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  1. LoisMustDie

    Cedar Point

    Thank you so much for your concern--but it is not for you to know what or how I feel, let alone to judge me. A thousand pardons for discussing about Cedar Point in a thread entitled CEDAR POINT. If you only want to discuss the Disney parks, then why are you reading this thread? Is this a...
  2. LoisMustDie

    Cedar Point

    Sigh...Here we go again... Ummm...note to genius: these were ALL based on already existing ride designs...hence NO INNOVATION. All you've done is prove my point on how CP can't come up with anything better than making an already existing design a little bit taller and claiming it's "the first...
  3. LoisMustDie

    Cedar Point

    I apologize for the harshness of my post, but I just wanted to disspell CP's unnecessary hubris that they're the best at EVERYTHING. It just sickens me that they think they're the best park when they can't come up with one original idea, and instead wait for other parks to build INNOVATIVE rides...
  4. LoisMustDie

    Cedar Point

    Ah yes, the Cedar Point credo: copy other people's ideas and make them a little bit bigger, so the yahoos that think that CP is the best thing since sliced bread can't stop blabbing on how much "better" it is, fully unaware that bigger does not necessarily mean better (also abhorrent is how many...
  5. LoisMustDie

    To many celebrations??

    I'm not making this up, you know.
  6. LoisMustDie

    Cedar Point

    I live 40 minutes from CP, and have gone there every year since I can remember. Unfortunately I've become disenchanted with the place, and will not be renewing my Season Pass for the first time in five years. However I'm content with visiting once a year, and will be making a day-trip in July...
  7. LoisMustDie

    To many celebrations??

    For those who are disenchanted by the celebration craze -- it won't be letting up anytime soon. Epcot's 25th starts right after Happiest Celebration ends.
  8. LoisMustDie

    Changes coming to Epcot's Extra Magic Hours

    I don't get why Mealstrom is not included'd think that the most popular attractions would get the nod, and since Maelstrom "needs" Fastpass...I guess they just want the WS attractions closed after Illuminations ends so everyone could just shop and eat after-hours. Last I checked...
  9. LoisMustDie

    What is your favorite Star Wars movie?

    You mean all of them? Unless this is sarcasm, you've lost my respect.
  10. LoisMustDie

    Muppet Wizard of Oz

    Point taken...or any other terrible pop "singer" these days. I admit I have not heard Ashanti sing, so please excuse me when I inappropriately lumped her in the same category with the other garbage singers. I guess it's not so bad after all...
  11. LoisMustDie

    Magic Kingdom Ceremony today 5/5/05

    Just for the record, parades and fireworks shows are not technically "attractions" any more than the Fountain of Nations in Future World is. That was what I was going on. And as far as I'm concerned, Buzz Lightyear was officially opened when they HAD THE OPENING CEREMONY on St. Patrick's Day...
  12. LoisMustDie

    What is your favorite Star Wars movie?

    I picked Return of the Jedi simply because I like good endings, and that movie was as good as endings come. I know the Ewoks were kind of stupid, but overall they didn't ruin the film like SOMEONE I know (coughJarJarBinkscough...scuse me). Anyway, I can't see how anyone in their right mind can...
  13. LoisMustDie

    Movies credited to disney that should not be

    This is what I've observed as well. Seemingly every animated movie is credited to Disney, no matter how bad. I recently overheard a conversation at the movie theater where two people were talking about some really obscure animated movie (Fern Gully or Rock a' Doodle or some other disgrace) and...
  14. LoisMustDie

    Muppet Wizard of Oz

    I wonder how well the Muppets will look after all these years of practically nothing (since Muppets From Space or whatever the devil the name was). It will be interesting to see if they retain their distinguished brand of humor after such a hiatus. Knowing that the lead character is Ashanti...
  15. LoisMustDie

    More Proof 05/05/05 is awesome...

    I see where you're coming from, but unfortunately you missed my point. I was INCLUDING the days/months/years in the timeframe. As such, 05:05:05 on 05/05/05 is no more special than 06:06:06 on 06/06/06, or for that matter 05:05:06 on 05/05/05, because they all happen only once every 1000 or so...
  16. LoisMustDie

    Magic Kingdom Ceremony today 5/5/05

    Bravo! You read my mind good sir. I never understood why so many people thought that Disney would announce MORE new rides AT THE START OF the biggest celebration in the parks' histories. People, The CELEBRATION ITSELF is the reason Disney hopes you will come to WDW over the next 18 months...the...
  17. LoisMustDie

    More Proof 05/05/05 is awesome...

    Wouldn't this mean that every second of every day only comes every 1000 (or 7000) years? Unless someone wishes to start a celebratory thread for every second, I fail to see the significance of this... especially compared to, say, July 17th (DL's ACTUAL 50th) or 1/1/00.
  18. LoisMustDie

    What Happened to the What's New, What's Next presentation?

    Perhaps a bit of background before the endless drifts and debates start? Especially for those who have been left in the dark on the info for this particular presentation?
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