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  1. normbalko

    Aersmith replacement?

    KISS and theme parks just go well together. Hasn't anyone seen "Kiss meets the Phantom of the Park"??? Classic piece of cinema.
  2. normbalko

    Aersmith replacement?

    if Aerosmith leaves, the only clear choice is KISS!!! They should have had their own roller coaster years ago anyways!! perfect fit.
  3. normbalko

    Universe of Energy

    oh yeah, it's Ellen's Energy Adventure. I should have thought of that. The science guy sued over someone videotaping??? One more reason to hate that guy.
  4. normbalko

    Universe of Energy

    Does anyone know why Disney is so uppity about videotaping this attraction? I videotaped just about everything else I went on, but I was told before even entering the universe of energy that I couldn't videotape it, and they stopped the ride while I was on it to inform some other guy that he...
  5. normbalko

    Disney Cruise Questions

    Can someone who has been on the cruise give us an idea of what these "on board" activities are? Behind the Scenes??? What's that mean? Just curious as to what you do for 7 days on a boat.
  6. normbalko

    Hidden Mickey???

    i do believe there is some correlation between my grease blotch mickey and your golden corral mickey. someone should look into this, anyone have any similar incidents???
  7. normbalko

    Anyone else think like me?

    i've been told that at the end of Dinosaur the carnotaurus' head comes out of the ceiling and nearly eats everyone. however, i had my eyes closed and didn't get to see it. can anyone confirm this? or does anyone have video or pictures of it? just thinking about it gives me the willies....
  8. normbalko

    Anyone else think like me?

    disneytati, the t-rex on jurassic park is NOTHING compared to the onslaught of the Carnataurus at Dinosaur. the t-rex wasn't even really that scary, but i had my eyes close at the end of Dinosaur! You should keep your eyes open next time! I've seen little kids go on Dinosaur and think nothing...
  9. normbalko

    Anyone else think like me?

    ok, i guess i can understand the fear of heights, that makes sense.
  10. normbalko

    Hidden Mickey???

    This was just so cool, I thought I'd share it with everyone. I was eating lunch last summer, and noticed that some grease had dripped from my hamburger in a peculiar way. Check it out, what do you see???? I swear this wasn't manipulated in any way.
  11. normbalko

    Anyone else think like me?

    Dinosaur scared the pants off of me, but Spaceship Earth??!! How could that scare you!!! I mean, it's dark, but that's about it. You would be a riot to go on rides with!!!!
  12. normbalko

    Anyone else think like me?

    i think Dinosaur would be terrifying! I've actually had nightmares about that. That ride scared the bejeezus out of me.
  13. normbalko


    I stayed at CBR in Jan. 2003. I thought the bus system was great! The few stops the buses make go by very fast, no big deal. And I don't think we ever waited more than 15-20 minutes for a bus to pick us up from any park. We were always impressed by how as soon as we got to a bus stop, a bus...
  14. normbalko

    The World vs. The Cruise Line

    Finally! A couple people coming out to support my side of the debate! It would have made this a lot easier if EVERYONE would have said "I'd take WDW over the cruise anyday", but I appreciate the feedback! :)
  15. normbalko

    The World vs. The Cruise Line

    we had an "old fashioned" camera, but i bought a digital camera shortly after that. i'm sure it would be easy to go nuts at disneyworld with a digital camera! can't wait to use mine there!
  16. normbalko

    The World vs. The Cruise Line

    I'd love to see some pictures! I have all our Disney pictures up on my website.
  17. normbalko

    The World vs. The Cruise Line

    wow, you reply fast! When we went last January we stayed at Carribean Beach, and had a blast. I've honestly never had so much fun in one week in my life. It was my first time there, Sarah had been there a couple times when she was younger, but we both had a blast. REALLY can't wait to go...
  18. normbalko

    The World vs. The Cruise Line

    Hey Kevin! Wow, this is kinda weird! How are you guys? If I lived that close to WDW I would probably make the trip every weekend! Where do you guys live again? Looking forward to Sandy's email! Norm
  19. normbalko

    The World vs. The Cruise Line

    So, you don't suggest a 3 day WDW and 4 day Cruise package? I think 3 days would be good to get my disney fix. But you really need more than 4 days on a Cruise to make it worthwhile?? Anyone out there ever do the 3day/4day package and regret it???
  20. normbalko

    The World vs. The Cruise Line

    We fly out of Marquette to Detroit, then its like a 2.5 hour flight to Florida. When we went to WDW last January we booked thru AAA and got some great deals. What is DVC?? and what does bank and borrow mean??
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