is dumb, it probably is rigged. Some asked before about proving the show was rigged, well how about the time Paula Skank Abdul was...
  12. BlackJackSavage

    American Idol!

    I saw a little flame starting here and by golly when I see a flame...I NEED TO GO THROW GASOLINE ON IT!!!! The show is dumb, it probably is rigged. Some asked before about proving the show was rigged, well how about the time Paula Skank Abdul was sleeping with a contestant...gee who did she...
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