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  1. darthhaider

    So, I Updated My Disney Experience App and...

    Hi again. So, I just updated the My Disney Experience app again. Good news? All of my family members and reservations still appear. Bad news? There is no longer a Fast Pass Plus section. It might be a bit farther off than I thought.
  2. darthhaider

    Fastpass System and EMH?

    Ok. Thanks for the reply.
  3. darthhaider

    Fastpass System and EMH?

    Does the Fast Pass system carry on into the Extra Magic hours? My family is scheduled to arrive at our resort on a Sunday night in July. We are going to head to MK to catch fireworks, and then will stick around for EMH. Will we still be able to get Fast Passes for the extra time, or is it...
  4. darthhaider

    So, I Updated My Disney Experience App and...

    Hi kids! Performed the daily ritual of checking my iPhone app, and my youngest daughter finally appears! Happy times!
  5. darthhaider

    MagicBands WILL become a thing...

    So, when everything is finally announced, does that mean that there will 60 days before they are in use? Meaning, if they get announced May 1st, FP+ reservations will only be available for June 30th and onward? Or, once the word is out, is it general pandemonium for people trying to book...
  6. darthhaider

    Jedi Training Academy

    This is high on my priority list for my July trip too. Just wish that I could fight Vader instead of my daughter getting the chance, but apparently 42 is a bit too old!
  7. darthhaider

    Arriving at around 8:00 PM on Sunday, July 21st. (Any suggestions?)

    Thanks for all of your suggestions everyone. Not sure if I will be able to keep my girls from going to the park. Hey, what time are the MK fireworks?
  8. darthhaider

    Arriving at around 8:00 PM on Sunday, July 21st. (Any suggestions?)

    Thanks for the suggestions. We are flying in from Fort Lauderdale, and are scheduled to arrive at 7:00. I guess factoring in travel time fom he airport, as well as time to check in might make 8:00 a little unrealistic. We are only there unil Thursday morning, so as much time as we can get in...
  9. darthhaider

    Arriving at around 8:00 PM on Sunday, July 21st. (Any suggestions?)

    Hey there! Well, found out that our flight time has changed, and my family will be arriving a bit later than we had planned. I see that MK has the Extra Magic Hours that night. I would assume that by the time we get to the park, all of the fast passes (if they still exist) will be gone...
  10. darthhaider

    So, I Updated My Disney Experience App and...

    Had a lengthy discussion with tech support. Part of the issue may be that I am from Canada. Although I was able to access it before, the My Disney Experience portion of the web site is not available up here. The guy I spoke to was great and tried many things to resolve the problem. It didn't...
  11. darthhaider

    So, I Updated My Disney Experience App and...

    I have called, but to no avail. I was told to just wait and my youngest should appear soon. Still waiting...
  12. darthhaider

    So, I Updated My Disney Experience App and...

    So, are we the very vocal minority, or are most having trouble with this whole system?
  13. darthhaider

    So, I Updated My Disney Experience App and...

    Does anyone know what the target date is to have all of this up and running? Sure seems to be a lot of glitches out there. I can't see Disney eliminating traditional FP and switching exclusively to FP+ in time for the summer rush.
  14. darthhaider

    So, I Updated My Disney Experience App and...

    Normally, I would agree. But, if Fast Pass + is up and running, I would like to book my attractions 60 days in advance. For the whole family, I might add!
  15. darthhaider

    So, I Updated My Disney Experience App and...

    Ha! I guess I have a flair for the dramatic.
  16. darthhaider

    So, I Updated My Disney Experience App and...

    My resort reservation is still all messed up! My wife and I appear with no problem. But, my oldest daughter appears twice (once in all caps), and my youngest doesn't show up at all. We don't leave until July, but this has been giving me grief for months now. Any advice?
  17. darthhaider

    MagicBands WILL become a thing...

    Are these mailed out to us, or do we get them when we check in?
  18. darthhaider

    NextGen / FP+ / Magic Band. The official truth starts to appear

    I have the same thing on my iPad, but not on my iPhone. My trip is in July.
  19. darthhaider

    NextGen / FP+ / Magic Band. The official truth starts to appear

    I must say, I am quite excited about the FP plus, but am quite concerned that my youngest child is nowhere to be found on the my Disney Experience app.
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